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Hi Rob,

I did as you suggested, saw the key attributes screen on the left in PD11 and saw no marks of any kind. I went right down to the frame where the blackout starts.

I saw where all frames were displayed in the preview window. Then it was one frame with image; next frame no image, black; then next frame, image; then all subsequent frames black to the end of the clip.

No marks of any kind in the Key frame settings window and tracks.

What is the file size limitation on attachments. My clips run 7min or 4GB.
I told a friend about my problems with a marker on a clip that cannot be seen. He said most Video edtiing has a command that shows all markers on clips.

Do you know of such a command/toggle in PD11?
Hi Rob,

Thanks, I'll check out the conversion factors.

I use my cameras for still photo work and only recently started doing video with them. For camcorder I have a Canon Vixia HF S10 that does the non-stop video recording, until you run out of power or card space.

All of them make auto-clips. Again the limit is 4GB or 29:59 min to make a new clip. On that basis all my Vixia clips at highest resolution run about 20min where they are made automatically and it keeps on recording until power or card space runs out.

I used to think Vixia files were big until I started using the 7/6Ds. So not only the cameras but the storage requirements in both capacity and speed go up.

Best Regards,

Hi Rob,

Sorry to hear about all the split issues. But at least I am not alone.

My files are from Canon 7D and 6D and read as Quicktime MOV files. Per your referenced thread these are "large" video files.

File size is dicated by Canon and the movie industry, split at 4GB or 29min59seconds, whichever comes first. On the 7D I get about 12 minutes per 4GB at full HD 1920x1080, and in the 6D, about 7 minutes in ALL-1 compression. Since my movies are 1 hour long, yes, these will be splits. Also there are process splits such as removing errors or filming stopping/starting and talent error correction. So each 1 hour movie has 15-25 spilts.

Sounds like PD11 is being stretched with my system.

I updated my Quicktime and the graphic driver. For my GeForce GTX 765M it is now 311.41 and no longer the BETA version

So how do you convert them to another format?
OOPs, there is more.

I went back and fixed 6 clips. Went the the oirgional download from the camera. Made a copy of the damaged clips, then copied that copy to my project media files.

Then inserted them into the project timeline.

All looked good. In the reveriew window all clips were clean with live video in each clip. No frozen video or blacked out regions.

Previously, with my new ASUS computer the blackout did not appear on the preview window, except if I moved the curser to that region, then it showed the black out with the subtitles visible. Once started mid blackout region, it would go to the frozen or still image until the next clip.

So after supposedly fixing them all I was producing to file and noticed that the screen was frozen, then released. OH MY, it was back!

Then I viewed the origional file and found the following wierdness. In roughly the same place as seen on the movie file, the screen froze till the end of the clip, 7:26. I was viewing in the bundeld Xbox that came with Windows 8 on my new computer. At 5:58 min the screen froze at stayed that way to the end of the ckip. If I restarted at 6:0, the motion was back and all looked well. And played properly to the end of the clip. Similar to what I was seeing on the PD11 preview window.

So there appeared to be a region on the video clip of about 1 or 2 seconds, 5:59 or 6:0, it was hard to get it exact. If I stopped prior to 5:58 and restarted playing at 6:0 it worked fine to the end of the clip. Restart at 5:58 or 5:59 and the screen remained frozen to the end of the clip. Again, this was with Xbox, but it acted similar to my produced file.

In the produced file, the frozen region was about 1 min and 15 seconds. In the origional file once it passed 5:58, it stayed that way to the end of the clip, unless I restarted at 6:0. But none of this was seen in PD11 Edit preview window. There all looked well.

For an immediate fix, I removed a section from the clip in PD11 edit to make the presentation sound reasonble, about 1 min 30 seconds, and made a new video file. No frozen scenes. Run time to make a 49 min movie was 25 minutes.

So then I went back to the timeling and removed 3 seconds in the offending region, and made another movie file. In the preview as I made the movie, at the time of the previous freeze, 36:42 min into the movie, there was no freeze of the video. So cutting out just that small section seemed to fix it.

So I went back and viewed the whole movie and found two more similar regions. Oh Joy!

So some sort of toggle command got into the clip.

I was able to go back and look at the source camera SD cards. There is no such image freeze, so the glitch got put in on clip file download, or perhaps I was not so good in my project workflow. That is a recovery path, but does not explain why PD11 Edit preview window does not show what is rendered.

In the courrupted clips there is no flash of light or any evidence of this toggle except that the screen freezes in movie view or the DVD..

BUT PD11 Edit preview does not show this toggle. But the final renedering for files or DVD do.

Any ideas?
Thanks Carl

Do you have any recommendations?
And Cheers to you, good sir!

The key was when you suggested I try the clip in a single project and see if the blackout comes with it. And it did.

That meant that PD11 had somehow corrupted the source clip. And to recover I had to go back to the orgional clip. Thank God I had followed that Project Managememt workflow.
Thanks Carl,

The setting for 24fps was intentional, all the problems with PD11 were not. My goal is to produce 24fps videos just like the 24 fps movies that play on my DVD players.

Are you suggesting that PD11 is not good for this purpose? If not, what do you suggest I use?

What I am glad of is that this discussion can be a resource for anyone with the same issues. I am eager to see what other chasms I will have to negotiate.

I really do like the subtitle feature in PD11, and so I will stick with it if I can.

Again, thank you to all who helped.
Hi Tony,

If I put the same clip at the end of the movie, a duplicate of the same clip, m200, from the media tray, it has no black out.

Seems to be a combo of that clip and that space in the timeline.

The problem moved with the pac so it is in the project file.

If I take the clip, m200, and move it to the end of the movie on track 1, still has the same black out, but no subtitles as they stayed behind.

If I move m200 to the end of the movie, insert a new copy of m200 from the media tray into the same space, the new m200 has the same blackout

If I take another clip, say m206, and put it in the same place on the timeline as m200 was, it has no blackout and the subtitles play properly, over the now working video.

I then delete m206, put in a new m200 from the media tray, the m200 now has the blackout.

Opened a new project and use just that clip, m200, starting a 0:0:0, same blackout! Did it aqain, put in next to the first m200, and both have the same blackout. Went to the origional clip, as I only used copies, put it into the project, and it had no blackout!!!

So made copy of origional m200, called it m200 copy, saved it inthe pac file, and import it to the new single clip project. It has no blackout.

So imported it into the real project file, deleted m200, inserted m200 copy, and blackout gone!

Good thing I followed that PD Project Managment clip I found on YouTube!

It appears that the core issue was that the corruption of the m200 clip occurred on my slower computer as I tried to get the titler to work for me like I wanted rather than what it wanted. Probably as I did not yet learn to let PD11 do its thing, no matter how long it takes. So I am a bit more patient, even on my faster new machine. I am so glad I can move forward from here.

Hi Tony,

Yes, screen goes black but subtitles are visible in DP11 Edit mode in the preview screen. On the new ASUS machine it somethimes shows the frozen last frame vide, just like seen on the DVDs.

I unchecked hardware acceleration, played the clip again, and no change.

This effect started when I first got DP11, a nubee, and was running it on my old 2008 Gateway. Then I bought my new computer and loaded PD11 Ulitmate Suite to make this my media machine. The problem moved with the file pac to the new machine.

I did not update any drivers as this model is fresh from ASUS. I updated the drivers on my older Gateway also in an attempt to get PD11 to work at more than a turtle crawl. I gave up and got a new laptop.

So I assume the ASUS DxDiag is correct, but no, I have not updated any drivers on it. I checked the GeForce website and the BETA is the latest version, published June 25, 2013, barely a week old. GeForce says is does auto updates as they come out.
Hi Tony,

The only things that happened in this region are
- tried making a title here before I knew about the subtitle function, that is when the black happened
- no triming, as this was an "auto clip" made in the camera when 4GB was reached, 6 min, there was no editing to fit or match the next clip or the previous clip.

No other editing in this clip other than I started to put in subtitles, but the black out effect was already in place.

Yes the default in Preferences for enable harware decoding was checked.

I was working on making a title and the black screen appeared, probalby something I did in my clumsiness. Anyway I deleted the title and started using subtitles instead.

If I move the clip from track 1 to track 3, the blackout remains.

Screen shot attached showing visible subtitle but blacked out video.
Hi Carl,

I did go to the Edit-Preferences, General and found TV Format. And yes, it was set to PAL. So I changed it to NTSC 30 fps.
As soon as I did, I got a notice that the imported files are 23.97 and does not match the project setting of 29.97.

I had read somewhere in the forum that since I was using 24fps, it was better to set it to PAL 25 rather than NTSC 30. Is this the setting you are mentioning?

I will make a DVD now, with this revised project setting and see what the results are. It will be with enhanced machine, no folder, speed of 3.0. If it is not good, I will reset to no enhanced and with folder.
My source clips are from a Canon 6D, 24fps, ALL-1 compression.

I was making a title mid-clip, before I learned about the wonderful subtitle feature which I now really like, and it seems to work well for me. But as I was working with the title it is like I put a black mask on the timeline to the end of that clip.

If I put another copy of the same clip in another place on the timeline, there is no blacked out region on the video clip. So the origional clip is unchanged, or the timeline where it plays is unchanged.

In the blacked out region the subtitles appear properly in the preview window and the final DVD. If I make a Produced file or DVD, that region, about 5 minutes of a 6 minute clip in a 58 min video, at about 10 minutes from the beginning, the video freezes until the place where the next clip starts and normal video, well synced to the audio, starts playing. So no blacked out region, but a frozen video image of what appears to be the last frame before the blacked out region. The subtitles are clearly visible in this region.

If I delete the clip in PD11 Edit mode, while I have not made a file or DVD, in the preview window the video goes black over the next clip in the same timeline as it was on the previous clip. So the effect appears to be on the timeline. Yet I see no commands on the timeline anywhere.

This is a simple movie with the clips on track 1, one transition effect at the 10 seconds, a VO on track 2 audio, at a title at the beginning and the end of the movie. The SVRT track is a solid red line from begining to end of the movie, there is no chapter title in the blakced out region, lot so subtitles in the subtitle line, nothing on the Title line even with the curser at full + resolution in this area, and nothing on any of the other tracks except for the VO track. When this blacke dout region first appeared I had no titles or VO anywhere.

Or in Edit mode, if I start playing the clip where it is good, when the black region appears, the video image freezes, just like I am seeing in the final file or DVD. In this region on the timeline, in the preview window, the subtitles appear on the screen, either over a blacked out video, or a frozen video of the scene just before this blacked out region. This is true no matter what video clip is in that timezone.

When I deleted that region I chose the "remove and move clips on same track" or "all tracks," the blacked out region remains over the new clip.

I moved that clip from track 1 to track 3, and the blacked out region remained the same. On this playback in the preview window is was the frozen screen image.

So how can I remove this "black mask" or video freeze command, and get the origional video back?
The DVD made from PD11 with the preferences set at NTSC 30 looks and sounds just like the ADP11 DVD made from a PD11 produced file. So no pixilation and both run on the old TV DVD player. Both appear to be of the same video quality when the DVDs are played on the TV DVD player

But both seem to have an echo added to the audio that is not heard in the origional clips in PD11 edit mode.

I assume that PD11 is adding the echo somewhere.

I would prefer not to have the added echo sound. Does anyone have any ideas on this?

QUESTION: When I play it back on my old computer with CL PowerDVD7, the sound is like on the clips - no echo. It is only 2 channel. So I suspect the Dolby Surround sound feature. Any idea on how to turn this off so result DVD is only 2 channel if I want it?

Should I make this a new subject on the forum?
I have been struggling with similar issues.

I found my culprit was in the Project Preferences - General tab where I had set it to PAL 25 and not NTSC 30. When I reset it, PD11 would make DVDs that would run on my 8 year old TV DVD player.

The PAL DVDs would play just fine on my computer DVD players, PowerDVD 7 and 10.

As our situations may be different, here is the full discusion so far.

The DVD from PD11 with the preferences set at NTSC 30 looks and sounds just like the ADP11 DVD made from a PD11 produced file on my 8 year-old TV DVD player.

But both seem to have an echo added to the audio that is not heard in the origional clips in PD11 edit mode.
When these DVDs play on PowerDVD 7, which states that it is 2 channel, there is no echoe/reverb effect.

I would prefer not to have the added echo sound. Does anyone have any ideas on this?
Thanks Capt'n Kevin,

I found the same answer a few days ago, burn to file and use that file to make DVD in Adobe Premier Elements 11. Since then I disocvered the problem for me was in the Project - Edit - Preferences - General setting to match my NTSC DVD players.
Thanks Carl,

That Toshiba player handles DVD-R discs

See status report above that I finally got the PD11 DVD to play per your suggestion to check the NTSC settings in the Project Preferences. But that leaves me questions on how to handle 24fps in PD11, and even if PD11 is the program I should be using.

Hi Carl,

I found a setting in Edit-Preferences-General where I did had it set to PAL 25. I had read somewhere that since all my clips are at 24fps, it was better to use the PAL setting of 25.

I reset it to NTSC-30 and remade the DVD in PD11, no folder, enable hardware decoding on a Falcon blank DVD-R, write speed of 3.0.

For information, previously I had set in Produce-Country/Format of disc to NTSC when I made the video file AVC1920x1080/24p 16Mbps. The settings in APE11 for DVD creation was NTSC.

The PD11 DVD with the new setting in Edit-Preferences-General WORKED! It had no pixilation and the TV DVD player opened it just fine!

Thank you one and all!

1) what penalty did this setting cause when using 24fps clips in the final DVD?

2) what are the best settings througout with the 24fps clips?

3) How do we handle it when we have clips of different fps in the same project? Say a mix of 60-30-24-25.
Thanks for the input.

I made a DVD on the same burner using Adobe Premier Elements, and it works just fine on my computer and old TV DVD player, and no pixilation.

So in my opinion, the burner is capable of burning good DVDs.

I use DVDs from WTS Media that are lifetime gauranteed by them, and have now produced good DVDs from this ASUS burner.

But I will look up your reference.
Hi Carl,

I do not know where there is a setting for NTSC or PAL in the DVD creation.

For making the Produced video file, I have it set at NTSC and not PAL.

I see no similar option in the Create Disc area. Is there one?
Hi Carl,

USA, near Philadelphia, PA.
PD11 set for US NTSC, no PAL settings in PD11 that I am aware of.
The "old TV DVD player" is a Toshiba and has been in use for the last 8 years, and typically works very well with store bought and home made DVDs (prior to PD11).

The clips are at 24fps, and when the intermediate PD11 file is made into a DVD with Adobe Premier Elements 11, it plays fine on the old DVD player with no pixilation. The PD11 Produced file is AVC 1920x1080, 24p (16Mbps) and for the 58 min of content is 6.33GB. The DVD is at 3.9GB.

When I imported the 24fps files into PD11, I get a notice that they are not 30fps and asked if I want to sync to the project, I said no. Now when I made the first DVDs that showed the pixilation but would play on the DVD player, I think I agreed to the syncing. Those made more recently when I used the pac file to move from the old computer to the new ASUS computer, I did not sync.

So can I sync the clips to 30 for the PD11 edit mode after the fact? Then I can test if that is the reason the PD11 discs are not read by the DVD player.

Yet there is no pixilation or no problem being read if the intermediate file is made by PD11 and then imported to APE11 to DVD creation. And that is a video file made from the un-synced clips.
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