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Thanks for quick reply. So I need to wait for CS to send me a link like they did for my other versions. I have already paid for PD13 that is on other computer.
I had just purchased PD13 on 11/28/2014 and then had a computer crash. I have a new computer and have reinstalled PD11&12 so I can install the upgrade PD13.

Support was to send me a download link to install PD13 on new computer, along with PD11&12, but failed too. I downloaded the trial version hoping I could find where to enter my product key to activate it. But I can't find any place to do this.

Does anyone know if this is possible, or do I need to wait until Monday when CS opens?

I have over 7 hours of family film footage covering twenty some years. I already am trying to burn them to four separate DVD's. I may look at reducing each to an hour and thirty minutes per DVD. That would only add one extra to burn.

I have no idea what type TV will be used as I am making a few copies for different family members that all have different TV's. I thought someone here once recommended to output at 480 and 4.3 for this type of work. I may have misunderstood the suggestion. I understand the 4.3 ratio and that has worked better for editing, etc.

I am going to transfer the same video to my computer at 1080 and see what the difference is.

Regarding the burning to dvd, any ideas? What is meaning of the error number?

Thanks for the help.

Thanks Carl for quick response. I do have 8.5 selected. If I don't I get a message right when I try to burn that there is not enough room on the disk. But I do have it selected.

I am transferring 8mm reel to reel using my canon vixia HG20 camcorder. I capture the images using 30fps and output at 4.3 with a lower resolution of around 420x? but not sure without looking. I am wondering what would give the best quality overall. To produce it as an MP4 at 2048x1536 at 30, or another setting. Would that be better than just directly burning to DVD as I am in this case? Of course any improvements I make increases rendering time. So I try to limit my use of video enhancement, denoise, etc if I can.

So, besides resolving the immediate issue I'd like advice on best option to produce the product.

I have attached the actual error message. I have the latest build installed on the computer. I am using a DVD+R DL disc but I don't know what "layer jump address not complete" means. I am in a hurry to finish this project for someone and got hit with this. Please help.

And.... That's what its all about!!!!
Thanks all. I went and just installed the latest build, 2930 and that was all it took. Everything is working good now.

When you say "uninstall PD" do you mean both versions? I reinstalled PD12 only, and didn't get the activation request for PD11 like I did when I installed PD12 for the first time on this computer.

So, once I get PD12 reinstalled correctly, should I then be able to open my projects? Also, should I then only install 2930, and no others? I guess I thought each update was fixing something separate from other updates. So 2930 contains all previous fixes in other builds?

Thanks for the information. I will uninstall/reinstall PD11 and 12 later today. I sent a ticket to CS to ask for my PD11 info. I had lost the DVD and product key for it. They had to send it to me when I originally installed PD on this computer.

I have PD12 Ultimate installed. Yesterday I had trouble with error eC00C0005 when trying to burn a DVD. I found a previous subject question with similar problem and person told to try and install update build 2230. I installed this update, and all others related to PD12 as I recently reinstalled PD12 about two months ago, but had not tried burning a DVD in that time.

After this I tried to open one of my projects in PD12 and got message that project was created in a newer version of PD.?? I tried reinstalling PD12 and still have the same issue. Any ideas what might be happening.

My PD12 was an upgrade from PD11. I did try to open PD11 on the computer and message says I have MUI files missing. Can this be related to my problem?

Thanks for any help.
I used te cleaner but I missed that step. I will try removing PD12 once again, use the cleaner, and remove the files. Hopefully that will be the end of any issues.

Thanks again.
I have finally had success installing PD12. But when I try to open preferences I am getting the Improper Argument message and unable to change preferences.

Thanks Carl for all your guidance and support.

Thanks for sending this info to me. I ran PD11 first and then restarted. Then I ran PD12 and restarted. I did this sequence three times and still having problem removing Power Director ultimate, Suite 102 from Program & Features.

I went ahead and tried to install PD11. Last night when I reinstalled it I had the error window saying something about setup.exe could not be created. Now I am getting a different error message that I have attached. I just sent all this information to support via email. I am concerned that I may be at the point of reinstalling the OS. I hope not.

No luck on reinstalling PD11.

I noticed in Program and Features that PowerDirector ultimate, suite 2 is still there. Yet I have tried to uninstall it several times. When it starts the uninstall a window opens showing about 8 or 9 supporting programs and PD12 is listed. I have tried selecting all and then uninstall and I have tried selecting individual items, but nothing is removing this.

I went ahead and installed PD11. Near the very beginning an error window opened saying something about setup.exe file could not be created. Then the install continued normally.

Yet when I go to run it I have the same issues I have had from the beginning. I have attached 3 pictures. One of sample videos in the library showing one of them I had moved to the timeline. The video in the timeline still doesn't show in preview as a "whole." If the vertical timeline bar is over a certain point then PD11 will render just that small portion. If you start at the beginning of the video and hit play in preview then the video will be rendered piece by piece.

So I attached another picture that shows the video in the library and how it appears that the whole thing has been rendered.

The last attachment is from program & features showing the suite 2 still installed.

I am almost ready to call tech support and pay the money to get help. This is really a strange one to me, and I'm not sure what I did to screw this up.

I also had gone into regedit and removed everything I could find related to cyberlink. That's why I am also confused as to why Suite 2 is still installed?

Thanks for everyone's assistance on this. Please let me know if I should just call tech support.


This evening I discovered that when I removed PD12 and PD11, that evidently one or both weren't totally removed from the system before I reinstalled. Can't quite explain it all.

I have gone into regedit and removed all signs of cyberlink that I could find. I am now going to reinstall PD11 and then PD12 and see what happens.

Earlier, when I found these things out, in program and features PD12, or PD11, weren't listed,yet the icons were on the desktop and you saw that the program opened up by my attachment. So I don't know what was, or is going on, but hopefully these next steps will resolve it.

Okay. I'll set things back the way they were. I will check on the drivers, etc. It worked fine and then I had an issue that I uninstalled PD12. I then had to download PD11 as I had deleted it as well and then couldn't find my CD. PD12 is an upgrade version of PD11. It was after this that I had my problems. Not sure if that tells you anything?

Thanks for your help and attempts at fixing this.

I was able to make the change that you recommended Brogus1 but no luck. I imported brand new video into PD12 and I get the same result. I also tried things in PD11 to no avail.

I only changed VMR7 to 9 in PD12. Maybe I should have done it in PD11 as well?

Perhaps I will call Sony and see if they can help. I am not sure what else to do. I appreciate the help. I hope something can be found to fix this.


I was able to find the video on a second computer I had put it on awhile back. It had not been saved as a shadow file, yet PD12 still won't show it in the preview window. I am hoping that Borgus1 has me headed the right direction. If you have any more ideas I would like to hear them.

Thanks for responding Borgus1.

I have gone down to PD12, but when I click on each item listed below I can't find VIDEO RENDER anywhere. You said COMPUTER\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\CYBERLINK\POWERDIRECTOR12 (11, in that version) But what was I to click on

I am guessing you are on the right track with this, I just need a little more help. I did open your attached image, but in there I can't tell what you had clicked on either to get to where I need to go.

I didn't know about shadow files in PD12. I had recently installed PD12 on my old computer. When I saved everything to an external drive from the old computer I must have saved all shadow files.

I have let the shadow file be rendered in the library, with the icon turning green, and then placed it in the timeline. I still end up with the same issue. I have tried converting the file to MPEG4 and then put it in the library and timeline, but I still have the same problem. So, if I am working with only saved shadow files do I need to recapture all the video from the 8mm film? This is possible, but will be time consuming.

The original video files no longer exist. I may have one more place I had stored the video files, but I doubt that. I hope you can give me another option before I recapture everything.

I have tried the video format I usually use, as well as a couple others, and this doesn't make any difference either.
I have attached two dxdiag files. This may not be the entire dxdiag info for the computer, but being new to W8 I am not sure at the moment how to get back to it and save the whole file. (If that makes any sense?)

Thanks for the response. I did this update, and the one for the nvida graphics card. Neither update has resolved the issue. I am in the process of installing all the other updates right now.
Any other ideas?

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