I just discovered the existance of drop zones, specifically video wall drop zones. (Ex. https://stupidraisins.com/titles/wall-pop/) However, so far, they seem to be plugins only available for use with Final Cut Pro X. Is there such a thing for PowerDirector??
Ok. Yeah, not having done that, it's not something I'm familiar with. But I'll look into HandBrake and see what I can learn. Thanks.
Thanks, JL_JL, for your message. When you say reduce a video to a smaller framesize (maintaining aspect ratio), do you mean simply drag a corner in the preview area, or use the Scale sliders in the PiP Designer? And then produce it at the same settings I plan to produce the finished video, say MPEG-4 4K 3840 x 2160/30p (50 Mbps)? That individual video would no longer fill the entire frame, but have a lot of black background around the musician's video. Or is there some other way to reduce the framesize that will still fill the entire frame?
Thanks, StevenG, for your message. I don't believe it's a problem with over taxing my system. I've built the PC within the past year and have created 10 virtual choir videos in that time. My most recent video utilizes over 50 singers and instrumentalists. The problem only occurrs with certain individuals. And has reoccurred with some of them over the course of several projects, so I believe it's specific to the individuals' videos. I have no control over anyone's camera/phone settings. So if it's a frame rate issue, is there a frame rate for the project which will minimize or eliminate this from happening?
If you go to the 45 second mark on the above link, you'll see a bit of it with the violinist in the lower left hand corner.
In a virtual choir video, there are many clips playing at once. They are recorded at whatever frame rates the singers phones are set to. I have noticed some of them drop a frame (one per second?) once they're shrunk down and playing together, both in the preview and after it's rendered. (Strangely I often don't see this happen in said videos before I shrink them down.)
A. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this?
B. Is there a frame rate for the project that could prevent or minimize this from occurring? Or would that make no difference?
Thank you,
Is it possible to fix the color/lighting in just one area of a clip? And if so, how? Someone's hands were too close to a light source and are ghost white. I've played with all the controls and so far not only do they overdarken the rest of the picture, they are not darkening the hands.
Is there no way to rotate a clip toward/away from me? Either vertically or horizontally?
Someone asked almost the same question in the PD19 forum this morning. You won't be able to open the sample project in PD18 but the steps and other suggestions may help.
Thank you,optodata for the suggestion. First, my apologies for accidently posting here in v. 18 forum; I have 365.
Your example is related, but not what I want to do. In the attached snapshot of the video, I would like to have everyone angled in toward the center. So I need to pull the left edge of the left-side people forward, and the right edge of the the right-side people forward. Once I rotate the clips, I don't want any further movement. People on the outer columns will be angled in more. Make sense?
Is there a way to rotate a clip along the x or y axis, i.e., any of the four sides rotate toward or away from the viewer? If so, how?
A suggestion that may work for you.
Use the Chroma key filter on the purple color of the video with the clips.
Does not have the same color in the clips should work
Thanks so much for the suggestion, AVPlayVideo. These virtual choir/ensemble videos have so many individual clips running at once (the singers enter after this introduction), using the chroma key almost always affects something within at least several of the musician's tiles. In this case it did eliminate the unwanted border, but also affected several clips. After much experimentation, I found the best case scenario so far was using settings of Color Range: 4, and Denoise: 4.
I tried using a different background color (bright green) in the imported clip, but that reintroduced those black lines.
Just under the chroma key section is a border section. I thought perhaps if I addedd a border the same purple color, that might obstruct what's going on with the black lines. But that purple border gets added to the outside of the clip, not along its edge. So that didn't help.
So still looking for solutions.
I am creating clips in one project that I import into a master project where I assemble them with fades, effects, etc. This is working fine except in this intance: I'm using keyframes to start a clip at a reduced size and then expand to fill the screen. (See attached.) As it's expanding, it is showing flashing black lines on the right and bottom sides of the clip. This wouldn't be a problem if my background were black, but it's a light purple. The purple background is the exact same color in both the imported clip and the master project. I suspect this will happen with any movement of an imported clip where the sides are visible.
Any help preventing these black lines would be much appreciated.
Yep. Yours plays. Mine doesn't. So you don't get anything to select under "Input Device: Select a Device to Record" either? Could it be a Sound Control Panel issue?
Just tried using Screen Recorder 4 for the first time. I want to capture an audio mixing session from Cakewalk SONAR. It captured the screen fine, but no sound. (I can hear the sound fine while I'm recording.)
The audio preferences box doesn't show any devices under input device. The System Audio button is on, with the mix all the way up to System.
Maybe something like this template from DirectorZone would work
Thanks, optodata. I'll check out that template. If not exactly what I'm looking for, maybe I can tweak it.
Most likely you'll be stepping up to a more advanced effects program like After Effects.
But I've no idea if there are templates for that or if you'll be creating it from scratch.
Thanks, StevenG. I don't know anything about After Effects, but I'll look into it. Do you know if that's something that would replace PowerDirector in the process or integrate with it?
I want to step up my virtual choir graphics. I'd like to have the singers' tiles on a sphere that rotates. It would be about 25-35 faces covering a 3-D, rotating globe. Can anyone point me in the right direction? And if I can do that, maybe I can do the same with other geometric shapes moving in other ways.
Yeah, the steps are pretty big and are very noticeable on the FX.
If this is for an ending, you're much better off using a transition which is meant to be smooth. I show 4 different ones available in my PD365 setup, and you can split a clip to provide a place for the transition if needed. You may want to place the second part of the clip on a track above and starting slightly before the blurred clip ends for a seamless transition.
If you need more control take a look the Pixelan BlurMaster plug-in.
Thanks, optodata. You mean like the Fade transition?
Since posting, I tried NewBlue Soft Focus effect. What do you think of that? It appears to be much smoother.
I've placed a blur on an image, and with keyframes I've got it going from a Degree of 5 down to 0 over about six seconds. The ttransition is not smooth, but rather you see it change from 5 to 4, then 4 to 3, etc. Is there a better way of doing this to get a smooth transition from blur to clear or vice versa? I've tried both 'Blur' and 'Gaussian Blur'. Same results.
I'm searching for religious imagery with the new built-in Shutterstock button in the media content area. Not much is coming up for what I want. However, if I go to shutterstock.com and perform the same search, I get much more material.
1) Is there a way to get all that material from within PowerDirector, or are we getting just a small sampling of their library?
2) Is there a way I can log in with my PowerDirector info to access everything on their website?
Thanks, optodata. It sounds so complicated, I guess I'll just save the Shutterstock material to the very end and just do it on one PC.