Hi Jeff - thanks for your reply...
As regards the preview window I normally have this open on a second monitor and thus gain the area in the main window for usually the library, but when I do a Color Match which works well, and close the operation, my preview window is closed and reverts to being part of the main window again. Annoying as now I have to detach and reposition and resize the preview window back onto the second monitor.
If PD18 does not remember screen settings, what does "Auto-save Dual-screen settings" mean? Its listed in the version comparison table for PD18 Ultimate.
I understand what you say about the trial version, I'm not necessarily going to see exactly what I want. Thanks.
Interesting point you highlight with regard to the "update" to PD18 as opposed to the outright purchase. Am I right in understanding that an "upgrade" at a cheaper price is just going to replace bits of PD16 to provide all the new features - but at the expense of now not being able to revert to the previous version?
Surely while I retain the original download files for PD16, I always retain the ability to comletely uninstal PD18 and reinstal PD16? I would not be pleased if this adventure into PD18 were a one-way path.
Thanks again Jeff your input is interesting and helpful