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Quote: is this when you want to produce a disc or a single file?

mine is also grayed out when i want to produce a disc but it works fine when i produce a single file in mpeg2 format.

Tried that and every other option, seems like a waste of money.

I have XP Pro installed, PD Ultra 7.0.2519, ATI Radeon 4870 card, latest ATI drivers, Avivo & CC 9.3.

but "Enable GPU hardware video encoder" checkbox is grayed out.

I have Power Director 7 Ultra with a Radeon HD 4870 graphic card

The "enable GPU hardware video encoder" is faded (not available) & I've tried every bit of advice from Dafydd Bevan - SoftDeko to no avail.

Please Help.

Thanks David for the reply,

I did contact customer service saturday my time Australian, and forgot they're a day behind, they replied by my time wednesday and all is OK!

Thumbs up to customer service

Thanks Bill
Please Help

I just purchased the upgrade and download of
does not start,
"the server returned an error response:403=Forbidden"
appears at the start of download.

I had a trial version of PowerDirector7 that I uninstalled.

I also tried downloading and installing "CyberLink.2521_VDE080828-01.exe' and when I enter my serial number it asks for a trial activation pack from my hard disk?
Please Help
Very good point vn800rider, I bought a Palit HD4870 Sonic Dual Edition and on the box mine said it needs 2x 75w 6 pin PCI-Express® power connectors with 500w or greater PSU. I've got a 650w PSU so if I crossfired I'd be right on the boarderline.

PowerDirector 7 optimized for ATI Stream technology will be available on
CyberLink`s online store early February.

Hope it's works about 100x better than avivo video converter.

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