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cyberlink should have live chat
Mac J. [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 17, 2012 16:51 Messages: 1 Offline
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cyberlink should have live chat
Senior Member Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Oz. Joined: Mar 09, 2007 07:07 Messages: 233 Offline
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And why do you like Indian call centers?
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Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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Quote: And why do you like Indian call centers?

Because they work better than a message in a bottle, which is what CyberLink's support sometimes resembles. Jerry Schwartz
Calsi [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 11, 2012 21:59 Messages: 35 Offline
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Hey Jerrys,

That was a terrific response, brilliant, spot on, loved it.

Made my day.
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Having BEEN an American Technical Support call center in the past (not necessarily better or worse than an Indian Call Center, by the way) ...I comment: I would only do it if :

1. I have a disconnect button for WHINERS! (see attached)
2. You fill out a profile with DXDIAG, PD Version and proof of purchase BEFORE we talk
3. You promise not to remind me that "It always worked in other programs/versions"
4. If I ask you to perform changes or provide additional don't say "WHY?"..just do it please!!
To name a few (long-time contributors here may have a few more rules)..

I (for one) am TIRED of asking for the necessary items a THOUSAND times. I guess I am not a good candidate for Customer Service, anymore!! Damn Troll skin is corrupting my neutrality.

236 Kbytes
465 time(s)

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Jul 18. 2012 11:56

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For me, no matter where the support staff is from (any part of the world), however, it should be helpful, courteous enough while supporting.

Till date, I had a great experience with support.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 18. 2012 14:59

Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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Most of my experiences have been pretty good over the last several years. (By the way, I spent plenty of time in the barrel myself.)

The one thing that really frosts me is when I can't get the service rep off script. You know what I mean:
There's smoke coming out of my computer.
Please check the power cable. It should be plugged in at both ends.
It only smokes when it's powered on!
Thank you for that information. Is there an error message on the screen?
No, the screen is black because I pulled the plug when the smoke started to come out!
Could you please tell me the exact model and serial number of your unit?
I can't read the label, it melted!
Without the serial number I cannot verify that your unit is still under warranty. Without that information, we cannot proceed.
Jerry Schwartz
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Yes, but hopefully live chat would solve that (ok, I can dream!), however, it is even MORE like pulling teeth to always have to ask for DXDIAG, PD Version, Registration verification, Exact nature of failure, Screenshots of timeline or error message, Hardware source (camera, VCR through WHATEVER device, Webcam, etc.), File know...all the stuff we ask for and NEED to "SEE" the problem, eh?

Note - The "script readers" at Level one of "xyz" corporation lose pay if they deviate from the questions. They even ask (during live chat), "Are you connected to the Internet"..Duh!
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 18. 2012 14:59

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Jerry - I understand your point of view and I truly agreed by Fred that live engagement resolves all that mess and that's how a user can benefited with this.

most of the companies are doing live chat, they might definitely get benefitted (customer satisfaction and business growth)

at the end as a user I (& most of the users like me ) would be happy, if there is a live chat support what would you say
Senior Member Location: Youngstown, Ohio Joined: Oct 30, 2010 06:46 Messages: 280 Offline
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Oh man that's funny.....

Dave HP Envy 17
Win10 Pro (64-bit) Intel i7 Core - 4510U @ 2.00GHz 2.60GHz
16GB ram
PowerDirector 11 Ultra 64-bit ver.
Cyberlink Power2Go Deluxe
PowerShot SX40HS
Canon Vixia
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We are not LIVE (but we are mostly living). What about US? Aren't we helpful?

One of the great benefits of owning Cyberlink PD is this forum and the expert Contributors in this community..maybe even BETTER than live chat!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 18. 2012 15:03

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Slightly off subject but true - reason why I changed doctors:

Nurse: What are you here for today?
Me: I need renewals for some of my current medication. I think you call it a med check.
Nurse: OK. Are you on any medications now?
Me: Yes, the list is in your hand and I can see it on my chart that you are holding.
Nurse: Tell me again why you are here?

Me: Loud groan !
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Live chat does not work when all you hear are canned answers from someone that has never actually seen the software your are having problems with nor do they have it installed on the computer they are given you the canned answers from..... __________________________________________
Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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I actually prefer live chat to telephone support, if all I'm going to get is a level one contact. At least with chat I can give information without worrying about things getting lost in translation (mostly). Many Indians (and others) can read and write English better than they can speak it.

I once had a colleague who was my backup for network problems. He really knew his stuff, but he had a thick Polish accent and had learned English in Oz. I couldn't understand most of what he said.

Sometimes, though, there's no substitute for a phone call. For one thing, a chatter is likely to be working several several sessions at the same time. They also are tethered to their screens, so they can't go and ask someone else for advice. There's nothing sweeter than to hear "Hang on, let me go ask one of the development engineers."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 19. 2012 12:12

Jerry Schwartz
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Fred - I am not questioning your credibility here. I know all contributors are best in their fields and they doing good job. Here we are discussing the point of real time engagement is better than traditional email system, wherein user has to wait for longer period of time.

If cyberlink could have like chat support, like the way other multimedia companies have, then definitely this will increase cyberlink's brand value and help in increasing customer base, as live engagement always create faith and confidence in customer towards company.

From user's point of view, whenever I go to any website, I always prefer like chat, as I get instant answer to my question. Like once I bought Adobe's product and I was facing some activation issue. I went to the website and do liveChat and you don't believe it my issue get resolved in less than 5 min, which I really appreciate that..

I believe Live engagement (via LiveChat or call) is always better than any other channel of support
Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Cyberliink is on the other side of the ocean (depending where you are) and in different time zone (again depending where you are)...either you would have to stay up late...or the cyberlink support would be up all night.
Jim Intel i7-2600@3.4Gz Geforce 560ti-1GB Graphic accelerator, windows 7 Premium 12GB memory

Visit GranPapa64's channel for your YouTube experience of the day!
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi everyone,
I do use Live Chat to resolve matters on other company's web sites (not video editing) but that does depend if the service is active (time-zone). I was interested in what everyone thought. As Moderator, I made CyberLink's support management aware of the feedback comment from the first post and hopefully they have monitored everyone's input.

The forum works well to answer PowerDirector editor's issues, speedily and covering all time zones.

Just as an idea for some members to contemplate and perhaps take up. A group of editors could set up a LiveChat service/business of there own.
1. You'd have the skill level to know the software.
2. You'd be familiar with answering questions and like helping.
3. For a Live-Chat service you may be able to set up and run a business with a group of friends.

I don't want to run or be involved in a Live-Chat enterprise, but some might. It may involve teaching, training and overseeing, I guess. Crossing the main time-zones would help.

Just a thought - out loud idea, not intended to cause problems or upset.


Edited text slightly.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 20. 2012 09:21

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Hey Dafydd - Grt thoughts and ideas shared by you. Appriciated !!

Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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Dafydd, there are already services such as what you describe. They are pay-to-play. is one that handles doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, and several other disciplines. There are many others. They will usually say something like "137 experts are standing by" on their homepages.
Jerry Schwartz
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