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The way I described is my "way" of doing what you described.

There is also a mark in/mark out function in the multitrim window just to the left of the "split" function. Just move the time marker along the video clip and either mark in or mark out as you wish. It will list the segments that you've decided to keep in the right side window.

Both work. Sorry for the confusion.

If I understand you correctly, you would like to cut out multiple portions of the 5 min. clip.

You can do this by:
1. Selecting the clip in the timeline.
2. Choose the multitrim option button just above the timeline.
3. Move the time marker to end of where you want keep.
4. Choose the split function.
5. Move the time marker to point at the end of the part you want to remove. This will give you an additional scene listed on the right.
6. Move the time marker to the end of the section you want to keep and then again, choose the split function. You will have another scene listed.
7. Continue to mark all the scene segments of those to keep and remove.
8 Lastly, click on the segments you want to remove and choose the "trash" button just below the window.

Hope this helps.
The fix has been applied and tested over several PD6 projects and works great. I've tested view, added new, and edit of existing subtitles, without any problem.

PD guys... your great!

Jim Clark
I recently received a response from Tech Support regarding the issue with PD7 not being able to correctly open PD6 projects (subtitles). The response was:

"The project files created in previous versions of the PowerDirector will not open in the new version of PowerDirector because some of features which were available in the previous version may be they are not available in the latest version or may be available but with different name. And some more features which are added to the new version were not available in the previous version."

One suggestion made was to save project as an mpeg2 in PD6 and import into PD7. This doesn't solve the problem of being able to continue a PD6 project using PD7. It is devistating to think that all my months of hard work on multiple PD6 projects is wasted unless I go back to the older program.

I would like to highly recommend to Cyberlink that when an upgrade is developed, that there be full backward compatability or at least a conversion program available so previous projects can be continued, modified, etc.

Jim Clark

I *am* actually a computer geek of sorts. Had a consulting business for a while.

I always go through logical debugging steps before frustration sets in. I've reinstalled and tried to duplicate this issue for hours.

It is not as if I'm doing a specific thing then when the shutdown occurs. Those types problems are faily easy to identify and correct. It seems to shutdown when I'm switching between scenes rapidly, editing, and then on to another. It's as if the program can't keep up and shuts down.

I seriously doubt that a ready fix exists. I suspect that this new version is a little buggy, but with enough press via this forum and emails to support, a rebuild will be forthcomming. I'm not changing to another program, PD6/PD7 was my change from an even buggier program.

However, due to other problems with PD7, such as not importing subtitles from PD6 projects, will most likely send my back to PD6. The bugginess of PD7 is understadable, but the problem with subtitles is not. I hope that is fixed *very* soon.

I see your name a lot on this forum and appreciate the time you put in to help so many in need.

The same thing seems to be happening to me too.

I also am using XP.

How do I find the error report on my computer, such as the one you posted? Is that a Vista report? I did find windows xp error log. (posted below). Is that it?

Faulting application pdr.exe, version, faulting module mfc71u.dll, version 7.10.3077.0, fault address 0x00024f91.

Faulting application pdr.exe, version, faulting module pdr.exe, version, fault address 0x0000ff25.

Faulting application pdr.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x000122ba.

I've had several of each of the above errors.


The version is 1714a.

And interesting fact: When I select the "magnefier" in the "Multi Trim" function, then deselect it, "play" works. Hummm....

I understand from reading other postings that a patch is forthcomming.

I've, also, had crashes where the program just shuts down. No error message. Just the windows error message offering to send a report to Microsoft. It usually happens when I'm going between scenes, trimming, and back to other scenes. This doesn't happen everytime, but usually after I've been editing for 20~30 min.

While I have your attention, do you know why subtitles don't show in a project created in PD6? Or, a way to retrieve them?

I really appreciate you helping me.

When I select a scene and choose the "multi trim" function, it will load the feature just fine. But, the "play" button doesn't work properly. When pressed, the scene jumps to the end and then resets to the beginning.

The "Trim" function works fine. "Play" works as expected.

Note: In "Muli trim", I can drag the location pointer to where I would like to trim the scene, but I can't press play to run the scene to see what it looks like.

Any ideas?

Newbie, James
I've upgraded to PD7 build 1714a. When I load a PD6 project, all the subtitles are gone.

Is there a way to display/get them back?

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