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Quote Read or do a search for creating a packed project.

In the past I find that I only need to browse to the new location of the first file and everything else is found. Never spent hours browsing. You may have to if your assets are scattered in different drives and different locations.

They are in the same folder but in separate subfolders for music, images, videos and other items, I don't consider that "scattered" but I did the first project and it took me close to 2 hours. It kept asking for the location of images/videos when I had already indicated that other "missing" files were in the same subfolder. Did not seem to make much, if any, of a difference. It just kept asking.

Would be so much easier if it would use a path relative to the location of the pds file I am working on, or as I suggested earlier, at least show in the timeline the file names, without the path, of the ones it could not find.
I recently had to do this for a travel movie and found no way of doing it the way I wanted, a meandering broken line. Where it goes and whether it turns back is of no consequence.

In the end I wound up making a moving .gif file by taking the map and using layers with the line drawn in full and then erasing one element for each frame. Once all the layers are done and saved as individual gif files in sequence, you create a moving .gif file.
I use a very simple and free program called "unFreeze". Google it, it's free to download from several places.

It is an incredibly time consuming way to do it but it works because PD thankfully recognizes a moving gif file as a "video" and not a static gif
I have moved some of my projects to another drive because of space problems.
Unfortunately, when I load he project it looks for the files in the old location and I appear to have to manually, one at a time, browse for each and every video/image in the new location.

First of all I would have expected PD to use a relative rather than a hardcoded location. E.g. I have a folder named c:/Movie1 and all my files are in there, including the pds file and I move that folder to my d: drive. In a perfect world, when I open de pds file in d:/Movie1 it should look in that folder and subfolders to find the files it needs, not keep looking at the c: drive.

I am sure there must be a way (I sure hope there is!) to tell it to look in the d:/Movie1 folder, but I cannot find anything related to moving projects/files in the manual and not on the forum. Searching for "moving a project" on the forum gets me nothing useful.
Even Youtube lets me down and what I did find seems to reinforce my fear of having to manually pointing them to the new location, one at the time.

Any helpful suggestions are appreciated because I am not about to spend hours manually reassigning the location of each video and image.


PS. If PD would at least show just the file name (no path) on the items it cannot find rather than just making it a black box with zero information for an image and displaying 0,0,0 for a video clip it can't find, at least I could just drag and drop the proper files in place. (When I click a black/unresolved image, the View Properties option is greyed out)

Are the Cyberlink developers listening?
Quote Thank you for your clarification and feedback. One can use whatever works best at the moment. For the sake of other users, if one has a group of say 1 hour of clips/images that they want transition then place them on an empty timeline. Apply the library menu settings. You could use Tony’s method if a favorite transition is wanted. Save the project. Create or open an existing project and place the cursor where you want to place the saved project. Do a File/Insert Project. Continue with your editing or save this new project. This gives you another versatility on using transitions on a large group of files.

@Tomasc - That involves as much of a work-around as the Youtube video, which is in fact suggested as a solution by the PD Moderator. The fact that we have to use work-arounds to achieve a simple goal is a rather sad state of affairs for such otherwise sophisticated software isn't it?

As a suggestion to the developers, why not make it as I suggested, allow people to select a range of images/clips by highlighting them and apply the desired transition to it?
While I am at it, why not change the color of the sound bar under video clips or remove the sound wave where the audio is set to Mute. I now have to keep checking to make sure I muted them all. Just removing the volume line is not enough.
Quote The workaround on YT that you found is this: . I am happy that the user shared what he found. Did you bother to read the PD16 Users Guide… In the transition room, click the Library menu button and a popup window appears to allow you to do that.

Thanks for responding. Perhaps I should have been clearer. The video is long and contains many images and clips, but I only wanted the transitions between groups of images. There is indeed a menu to apply a few available transitions to ALL images and clips in the entire video. There is no other option mentioned in the User Guide and even that one is listed as a mere Note on page 337.

I would have expected to be able to select the images between which I want a particular transition. It seems that my only option is to apply a limited number of transitions to all or none of the images and clips, not exactly the kind of flexible approach I expected.

I highlighted a series of images and tried to drag the desired transition on it , to no effect of course. That approach is what I would have expected.

I guess I will now have to go in and remove manually all the transitions I do not want. If there is something that comes close to what I want to achieve it is not in the User Manual, but if it is I would appreciate finding out where to find it. Thanks again.
I have a video of more than 1 hour of images/clips and wish to have the same transition between all of them.
I was unable to find a way of accomplishing this on this website although I found a workaround on Youtube.
Surely there has to be a better way to accomplish this than to apply transitions to a few hundred images one at a time
Quote Do it and save the project under a different name.

When you take a clip or still from the Media Room and place it on the timeline, the copy left in the Media Room gains a green tick so that you know you have already used an item in your project. Using the "Remove unused items" command simply removes the items without a green tick. They are not lost, but just where you got them from in the first place.

So far as your missing material is concered: Are you loading your material from a an SD card or some other external device, and then removing the device before you edit? PD needs to be able to find the material at all times. This is why it is a good idea to load the material to a folder on the hard drive before loading into PD.

A .PDS file (project file) stores no images, only information where to find the clips and other editing information.

No, the files are on a hard drive but I loaded more files in the library than I wound up using, that's why.
I already removed all of the files that it did find but that did not have a tick mark.
WIll use the Remove All Unused option to clear the stuff I deleted.
Thank you and Tomasc for your suggestions. Cheers
I made a video with a lot of photos and a variety of short videos.
Afterwards I deleted a fair bit of the unused material but when I load the project again I keep getting messages saying that the item could not be found.

Unfortunately it does not show these unfound items in the medium content list and I can therefore not remove them from the library. How can I clean up the pds file to remove the items that cause the warnings about unfound material.

I found something called "Remove all unused items from library" but cannot find any information online about what that does exactly.
Is that the option to use? I'm afraid it might do something I do not expect. It would be easier if the missing items would be shown in the medium content list with an icon with a cross through it or something, so I can remove them manually.
Any suggestions?
Thanks PlaySound but that is not possible.
I have over an hour of video consisting of many photos, edited video clips and text. The problem I have is that, even though I only edited a single clip by flipping it horizontally, the entire one hour video turns upside down, making it impossible to rotate everything. I tried rotating the clip I flipped horizontally but when I do, it reverts to its original state as if I had not flipped it at all, while the rest of the video is still upside down.
I did however find that increasing the preview window to full screen size and back seems to help.
I have a huge problem with a video I am working on.
There was one clip that needed to be horizontally flipped. After that was done, the ENTIRE video played upside down. To try to resolve this, I isolated the clip in question, flipped it horizontally on its own, rendered it as an mp4 and inserted the flipped clip back into the original movie. It still plays upside down in the preview window, although all the photos and video clips in the project show properly on the time line. Nothing I have tried seems to work.
I have had this problem before under different circumstances, as have other people, so this is a known issue.
Apparently Cyberlink is unable to fix the problem.
Is there anyone who knows how to fix this? Getting desperate and ready to throw in the towel!
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