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Just to clarify: the Rich Video services are for Cyberlink software. They just constantly run in the background merrily about their way. You won't see any process or memory jumps when using the CL software. I basically think they are just a type of DRM for Cyberlink.

If the software has errors then other add ons like Smartsound more than likely will be affected too- hence my strong inclination to get the Rich video services back up and running then see if that does the trick.


This is one of the few times I do not like to be "right" about something.

I am new to editing. Only started two and a half months ago. I bought PD 10 but never used it and then PD 11 Ultimate Suite came out with Audio Director & Color Director. The price to features ratio could not be beat by any other NLE suite out there.

I had originally bought a "competitor's" product but found it extremely clunky and counter intuitive. So I played around with PD and it was night and day- I could actually understand with ease the basics of video editing. So I dumped the competitor and went with CyberLink.

Veterans who have upgraded from various versions of PD know the ins and outs and quick fixes- I am learning fast- especially from others on this site. PDtoots and the gang have some incredible tutorials- I will offer up my own tutorials when I have relevant things to add.

I was waiting for the official response but it is going on almost three weeks with nary a peep from tech support so I have decided to make that YT link I posted above public so others can see it and hopefully get some user solutions rolling in.

I do not want to post it here since it has more than one issue in it. The threads are set up for one issue at a time and I respect and abide by that.

Yep- I can agree- Power Director has its quirks and issues. Some incredibly frustrating ones and at times I look longingly at the competitors' products. But then I realize all is not green on the other side either. They have their quirks and issues too. The only jump left for me is up to the $600 + level and for what I do that gives me pause. (I would rather spend that kind of money on equipment and sound/music rights- I love scoring video with appropriate music and sound.)

So I am resigned for now to plug along and pester tech support- I honestly really don't think they are going to address all our "issues." I just hope the major ones are addressed in updates before they move to PD 13 & PD 14 etc.

In other words fix the current program fully before adding other features that create even more complications.
We can hope. But all in all I really do enjoy creating with Power Director.

Very nice... gives me a whole bunch of ideas now.

Using other materials and a hair dryer- leaves, nuts and bolts, cat toys ... ha

Quote: I have PD Ultimate and I said yes to everything during the install.

I don't even have the Core library in my list..... >SNIP<

Also another odd thing is happening, every time I start it the program says I don't have Rich Video installed but when I click OK it doesn't install anything it just starts Power Director.

This sounds like the cause of your issue.
Have you tried reinstalling your PD 11 update ?

Rich Video needs to be running for PD to run correctly.
(Which is one of my pet peeves since both the 32 bit & 64 bit processes are always running in the background regardless if any Cyberlink products are running. Even though I have all auto updates etc. turned off in the programs- but I digress, back to your issue.)

Both Richvideo.exe and RichVideo64.exe needs to be on your system, running and available for PD or any Cyberlink software depending on if the programs are 32 or 64 bit. (Power Director is 64 bit but may also need other 32 bit "helper" programs to run correctly.)

Go to your Task Manager and make sure one or both
Rich Video Module (32bit) & Rich Video Modules are running.
They also known as RichVideo & RichVideo64 service and also show up as
Cyberlink RichVideo Service(CRVS) & Cyberlink RichVideo64 Service(CRVS) - which can get confusing, but they just different names of the same two services: a 32 bit and a 64 bit Rich Video

Also go to Msconfig and make sure they have not been disabled for some reason.

Once running correctly SmartSound should recognize you have a legit registered product and install / update itself.


Those are some good benchmarks and figures to have an idea of what is actually happening.

I did some initial testing with my Intel HD 4000 and as far as I can remember the time and quality of the renders were basically the same as what I have now. Which is good thing, not a bad one. I let the CPU do most of the number crunching when rendering- so it would not have changed at all.


I feel your pain and can verify what you are going through- I submitted a video of my top 10 issues to CL tech support a couple weeks ago and am still waiting for the official response. See issue # 2 and let me know if this is what I think you are talking about. (Also issue # 5 Title Duration change might be of relevance.)

For me the issue mainly presents itself when deleting or changing the timing of the video. (Notice the gap in the timeline.) It gets exacerbated when I change video timing and add in different transitions & audio files etc. If I do not notice the error right away then I have to go back, unlink the audio and then move the files to synch up and re-link the audio. A major pain and time waster. The video capture shown is the most extreme one I have seen to date- usually it's off by one file.

Quick Fix: re add the video/sound file into the timeline where it was deleted or moved. Sometimes the rest will re-synch themselves and saves a lot of headaches.

Work around: Try splitting your main .pds edit file into 10 minute chunk lengths
Edit one, save and then close. Move onto the next.

Continue until done and then Open a New Project and merge or copy paste all the edits into one and then save and produce it.
let me know if that will work or helps you.

Ugh- sorry to hear about your troubles.

But at least you know your way around computers and was able to get back which is a good thing.
Keep us informed.


Not sure if you have downloaded the trial version- it's worth it to play around to get a feel.
I try to always do this before I spend money on a software product. (I have tried most of them- actually bought one then didn't like it and now switched to PD instead- much better and intuitive for me.)

Click on the little Gears looking icon in the top- which is the setup User Preferences
Then click "Hardware Preferences" tab on the left hand side- it has two options:
1. Enable OpenCL technology to speed up video effects/preview render
2. Enable hardware decoding.

PD supports OpenCL, Intel SSE4 encoding, Multiple GPU encoding (aka True Velocity 3)

Note: I always turn off the fast video rendering technology which turns off the Hardware video encoding when producing the final video. I find this gives me the best video quality. I only use fast video render to get a quick video render to see if there are any errors before re-edit then final production render.


Something just occurred to me- what dvd / bluray player are you using to play back your DVD ?
Some upscale and can handle newer formats well others don't.

Having an actual DVD to hand out to the non tech savvy (read my older inlaws and family members,) would be nice.
So keep us updated on your findings.

One of the confusing bits about installing a new version- some software requires a clean install others require an older version to already be installed on your system. PD needs the older versions in order to update.

Try installing your new PD 11 update.

When done run it.
It should ask for your PD 10 Serial / key- enter it.

Then it will ask for you PD 11 update Serial / key. Enter that and cross your fingers this works.

If not download this search tool- much faster and more powerful than the default system search- it's free / donate ware and it's called "Everything" ..

Now off to hunt for any remnants of the older PD 10 - repeat installing it and updating.
If not try Tech support or combing the registry to find the remnants.



I get what you are saying- PD11 works fine on your Vista machine so why should an update patch cause issues.

Here is the latest Catalyst Software Update for Vista x64 for the Radeon 4000 series:
Revision Number: 13.1
Release Date: 1/21/2013
Display Driver ver.
OpenCL(tm) Driver 10.0.937.2
Catalyst Control Center 2012.1116.1514.27190

Have you tried this update ?

If that does not work then Cyberlink tech support might have an answer.

This is just a quick guess-

Your video driver is listed as:
Driver Date/Size: 7/4/2012
Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1129

Try updating to the latest display driver from AMD then install the 2707 patch to see if that works.

Hi Chris,

Great guitar playing- I am envious !
(I also know what it is like to live with an ailment that limits you from doing all the things you would like, so keep on doing what you are doing.)

Had a look at your video. This could be a number of factors:

1. Check your lighting- some scenes look a bit too bright and harsh to me. Your skin tones are washed out and faded in some areas. Is this the "digitized" look you are talking about?

2. What settings are you using for the camera? iAuto for everything? Also are you using avchd and then converting to 1080p MP4 (aka MPEG-4) in Power Director before uploading? What is your computer setup ?

Try turning off the "Fast video rendering technology" option before producing the final video. This disables the "Hardware video encoder." It will be a bit slower to render- your CPU is the main thing used to render the final video file. But I find the quality is much better. See if that helps you.

3. It could also be the conversion that Youtube does. I find it takes your original source video that is uploaded and re-compresses it and sometimes makes it look worse with loss of quality when played back online.

(I personally just use 720p- 1280 X 720/30p 6 Mbps since my files are large and my IP upload speed is a slow measly 1mb = 130KB/s. It crunches the video down more than MP4 resulting in a smaller file size but still has really good video quality when played back. Youtube does not seem to mess it up too much when it re-compresses it after upload.)

I use the Sony PJ710, your CX-190 is more than good enough for your videos I wouldn't spend any more cash on getting another type. Just keep experimenting with the software settings first.


As Carl suggest- check your TV's overscan settings.

In case you don't already know: underneath the preview window to the right of the Camera / Snapshot icon there is a littler window icon called: "Set preview / quality display options"

Click on that and go to "TV Safe Zone"
Turn it on to see the outline that is "safe" for TV.

I use the safe zone outline for my Titles but never thought about it for the rest of the video files since I have yet to burn a DVD.
So good thing you posted about this and the rest of Carl's reply definitely gave me food for thought.

I should add:

Without anything running I am already at 1.5 - 1.8 GB usage from cold boot.

I have tweaked my pagefile usage to cut it in half (or as much as possible,) so that my RAM is actually the one being utilized as much as possible. I also have my photo editor with multiple large picture files open and editing in the background to be then inserted in Power Director.

As well, Sonic Fire PRO scoring edition is open and trimming / editing music tracks to add to the timeline. Not to mention the other normal system resources being used in the background.

Add in all the above with a long video edit and RAM usage for me is knocking over the 3+ to 4 GB mark.


Quote: The video quality is not impacted when using a SVRT capable format ...

Quoting that single line to add clarity to this. Cyberlink states the following:

"CyberLink’s SVRT is available during production when the frame rate, frame size, and file format of each clip are the same. The bit-rate should also be similar. In this case, SVRT is used to render the files. If any clips do not meet the above criteria, they are fully rendered without SVRT."

So users should be aware of this.
I used to think that the graphics card was the primary thing followed by memory when video editing. But I have found the following works better in my experience- as I am sure you are aware, but for others here is what I have found works:

1.) Get the fastest CPU you can. A dual core will do- but a quad core is even better. Think Intel i7 Quad or AMD equivalent.
The CPU is what does most of the work in editing and various other computational needs such as rendering.

2.) Get as much RAM as you can- a bare minimum 4 GB - 8 or more is even better. Also keep an eye on the frequencies, faster is better- so many choices out there- gets confusing to the average user. (I am using Corsair Vengeance RAM as an example.)

3.) Graphics card- it does not have to be the latest greatest, but depending on your budget, try to get a good one. Research and price match til you are satisfied. Any modern GPU is much faster than what was out 5 yrs ago and can handle almost anything thrown at them.

4.) Hard drive- an SSD is nice - but pricey right now. So a fast, large hybrid or mechanical HD to store and edit your video is a good call.
(I am using a hybrid- Seagate Momentus XT 750 GB right now- which has really fast boot times- but does not touch an SSD in terms of read / write performance. But dollar to GB capacity was my concern- so I will wait til SSD prices come down a lot more.)

5.) A good quality IPS or equivalent Monitor. Yes this somehow becomes an after thought. But seeing how the video should look is worth the extra cost for me. (my personal choice, price to specs ratio compared is the ASUS ProArt 24" model line.)

Of course- motherboard, power supply etc if you are building your own drives up the cost. I like some of the manufacturers that allow you to choose the components and they build it for you. (I have personally switched to laptops right now though, working great so far.)


Just to add to this, it depends on the prgm. If it is working as should I usually lleave it alone. But the tweaker in me thiniks hey what does this shiny new update do... and then I break down and install it. It up works better I keep it- if not I downgrade to the older version. (Which can be a pain and involve a total re-install. So be aware.)

This new update- 2707 to me seems a lot more stable. I can throw a lot more transitions etc. into my videos and the prgm won't get crazy and quit for some unexplained reason. So this update gets the thumbs up from me. Your mileage of course may vary.

Difficult to understand what is going on-

Are you saying the timeline is automatically splitting from video 2 to video 4 with the fades going crazy from what the pic shows?
(You are not intentionally placing the mp4s and then fades on different timelines are you ?)

Have you already tried starting a new project and just using one timeline such as video 1 and audio 1 instead- in other words redoing the entire thing in a different .pds file ?
See following link:
for more info on this.

I have also found that using the cpu to render gives much better quality as mentioned.
It will take a bit longer to render- but output is much higher quality over the GPU enabled renders from all the tests I have done. Which is a shame since SVRT and Tue Velocity was an interesting buying point.

You can also get the latest free GPU Z to keep on eye on what the NviDia or AMD GPU is doing if you don't have it already

I am using an Nvidia 660 Ti with no issues.
I have it hooked up to my laptop via a ViDock 4 Plus out to an external 24" monitor and it works.
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