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Thank you

All good stuff to know.


There are serious problems in the audio area. To be fair, this is an area that is a complete mess as far as the video industry is concerned. I come from the audio side where we have strong standards and complete control over the audio that goes out the door. In the video world, audio is thought of as an "accessory" and not terribly important. There is a hodge-podge of standards in use and lots of really crappy converters.

I am working on an audition tape for a student applying to some of the best conservatories. The audio recording is flawless, but unfortunately, the universities all require submission in video format. When I run it through PD17, some of the audio is noticeably distorted. That caused me to search these forums, where one finds dozens of similar threads over the years and no real improvement.

A common suggestion is to lower the volume level several dB. Sorry, I mastered my audio to broadcast standards, staying significantly below integrated LU of -14. That should never be too loud. And even when I do lower it, there is still very audible degredation, like converting to MP3 at 128 Kb (which nobody would ever do on purpose).

One thing I do not see mentioned in any of these threads is the dithering process. If your audio has been mastered at CD standard (44.1 kHz), then PD will convert it to 48 kHz, I believe, and they are using a poor algorithm. The quality is improved (but not good) if you master the auto at 48K before running it through PD.
Quote You could always just ask your technical question here.

What specifically do you mean when you say "the implications of upgrading to 17"? Upgrading from what? And what specific implications are you looking for information on?

If you just want to know what new features are available in v.17, that information is easily available. And if you want to test its performance, you can always download the free trial.

I am concerned at having to pay for an upgrade after only having PD16 for 6 months.

I understand there are some differences when upgrading and some stuff could be lost and I wanted to know what impact this would have when upgrading to 365.

It says unlimited access and I wanted to know what this means. Is it to use or do you have to pay extra for everything? Having access isn't exactly clear.

I'm trying to decide if I like this subscription style because it is a move away from just purchasing and I'm not sure it's necessary if what I have does what I want already.

In other words I want to understand the full implications before rather than after the event.
Can anyone tell me if 4 days is typical for a response to an issue? The service is diabolical! I'm thinking perhaps Corel or another product would be easier or are they always the same? All I'm tryimg to do is understand the implications of upgrading to 17 or 365 because any sane person would check the implication before committing to any purchase. At the moment I feel as if they don't care.
Quote Quote: 'Nodeedon asked me to check something and I did. It is already ticked.'

With respect strifemit I suggested that you removed the tick (un-tick).

Whilst it might not help your issue it is an avenue worth exploring I feel.


Thanks for that correction. I will bear that in mind. If you notice I did some tests and it worked but there were some unexplained issues. Cyberlink have everything now apart from actual laptop. Hopefully they will come back with something. In the meantime I believe I can work around although it's a pain in the neck and wastes time. If I get stuck I will try the uuntick but my problem is I believe other things I do need that.

Thanks once more.
It’s interesting. I asked a simple question, and nobody checked the process I followed. The only person who did was the first person who responded asked for more information and then disappeared after I replied with an image.

Nodeedon asked me to check something and I did. It is already ticked.

Over a week and my problem is not fixed. Cyberlink have asked for loads of files and information and yet nobody so far has asked about my process or made any suggestions just in case I was missing something. I used to be in charge of IT for a large organisation and service like this would be embarrassing.

I decided to check more for myself. You can see the tune Butchers has been put in the timeline 4 times. I did nothing except place them there. Why therefore is the second one half the volume of the other 3? I then added another tune and added it to two different sound levels on the timeline. I adjusted one and then produced the whole lot. It worked but I’m still unsure of what actual process I should have followed. I am uncomfortable because I can’t guarantee that after an hour what I produce will have the sound at the correct level. I have no idea why one of the 4 pieces on the same timeline level was a much lower volume than the other three.

I am now coming to the conclusion there are a lot of bugs in this system that show up and even worse they are inconsistent. Work sometimes and not others. I also have a concern that the template is very difficult to read because it’s mostly black and has little contrast in the colours.

My confidence in PD16 is waning rapidly, especially as what I want to do is a simple basic operation.
Quote Thank you for your considered feedback.

I'm sure members will offer further help if they can.

PowerDirector Moderator

Please I know you do a valuable job but please do not get involved if you don't understand the question or don't know the answer.

Would be appreciated. Thank you
Quote Hi,

Two things to mention:

The audio of a produced video may "sound" different to the preview. This may be because of the audio profile used in production, but also it may depend on the playback system. I preview my edits on Koss headphones but I know from experience that the ideal preview balance between a vocal track, especially a VO, and the audio bed (as per my headphones) does not transfer directly to the produced .mp4 played on my TV - I have to make the VO/audio bed difference much more significant for it to sound "correct" on the TV. Dont know why - it just does!

The screen cap would indicate to me that the audio bed is way too high to allow a VO to come through clearly, and therefore boosting the VO results in too much volume and clipping etc. Difficult to be precise but I would lower the track gain of audio 2 with the horizontal slider. The small waveform produced may lead to more difficult visual editing, but this can be mitigated by expanding the audio track size vertically, by grabbing the lower border in the track ID column.

PowerDirector Moderator

Let me be honest. That's a load of bunkum. Technical jargon to explain something that is quite simple. Are you saying the audio functionality of PowerDirector 16 is crap?

Apart from anything else this is 3 days trying to get an answer to a simple issue. I said that was an image I used to respond with the process I was following. The actual indicators have nothing to do with my problem. Are you listening! It si so frustrating when I ask if its raining and you say it depends on what you mean by raining.



Quote The attached screenshot show that the audio in track 1 volume is set too high and is clipping (distortion) as shown by the yellow tips on the waveform. That is why the volume indicator is in the red.

I feel good. Why because it takes so long to find out what is happening. The answer really has nothing to do with the question. I tried every level but nothing changed on production. It played in edit exactly as I wanted but the production didn't change. The image was in response to a previous answer which asked how I was changing the sound. I took that one so it could clearly be seen what I was using because the screen is rediculously dark and difficut to see.

The question is really simple. I want to increase the vocal and reduce the music levels. I did it as per instructions but the production doesn't change.

Perhaps someone out there would be able to tell me if there is something else I should be doing to make it take effect on the production.
Quote Changing the Powerdirector user interface requires digging into the programming of PowerDirector. There have been posts on the forum on how to change some of the colors. The one I rembember is about the Sound waveform colors.

However, you can use Keyboard HotKeys to do most things in PowerDirector.

In PowerDirector Help, search for "default keyboard hotkeys". There are lists of the hot keys available.

Thank you they will be helpful. I'm still interested in a better visible layout. It doesn't make sense when a lot of things like times on the timeline could be clearer and so could many other sections. I mean why not make the bar at the bottom white. So simple!

Thanks anyway I will try to make use of the hot keys.
Quote You kind of have to tell us what you did to change the volume level and how you're measuring the change both in and outside the program.

Are you using VU meters are just judging by listening to your computer speakers?

As per the attached. I adjusted Audio 1 and Audio 2 until they sounded the right levels. Basically I raised the vocal and reduced the music background. Am I supposed to save the settings in some way?

It sounded fine on playback but the produced video was no different. Is this enough?
I changed the volume level but the recording hasn't changed. It plays in edit okay but it doesn't record any different. It really does waste time when thinks like this don't work.

ANybody know why some clips refuse to stretch?

All responses appreciated.
I find the colours on the edit display is often very difficult to see. For example if I have a minute segment that needs removing I have difficulty findin the button to stretch the screen because it is so small and a dark colour. Many other aspects are difficult to see without magnifying glasses. This slows a lot of thigs down. Is there a different template ofr colour scheme. If not is one coming soon?
Quote Does this happen with certain video or anyone?
See the image as it should be

Thank you. I think it maybe because I am using a lot of Video Collage on this one. Would that be the reason and is there anything I can do because there is audio.
Quote Maybe I did not understand your question.

The Ctrl + U volume control or speaker button is the output volume for speakers, there is no issue with editing.
To change the volume of a clip as a whole, in the timeline, drag the sound line up or down.
If you want to adjust the volume on specific parts of a clip, hold the Ctrl key while clicking the sound line, a white ball appears, drag to adjust to that position.

Another way to adjust, select the audio in the timeline, click the Keyframe button, in Volume you can make fine adjustments.

Thank you. There is no line to move. I wanted to reduce the volume for one clip.
I have done what the manual suggested but am having a lot of issues with reducing sound. I have one piece that needs reducing. I eventually worked a fiddly work around to complete tthis project. But it took time. None of what the manual said worked. I used ctrl U but could make it stick at the lower level. All help appreciated.

PS if you can get closer to Customer Service than I can please give them a kick in the proverbial. There is a purchasing problem which they have failed to resolve so far and they don't seem interested in fixing it so I can upgrade. Their communication is snail pace and very frustrating.
Quote Hi,

The End key will take you to the end of the project (or the clip in question if that is selected, it can have a dual function) - wherever it is.

At that point, expand the timeline to the maximum, down to frame level, and look at all tracks. More than likely you will find an orphan snippet of media, perhaps only a single frame, that has been left behind after a split or overwrite during an earlier edit.

At normal timeline zoom, it will not be visible, but PDR will render the whole timeline when producing, even if the snippet is a single frame of a black color board, or an audio snip of complete silence!!

PowerDirector Moderator

Thank you. I literally had to go max to find it and it was there. I just hadn't gone far enough. Appreciated.
There is nothing to be seen on the track but the playing keeps going until 7 mins when there is only 2 mins video. How do I stop this or find what is causing it?

Now I am going mad. I went and tried again and it worked. I have no idea what specifically has to happen to make it work every time. I'll see if the res works now. Thank you


Thank you. Tried another and it worked. Have to be very specific on the side of the arrow. It was pretty quick so I am happy. Thank you for the help.

I tried it enough times and stopped before I went mad. The only thing that happens is the usual arrow moves.

Now I am going mad. I went and tried again and it worked. I have no idea what specifically has to happen to make it work every time. I'll see if the res works now. Thank you
Quote See this 11 second video on how to do it: . The contributors moved the part of the scrubber or cursor called the arrow.

I tried it enough times and stopped before I went mad. The only thing that happens is the usual arrow moves.
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