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I have found that the a0000005 error is caused by the Chapters. You must have Chapter 1 which you can rename, I use Play All, at 00:00:00 on the timeline. Although, I still can not burn a DVD-R, I have stopped getting the a0000005 error. I also put all my chapters at the start point of the clips.

What I have found to be the best thing to do is Produce each chapter which consists clips, transitions, titling, etc., as an MPEG file. When I have each one produced, I start a new workplace and drag and drop each of the mpegs into the timeline. I then add my opening clip and any ending clips (Titles, credits, etc). I added chapters at the beginning of each (mpeg) clip, and Create Disc. It works pretty nicely.

I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas. Tomorrow I will worry about my burning to -R DVD's but today is Christmas with family and friends.

Thank you, Dale. My burner is a Memorex that claims to burn all formats including DL. The firmware is up-to-date. I checked it yesterday on the Memorex website.

I will take your advice and try Memorex media. Right now, however, I am on holiday with family so I am going to stop worrying about it until Wednesday.

Happy Holidays, Dale and everyone on the Forum. Thanks to all who have responded.
The latest in my dilemma is that I can burn +R but not -R. I kept getting Burn Failures when I would try burn a -R so I burned to a DVD folder only and then using Power2Go I tried burning to a -R and it failed. Just for s__t and giggles, I put a +R in and it burned successfully. s'plain that to me. My burner is a Memorex that is supposed to burn all formats including DL. I tried it on my laptop burner and it failed there too. Someone told me it could be the brand of DVD. The -Rs are Phillips. The +Rs are Memorex.

I am visiting family this weekend so I tried the original DVD+R on their players and it worked on one but not the other.

I will have to investigate more and find out who is able to play it and who isn't. I started this project as a favor for a friend. You'da thunk I wudda learned in the Army not to volunteer for anything.

My partner is going to copy my DVD and see if he can burn it on his Acer Ferrari laptop using -R media.

How frustrating and embarrassing. These people ordered these as Christmas gifts. Oh well.

Thank you very much. I will try that. I will probably have to upgrade my Power2Go. I was bundled with my camera and I have never used it but I think as is, it will not burn DVDs.

Again, thank you.
Okay, I ask that you all understand that I am very much a newbie at this video production business.

Since my post above, I have successfully burned to the DVD folder. I am assuming that that means I am having DVD drive problems.

Now, how do I take those files and burn them on another computer? What program do I use? Can I use any DVD burning program or does it have to be a Cyberlink product? I am really under the gun to get this problem fixed. Any advice will be appreciated.

I did get a rather lengthly response from Customer Support and will apply their suggestions which seem rather complex. I would, however, like to get these DVDs burned asap.

Thank you all for understanding.

I am waiting to hear back from Customer Service on this subject but I thought I would post this here just in case someone may have experienced the same thing.

I was able to burn my project last week and made 35 copies using DVD+R media. I distributed the DVDs and started receiving complaints that it would not play on some of the clients' DVD players. It did play on computers. After posting my dilemma here and asking around, I was told to burn it to DVD-R media. So, I tried using the same project and had Burning Failures! Error Code ff023005. I deleted all the Chapters and re-entered them. This time the failure was code eb020b9c. At this moment, I am burning to folder only to see if it does in fact render. While trying to burn to DVD, I watched the status box and it stated that it was Burning but the DVD drive did not activate and when it showed 100%, I received the error message.

Anyone have any ideas what these error messages are telling me?

Thank you.
I am using DVD+R. My question is, why does it play on my player and not theirs. This "Format" business is so confusing. I asked my partner why he chose DVD+R and he had no definitive answer. He said that is what he has always used. So, maybe I had better go get some DVD-R media.

Thanks for you very timely response.

Happy Holidays.
I just distributed the finished DVDs for a project and I am getting calls that they will not play on the clients DVD players. What is strange is, they play on mine. I have a Panasonic SC-HT720/SC-HT692. I do not know what players they are using and it shouldn't matter, I would think. The DVDs will play on their computers.

When I Produce, I set the Country/video format to NTSC (I am in the US) The Profile Setup>>Video>720x480(NTSC); Mode>CBVR; Average Bitrate>8000; Max bitrate>8300; Smoothing>unchecked; Noise removal>checked;Speed/quality indicator>6. Codec is MPEG-2.

When I Create Disc, I set the preferences to Disc Format>DVD, 4.7GB, Smart Fit, Dolby Digital; Menu>all unchecked; Audio>unchecked.

I have not used PowerDirector6 very long and this is my first large project using it. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
I was finally able to burn my DVD successfully. I did not remove my Chapters but rather put Chapter 1 at the the very beginning of the project and left the others where they were. My project is 2h:08m long so it took a long time to encode but when it did, it burned successfully.

I was only able to do this after reading this forum. Thank you to all of you that posted suggestions. I now have to make 27 copies of this project so I will be burning for a while.

I have to make one of the copies in PAL format. What I plan to do is produce it in DVD PAL format and place that file on the time line, add the chapters, then encode and burn. Would that be the proper procedure?

Thank you,

Happy Holidays,

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