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URGENT-DVD Not Playing
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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I just distributed the finished DVDs for a project and I am getting calls that they will not play on the clients DVD players. What is strange is, they play on mine. I have a Panasonic SC-HT720/SC-HT692. I do not know what players they are using and it shouldn't matter, I would think. The DVDs will play on their computers.

When I Produce, I set the Country/video format to NTSC (I am in the US) The Profile Setup>>Video>720x480(NTSC); Mode>CBVR; Average Bitrate>8000; Max bitrate>8300; Smoothing>unchecked; Noise removal>checked;Speed/quality indicator>6. Codec is MPEG-2.

When I Create Disc, I set the preferences to Disc Format>DVD, 4.7GB, Smart Fit, Dolby Digital; Menu>all unchecked; Audio>unchecked.

I have not used PowerDirector6 very long and this is my first large project using it. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
David [Avatar]
Newbie Location: England Joined: Dec 09, 2007 19:18 Messages: 45 Offline
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What type of disks are you using? I'm not sure about the U.S as I'm in the U.K. But over here a lot of commercial stand alone DVD players have problems reading anything but DVD-R disks.

My Pioneer is a fairly high-end machine, approx $1200 U.S dollars, and it refuses point blank to play DVD+R, DVD-RAM. It will only play DVD-R.
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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I am using DVD+R. My question is, why does it play on my player and not theirs. This "Format" business is so confusing. I asked my partner why he chose DVD+R and he had no definitive answer. He said that is what he has always used. So, maybe I had better go get some DVD-R media.

Thanks for you very timely response.

Happy Holidays.
tatu54 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 15, 2007 09:01 Messages: 28 Offline
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ooohhh... I HATE to bring this up, because something very similar happened to me,

I started to record our churche's weely sermon because the preacher and Elders thought this could be a benefit to all members of the congregation. This is to be used until they could get the video "piped" into the different areas of the church, like the nurseries and such so those people wouldn't miss out on the preaching. (And even after, because ther are members of the congregation who have family members serving in Iraq and Afghanistan wanted to send them some "real" preaching. As one gentleman said, his son told him that their Sunday Services were more like "Ice-Crean Socials.)

But, (I do like to ramble) when the first batch was made, produced and burned to disk almost ALL of them came back "unplayable.

They saw "movement" but no audio.

I checked my copy (I always make a copy) and it worked fine. So I went back next week and gathered all the unplayable disks. I didn't make any that week because I wanted to find out what was going on.

I got the disks home and stuck one in the computer and one in the TV's DVD player.

I immediately saw the problem. Now, I don't want to say I attend a church that is filled with a bunch of goofs, so I will say that they are "technology challenged."

What they were seeing is the Menu. In the Menu was a clip playing. These people didn't realize that they either had to move their mouse (if computer) or use the remote to start the movie.

There was a bit of embarrassment all around and then some good laughs.

I am not saying that this is what you are experiencing, but it does sound close.

Dale I never said I was smart, just pretty to look at...

See "Bio" for computer stats.
tatu54 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 15, 2007 09:01 Messages: 28 Offline
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Oh yeah... It used to be that DVD players would either play/read a + or a - DVD.

I think most new DVD's now play both +/-. And some even play the re-writeables. How they do that is way beyond me.


Edit; Need to learn how to spell my name...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 22. 2007 17:23

I never said I was smart, just pretty to look at...

See "Bio" for computer stats.
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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The latest in my dilemma is that I can burn +R but not -R. I kept getting Burn Failures when I would try burn a -R so I burned to a DVD folder only and then using Power2Go I tried burning to a -R and it failed. Just for s__t and giggles, I put a +R in and it burned successfully. s'plain that to me. My burner is a Memorex that is supposed to burn all formats including DL. I tried it on my laptop burner and it failed there too. Someone told me it could be the brand of DVD. The -Rs are Phillips. The +Rs are Memorex.

I am visiting family this weekend so I tried the original DVD+R on their players and it worked on one but not the other.

I will have to investigate more and find out who is able to play it and who isn't. I started this project as a favor for a friend. You'da thunk I wudda learned in the Army not to volunteer for anything.

My partner is going to copy my DVD and see if he can burn it on his Acer Ferrari laptop using -R media.

How frustrating and embarrassing. These people ordered these as Christmas gifts. Oh well.

tatu54 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 15, 2007 09:01 Messages: 28 Offline
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Frustration is only the tip of the berg that sank the Titanic.

Yeah, why does one work here but will not work there?

Check your settings on your burner. Who knows, you just might have it set to burn just one type of media (either a + or a -.)

I don't remember what it was I did, but I was having what seems to be the same problem early on in my DVD burning adventure. Usually able to go to Tools>Options in the software of the burner and look it over.

Might want to check if the drivers are fully updated. How old is the burner? Might be time to invest in a new one. If you are working off of a laptop, then get a USB or FireWire external burner that states in plain English that the burner will burn in every format.

And, try different types of manufacturers media. Right now, not only because it works, I have to use HP's Lightscribe media. One; because HP put the burner in my HP laptop. Two; I love the Lightscribe stuff. Flip it over and burn the name of the newly made DVD. My writing is atrocious and I cannot read what I wrote, so yeah, Lightscribe is great!

What it comes down to, as has been my case in these past twenty-plus years of messing around with computers, is to try and keep trying to beat these silly machines at their own game. Eventually, you will win.

But, it is aggravating in the mean time.

Keep posting and let us know what is going on. Someone sooner or later will come up with what you need.

Dale I never said I was smart, just pretty to look at...

See "Bio" for computer stats.
Carl [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 12, 2007 14:40 Messages: 9 Offline
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Thank you, Dale. My burner is a Memorex that claims to burn all formats including DL. The firmware is up-to-date. I checked it yesterday on the Memorex website.

I will take your advice and try Memorex media. Right now, however, I am on holiday with family so I am going to stop worrying about it until Wednesday.

Happy Holidays, Dale and everyone on the Forum. Thanks to all who have responded.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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I'd first verify that the model of your DVD writer and the model of the DVD player can write or play the media you are using. If you no longer have the manuals, these sites can be helpful

for players

for writers

You can also use DVDINFOPro or other software to list what capability your dvd writer has.

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