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Quote I think I understand what you're trying to do, and the answer is no.

If you change the record settings to Lock to App, SR does keep recording when the app is minimized but Windows no longer updates the content so you're left with a static image. That's true even if the audio keeps playing, unfortunately.

Assuming there's no way to simply download your online training video, you'll either need to record it when you're not using the computer for other things (like when you're asleep) or else use a second monitor and set SR to record on the one you aren't using.

Thank You
I saw a product called WM capture that claims to do so.
Shame we couldn't do something like add a second desktop and record on that one while running off of a second desktop.
Maybe for a future release
Is it possible to record video on minimized screens?
I would like to record a long on-line training video in the background while doing other work.
I encoded a 27 minute 4k movie and uploaded to youtube. It took 3 hours to encode.

I noticed that the program was using the CPU only. The GPU wasn't being used. I verified the settings.

I have an intel 7770k CPU with GTX 1080ti GPU.

Is there a reason it wouldn't use the GPU?

Quote Yeah thats the rub - either a big pro unit or a smartphone/go pro style devices, nothing inbetween. Where are the Camcorder formats....

Go to the bestbuy website. You might find something there.
Quote I'm still waiting to move to a 4K Camcorder but I don't want to lose 50/60fps either. Looks like there are now a couple of options in the "Prosumer" range but they are still big, heavy, and expensive. Have I missed any others?

- Canon Vixia GX10 : This thing is 2.5x the size and weight of my trusty pana HS700

- Panasonic Lumux DC-GH5 : In a DSLR Body and I'm not sure how such a physical format would work as a camcorder including picking up lens noise with zooming etc. It's odd that the DLSR side of Panasonic has brought out a 4k/50p device before the Camcorder side



The gopro hero 6 has 4k 60fps as well
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