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yes to answer your ? it is the same issue and CL doesn't have a solution as of yet

I just brought my H265 into Davinci resolve and am able to produce a h264 mp4 and .mov both which play fine.Davinci is using my card. It appearsPD has some issue using my card AMD. I am now going to try that MKV setting as well as getting my caption file and chapters done and see If I can produce a high enough output.

In Davinci I can produce the Dnxd file for it which Filmhub preferes but it produces seperate ausio file along with and Im trying to figure how to upload multible files, but right now that's for another day, If I can get PD to work....

thanks all once again

Quote I can get a decent 24.000fps MKV version with perfect sound sync but the video bitrate is only 10Mbps. Your HEVC clip is almost 39Mbps so I'd like the AVC version to be close to 50Mbps to have similar quality.

While I'm working on that, I found an interesting clue as to why the sound is off in the AVC version. For some reason even though MediaInfo shows that the new clip is 51m 50s long just like your HEVC clip, when I play it in VLC the sound ends at that point but the video goes on for more than 4 minutes!

Im at a loss I dont know why this is happening
Quote So change to MKV vs MP4 and that whole custom profile will change so unclear what you have. But when you get a proper profile defined I'd also uncheck the "Fast video rendering....." box and see what you get when produced concerning your sync issue.

Since your bit rate was so low, really hard to tell with this pic as profile shown not for MKV container, a MediaInfo of your input file would be helpful too. I'm guessing it's probably all I frame and PD in my view struggles to handle that correctly. A common issue with many drones.


Original files from canon 80D all i .mov . And yes if I don't check the hardware or fast render I get a lower bitrate output and the syc does work but its a lower quaility and looks it.

Post the full screen pic of your "Produce" page settings so we can get an idea of what you are selecting.


also the clip is 51:50 however it comes on the timeline and shows 51:46.03 so theres that
image attached

The MKV option is in the "Produce" room directly under the H.264 tile. A drop down box that will let you select M2TS, MP4, and MKV. If your source is truly 23.976 fps, and your produce profile is 23.976fps, then the MKV file should show:
Frame rate mode : Constant
Frame rate : 23.976 FPS

When viewed with for instance MediaInfo. 23.98fps is not what should be shown.


Ok MKV plays correctly, but only looks good payed with VLC, windows media plays it looks bad like low quality. The frame rate ays 23.97 compaired to original file which says 23.976 And the total bitrate is tiny like 265kbps FIlmhub will accept h264 with a MKV wrapper but there min bitrate is 15mps for HD. What I also dont understand my original h264 mp4 output plays and looks great with playback in VLC but out of sync and looks bad with windows media player.

thanks for all the help

There is no Drop Frame standard for 23.976 fps because there’s no amount of frame numbers that can be dropped from the timecode to make it fit neatly into real time, unlike 29.97. The reason the grey "Yes" is because your last setting of Drop Frame was a yes, it simply does not apply for 24fps timeline. Furthermore, changing this feature to yes or no for NTSC regions does nothing to produced output, sync wise, duration wise, nothing. It simply provides an accurate time scale in the timeline.

I'd suggest being very thorough once and seeing if the issue remains. Are you certain your source is truly 23.976fps or is it 24fps? I'd create a produce profile that matches what your source is and see if that helps. For this H.264 profile I would only use a MKV container as all others can produce a variable fps output which may cause your issue. For instance, PD default 24p formats are really 23.976fps, so if source is 24fps as many films truly are, you have a conversion. Basically, make sure no fps conversion is being done from source to produce and see if you have better results with the sync issue.


source is 23.976 for sure produced file is 23.98 I can't find MKV as an option in PD? I need h264 to upload to filmhub If I take my h265 file(which plays and looks correctly) and trqanscode it in Handbrake to h2g4 I get the same issue when playing back in any windows media player, IT PLAYS CORRECTLY with VLC if that makes a difference.

Quote I hope the whole Windows reinstall wasn't done just for this issue!

What happens with changing the drop frame setting or transcoding the single 29.97fps clip? Also, which output format are you producing to? MKV may give you better sync over time.

  1. using dropframe isn't availible to click, its greyed out but does say "yes"

  2. Yes I reinsalled windowsandanew PD because of this

  3. here is my issue: I've had this problem forawhil, IfI have along movie the more out of sync it is in h264 I have a movie that 50min long and the audio is out of sync in H264. I have been back and fourth with cyberlink for months there is no solution or why. If I uncheck use graphics card (AMD) and print a low quality output it is in sync but looks like crap. If I have a high mbps good looking output it is out of sync. Same issue with using a whole other system with NVIDIA.

  4. The only solution is when i choose the h265 output. It looks great and sound is correct. However Filmhub doesnt acept h265, my choices are h264 or DnxR which PD doesnt have.

  5. Even when I take my h265 and transcode it with Handbrake it plays out of sync, I'm at a loss and defeated. I am currently moving over to Davinci to see if I can salvage my project.

  6. All my footage is 23.976 my time and output is 24fps and can't fix it, It plays fine on timeline and outputed h265 but not h264.

Quote Sounds like maybe some clips are actually 30.00fps while others are 29.97. You can try changing the Use drop frame code setting on the General Preferences tab to see if that solves the issue.

You can check each clip's frame rate by using MediaInfo, and now they have a new webpage that will automatically give you a text list of all technical details. No need to download and install the app at all!

If you do have different framerates, pick the framte rate that the fewest clips are recorded in and convert them using Handbrake or VirtualDub 2 to the other rate.

The easiest way to replace the existing clips in your project would be to rename all the changed clips and then copy the transcoded clips to the same folder. Give them the original clips' names, and when PD opens up your project it will automatically load the new clips.

its just one clip that is 24fps (23.976) i have reinstalled windows, tried another whole system with another version os PD and the same problem happens. The final output is out of sync in windows media player in h264 or mpeg2 NOT h265 which looks and plays correctly

My output film is a few frames longer then what is in my timelline? 24fps timeline, 24fps footage,output 24fps and having audio out of sync issues with windows media player but not VLC
Quote Cyberlink tech support responded that they've been able to reproduce bitrate the issue in their lab and have forwarded it on to engineering.

I don't have any idea how long it might take to fix the issue, but at least we know they're working on it!

wanted to touch base, no they haven't solved it yet, However I may have figured at least a fix in my original random audio drop outs on youtube at the higher bitrate.

the issue: if I use SVRT or a custom higher bitrate the "audio" outputs a "lower sample rate" @ 24 when it should be @ 48 which its recorded at. I happened to notice in the properties of the file that the audio sample rate was 24 and NOT 48. I had a nice higher video bitarate, looks great, plays great but on YT the audio randomly dropped out again. If I use PD default output (lower bitrate) the audio sample rate remains @ 48, and hence no audio issue on YT. I make sure the audio bitrate is at 384 or 256 recomended for YT and that is outputed correctly but the "sample " rate is the problem. this may be the issue for everything I don't know yet.

I reached out to PD to let them know whould you have any Idea or how I can stop that from happening?

thanks again
Quote Cyberlink tech support responded that they've been able to reproduce bitrate the issue in their lab and have forwarded it on to engineering.

I don't have any idea how long it might take to fix the issue, but at least we know they're working on it!

OMG thank you! I can only hope if u hear anything let me know

thanks for everything
Quote I think one could have done better with your unique source footage and a profile with Nvidia NVENC vs the 10Mbps characterized for PD18 earlier. As I mentioned in your other thread, Intelligent SVRT profile not really appropriate for your type of source footage. I can get about 47Mbps (PD18) or 32Mbps (PD16) which is about the threshold Mbps range for seeing any difference in my experience for most footage. Your footage maybe a little different with the shades of grey though, tough encoder task. Difficult to say if any better results than what you have after posting to YouTube. I also used PCM audio as that’s what your source audio was in the clips and WAV files I checked, besides the mp3 files, still worth a try as was mentioned prior if you have not.

Anyhow, I see it’s in the hands of Cyberlink for further investigation on ticket number CS002191028 so hopefully some forthcoming insight.


Thanks Jeff,
yes I am at my witts end I know I brake th rules with video just frustraiting that I can't get PD to do what it says it can do. I only have had no issue using the default low output which isn't goo enough. I'll wait a few days for Cyberlink and see if their is a solution. In the meantime I'm taking the tiresome task on learning Davinci Resolve...sigh. Thanks again for all your help
Quote That's frustrating.

Start a new project in PD and import your out-of-sync clip. Take a close look at how much the audio is off as you preview it: Is it always off by the same amount, or does it start off fine but slowly drift out of sync?

If it the first case, right click on the clip and choose Link/Unlink Video and Audio then click anywhere else to deselect the 2 clips. Now drag the audio clip left or right as needed to get everything synced up and you should be able to produce using SVRT.

If instead the audio slowly goes out of sync, do the same steps as above, but then hold down Control and click/drag the end of the audio clip to shorten (speed it up) or lengthen (slow it down) until it stays in sync over the whole video, then produce with SVRT.

If you're having trouble, please upload the produced clip via the link I sent you in my earlier PM. Make sure it has a clear name and I (or any other forum members who want to help) can see if we can get it to work.

Yes that would b a work around, but I'll just use the previouse clip that worked. I'm putting all the episodes together to make a feature, and I'm behind so for now I'll push ahead and hope that PD comes up with a fix by the time I print the full version. I will keep u posted on my progress. I'm hoping to have this ready in the coming weeks.
Thanks again and let me know if u hear of anything.

Also I went to great length to use a preamp to get the auid in cam because I was having synch issues b4 I would hate to go backwards and un link and synch up again. Should I send this topic to Cyberlink? the
Hardware encoder audio synck issue, If that could be solved plus the being able to use the recomend SVRT setting with audio @ 384 I would be in business. what r your thoughts?

Quote So is the audio off in the produced clip, or only after it's been uploaded to YT?

I don't have any experience with AMD GPU cards but I know there have been issues like this reported here on the forum. Do you have their latest video driver?

What about PD? What's the exact version? If you have PD16, it should be 3424 and you can download the latest patch (for any version of PD) from here.

its off in the produced clip, latest drivers installed latest PD patch installed same issue, yes its PD16. it's a real shame because i'm that close to an aceptable oputput. The AMD logo is in the PD about page so it should support it its a nice card Radon RX5700.

the last issue that Cyberlink should address: when letting SVRT give the best output optionssometimes it is a very bit output almost 90mbps however the audio drops to 128. if you try to up the audio to 384 then PD says you have to drop th evideo to 3000-60000 So I can't use the recomended mps by SVRT.

I'm really hopeing I can get this all to work I've used PD for a long time and don't want change to "industy" standard software. I just am at my wits end don't know how to move foward. Thanks again for all your valuable time spent on this!! I hope there is an end in sight.laughing


Three are 2 ways to tell which GPU PowerDirector is set to use when producing: Click on the large PowerDirector logo at the top right corner of the window and look at the first icon s that show up. When PD is set to use QuickSync, I get the Intel logo, and when I've set it to use my RTX 2070, I get the nVidia logo. You should see the AMD logo if PD is able to use your new card.

The other way to tell is to look at the option to the right of SVRT on the Produce page. If PD will be producing with the Intel encoder, it will say Intel Quick Sync Video. If it's using an nVidia or AMD card, it will say Hardware video encoder.

If you have both nVidia and AMD cards are installed, you'll need to open Task Manager and click on the Performance tab when you're producing to see which GPU is busy.

Once you are certain that PD is using the AMD card, produce with the Hardware video encoder box checked and let us know if you get a 1.5GB file or one that's half the size.

Feelling discouragedfrown

OK now we are getting crazy, I just produced it using the Hardware video encoder and out came the largest file so far 1.7 gig 25.7mps So the card is giving me the best output . it looks great BUT the audio isn't in synch I don't get it, tried to change the audio to dolby ditigal, better but still off, now what?

link below is the clip on YT looks great if only I can correct the audio

hardwareencoder 60mps output 25+

QuickSync is the video encoding hardware in newer Intel CPUs. NVENC is the hardware video encoder used by nVidia cards. You will only have one option shown, but you can switch the GPU that PD uses before starting the app.

If you have an Intel CPU, look at this post but choose "Power Saving" for both of the apps to force PD to use the Intel encoder. Along with SVRT you'll see that the other option on the Produce page will be "Intel Quick Sync"

That's the hardest part to do anything about, because your source clips are perfect and YT's rendering causes the gray artifacts. I don't know if Vimeo or another streaming service would have the same issues or not.

I don't know why that was happening or why the new profile seemed to fix it. You can try producing to a different audio format if the issue comes back. You're now using AAC but you can change the profile to use LPCM or Dolby Digital.

Ah I see i just upgraded to a AMD card it beat my NVDIA so theres that I do have an option in produce to select Hardware encoder? would that work. Thanks for the world of information it really helps me.

thanks again

very intersesting and thanks again I will follow the ticket for any updates.

  1. I looked at the clips and to me the the quicksynck is the "blackest" looking I don't know what quicksynch is..

  2. Yes I go for the film noir look, I shoot in camera B&W mostly, it looks better then shooting colour then doing it in post. In camera produces beautiful results, like glass. But YT squashes it so much the black looks pixelly, that is how I got here. I'm close but thought i need a better product to upload.

  3. One more thinkg getting back to my orignal issue the YT audio dropps. Why was that happening? That the file would play fine on CPU but after upload on YT the dropps happened? what about the file did YT not like? any ideas?

thanks again for everything

Brian Vadim

I think there are two issues here, and I'm pretty sure they're both related to your use of mostly black clips.

Solid black clips contain no video information, and I don't think you can force PD to produce a video of them with a bitrate of 30Mbps or 60Mbps. Your clips aren't completely black, but they may only contain 10-20Mbps of actual content, and the bitrate problem seems to come from that. Remember that that's the average bitrate for the entire clip, so some sections can be much higher and lower.

I produced the project 4 times with the same output profile, but using different producing methods:

Produce Method File Size Avg Bitrate Production Time
SVRT 1.6GB 22.5Mbps 2:27
Intel QuickSync 1.47GB 21.9Mbps 2:41
nVidia NVENC 708MB 10.0Mbps 2:17
CPU 654MB 9.2Mbps 2:55

Only the SVRT and Intel QuickSync clips had bitrates above 20Mbps, while the nVidia and CPU-produced version were less than half of that, even though the custom profile had <Min Bitrate> set to 30000000.

So the second issue is why these two production methods have such drastically lower bitrates even when using the same output profile. I would have guessed that one or both hardware encoding outputs could have been off, but not one HW and CPU producing.

I have just reported these issues to Cyberlink for further investigation on ticket number CS002191028, and hopefully we'll learn more about what's going on soon. I've also uploaded the 4 test clips to the OneDrive folder in my earlier post, and they're simply named CPU, SVRT, QuickSync and NVENC.mp4.
Ok very interesting this is what I have so far:

I still need a better output with B&W you really need it or you see too much noise.

I upped it to 40mps (which like you, still only produced a 25+-mps output) but it works
upped it to 60 mps it works (still only produces a 25+-mps output) don't know why that is happeneing.

here is the interesting part: youhave to use the SVRT checked. with it checked it produces a 1.5+- gig file. If I un check it but not change anything else it produces a file half that size? that is weird.

my conclusions see if you agree:

A. must have the SVRT checked
B. Can't go outside of that PD variable rate 3000-600000 (even if the SVRT tech recomends a higher bitrate you just can't get there)

my question is

  1. If PD suggest a better output why doesn't it aloow it to actually happen?

  2. why is the acutal final output @ 60mps only 23 mps

Thank you so much once again for everything at least I am closer.

Brian Vadim
Thanks so much I'm going to do that now I'll produce it @ 50 mps and see what happenes will get back to you
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