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Thanks so much I'm going to do that now I'll produce it @ 50 mps and see what happenes will get back to you
Quote Since Intelligent SVRT suggested a 15.5Mbps profile and you stated your source is 90Mbps, yes that would be some serious picture quality loss.

My guess is your source slips are not really 90Mbps but maybe have a peak rate of such and are probably highly variable bitrate which PD can struggle with. If so, that can cause audio hiccups too.
f the above are valid, I'd serious look at converting your source clips with like Handbrake to a very common H.264 format and edit those in PD and see if audio drop out symptoms persists on your YouTube upload.


I'm sorry no SVRT suggests much higher very close to 90mbs its the default setting that uses 15.5 and there is the problem. the defalt setting no problem its the high SVRT that has the hicups, NOT on playback from my PC only after I upload it to youtube then on the YT play is the problem

I just sent you a PM with a link to a folder on my OneDrive account. Once everything is uploaded, I'll paste a read-only link here so other people can test the files on their systems.

where do i find that folder?

Just to confirm that the drop outs are apparent on streaming from YT and they are clearly evidenced in the audio timeline, if the video is downloaded from YT and put into PDR.

PowerDirector Moderator

it happenes on any system even on my phone the dropouts are there. You tube is taking my version which sounds and play fine on my system but not on youtube
Quote Ok. We're miscommunicating a bit. I checked the links, and the audio in the original video plays smoothly while the SVRT version has brief dropouts at 0:24 and 0:37 then gets very ragged for several seconds starting at 0:50.

This is helpful because it means that the problem isn't somehow related to your system watching YouTube.

The main things I'm asking for is the source clips and your full PD project. It's hard to understand what's happening without being able to work with your source clips, and if you want to report the issue to Cyberlink so they can try and fix it they'll need them too.

ok how do i get that to you?
Quote The specs you've listed don't really help. We'd need to examine the actual clips, and it would also be really helpful to get a link to a YT clip to see if the dropout issue is universal or if it may be related to something on your system.

The more content you can provide, the higher the chances that someone will be able to figure out what's going on.

I sent you the links to the clips in previouse answer and where in the clip it happens

i'll send it again here > CLICKHERE

the adio drops out at marker: 24, 37, 50 etc
Quote I've seen you post similar things in other threads, but like others who've been helping you I haven't seen issues like you're describing.

Can you use Pack Project Materials under PD's File menu and save a sample project where you've seen this issue to a cloud folder on OneDrive or Google Drive? Please include the SVRT-produced clip too so we can see how that compares to both the source clips and what SVRT looks like on our machines.

only happens on playback in youtube i will post you the 2 links one is the default setting and 2 will be the SRVT higher grade setting

default setting

defalt setting lower bitrate

1. codec MPEG-4 AVC
bitrate 15500000
audio AAC
audio bitrate 384


SVRT setting -

codec MPEG-4 AVC
bitrate 51133184
audio AAC
audio bitrate 128

The audio dropps out counter: 24, 37, 50, etc

I thought it was the 128 audio bitrate prob so I increased that to 384, but power director makes be change my varible bit rate down to 3000-600000 I choose the max but problems still there

I've delt with for years, I've alwys just opted to use the defalut setting becsaue it works it just doesn't look as good. Now this project is being picked up for release for streaming services and I need the best possible output. I don't know what setting to use.


I've never seen SVRT create a compatible profile for all I frame if that's what you really have, you need to create that profile manually. As a starter, you can use a SVRT generated profile and then modify the profile.ini file to adjust. Verify what you have with MediaInfo.

The 3 bitrate choices are probably because you have multiple clips in the timeline which are variable bitrate and some differences between them. Put a single clip in the timeline and you will probably end up with just 1 bitrate profile.

CPU encoding > do not check any form of "Fast video rendering technology:" on the "Produce" page
CPU decoding > do not check "Enable hardware decoding" in pref > Hardware Acceleration


thanks again Jeff

ok got it no checking those boxes, when i select the default (1920 x 1280 24p the details shows they are seleting a bit of 15500000.

is that good? or should I try to imput a higher rate? tanx!

UPDATE: here is where I am at
made sure nothing was checked, made sure audio is at 384, went tothe max of variable bitrate where powerdirector allows me @ 60000000, uploaded to youtube looks much better but same audio dropps here and there. I am at a loss. If i use the default setting it works fine but doesn't look as good.

If i use SVRT to see the profile which is much larger bit @ 51133184 however the audio is @ 128 if I try to change it to 384 then the varible bit rate come in and says I have to choose bewteen 30000-600000 . So there is the other problem from what i understand you need 384 . again I am at a loss. defeated ,stuck with no solutions.
Default settings work fine, SVRT export plays fine on CPU but have audio drops on You Tube

Looking for the BEST quality output settings

(Canon 80D 1920 x 1280 24 p 90 mbps .MOV import files exporting H264)
Quote Have you listened to the PD SVRT produced clip, does it have audio dropouts as you note prior to your YouTube upload which will encode the clip again?

If your camera source is H.264, reencoding to H.265 usually does not add quality, as indicated prior, to obtain the quality of the source, producing to the same is usually the best advice.

What is your recorded video format, framerate, what bitrate, progressive or interlaced, frame size, these are the specifics to match and all available from MediaInfo. I would use these to build a profile if SVRT automatic profile is not matching and use this created profile with CPU encoding and decoding for your best pass.


1920x1080 MOV ALL-I 24p 90 Mbps The SVRT seems to be close in bit rate it usually gives me 3 to shoose from. I don't understand what you mean about CPU encoding an decooding sorry, I just use what Powerdirector says.

And Yes to your first question, I've used the SVRT setting in the past plaus fine on cpu but after uploaded to YOUTUBE in play back I get audio droppouts, its very strange its speratic here and there for just s second but everytime I've done it happens.

thanks again Jeff

Usually the same as you recorded. Have you tried "Intelligent SVRT" or "Profile Analyzer" (depending on PD version) in "Produce" room or at least looked at your video specs with MediaInfo or the like?


Thanks Jeff

Yes I've tried the SVRT and it does gives me options which I have used in the past, however everytime I do when I upload to youtube I get audio droppouts on the playback out of no where but not when exporting using the default setting the default setting. And no the movie won't be release on youtube I have just tried to look at clips.
So what you are saying is that SVRT is giving me the best setting? and what about h265? and why to audio drop outs on you tube with the SVRT setting? this has baffeld me for quite awhile and can't find an answer

Thanks again
I want the best quality I can get when exporting my movie, shot on Canon 80D. It's for release so I need the best I can get out of this, don't know what is the best setting to use H264 or H265 and should I change anything else I.E bitrate?
Quote Hi again -

No need to guess video properties. With the clip in PDR's library or timeline, right click to see properties. Even better, use MediaInfo to give you accurate information.

Typically, T3i clips would be ~45Mbps. If both lots of clips were recorded at 1920x1080 @ 24fps that's better. If the frame rate is different you may get some frame artefacts.

AVC H.264 MP4 1920x1080/24p (16Mbps) would give you a decent result, depending on your purposes. e.g. for YouTube/Vimeo that'd be fine. For home viewing, I'd bump up the bitrate closer to 40Mbps.

Cheers - Tony

thanks so much!
1. So If the t3i is 45 and the sony is 50 the highest I can go is 45? and I should expect that a 30-40 min movie will be many gigs of file? For online streaming or DVD would you suggest something lower?

2. ONE LAST QUESTION: I just pulled in a project with the T3i footage. I hit produce and hit the SVRT just for heck, I have 8 profiles but all in RED and can't choose one? What now?

sorry for all the silly questions I've been using PD for years and have an oppertunity to produce porduct for the market and need to step up my game. If I get just get this end of it I'll off and running. Thanks for all your help!!

Thanks so much! SVRT did have a profile.


can I bother for one more thing?

If I combine clips from the Sony which is 50bps and a Canon T3i DLSR which is ?, then what output should I use?
My guess is 1920 x 1280 24p (16mps)?

thanks again
Quote Hi brianv7 -

You can probably customise a profile for your A5100 clips without needing to manually edit the Profile.ini

In the Produce module, have you tried clicking on Intelligent SVRT? Did PDR suggest a profile? It does here, with sample clips matching yours. If so, you can apply it.

If not, just select AVC H.264 > MP4 > 1920x1080/24p (16Mbps) then click the + button to reset the bitrate. See attached screenshot.

The App Data folder is hidden by default. You can change that in Control Panel. See attached screenshot.

Cheers - Tony

Thanks so much! SVRT did have a profile.


I don't understand how to do that. Isn't ther an easier option? My 5100 sdoesn't shoot 4k it shoots HD at 50bps

I love PD however my video looks better going in then after they come out
Quote welcome to the forum.
follow this instructions from YnotFish Still no 2560x1440 support? modifying the Profile.ini.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'

I can't find that on my computor? is there an easier option?

Quote Hi Deeotic -

Yes - by clicking the + button to customise, you can select a 2.7K profile, but not 2.5K.

The only way around it is to edit the Profile.ini, which can be found at C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\16.0\UserConfigure

You can open Profile.ini with Notepad

Attached is the text of a 2.5K profile (H.264 MP4). If you copy that text and paste it at the start/end of you Profile.ini text, you'll have a 2560x1440 profile available in your custom profiles... but only for H.264 MP4.

Let us know how you get on...

Cheers - Tony

also I can't find that location (above) to paiste that profile. I get to users/username and that's it NO appdata
Quote welcome to the forum.
follow this instructions from YnotFish Still no 2560x1440 support? modifying the Profile.ini.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'

I don't understand how to do that. Isn't ther an easier option? My 5100 sdoesn't shoot 4k it shoots HD at 50bps
Quote welcome to the forum.
follow this instructions from YnotFish Still no 2560x1440 support? modifying the Profile.ini.

happy happy joy joy

'garbage in garbage out'

I'm sorry but I don't understand how to do that. Isn't there an easier option? My 5100 doesn't shoot 4k just 50bps HD
I have a Sony recording Xavcs 24fps at 50bps, PD16 doesn't have that exact output option, what setting should I use to produce the movie?
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