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I have the same issue. I originally had a problem in which EVERY burned DVD would display a "playback limited to area" when the disc was played in a standard DVD player. I updated drivers and software. Now, when I change setting to smart fit before burning, it freezes on checking menu settings title. My project size is 64MB over the max size...however I have successfully burned discs, using smart fit, that were well over the HQ size.

DxDiag attached.
I am trying to capture footage from VHS Tapes. I hvae no problem with this. The issue is the audio. How can I mute the audio so that it does not "play through my speakers" as I am capturing. I still need the audio recorded, but I cannot mute the playback. I need the speakers for other things as I record. But the audio from the tape does not mute....even when the master volume (next to the record button) is muted.
Every video imported into PD12 becomes distorted to 16:9 Aspect Ratio. No matter how I convert it, or which program I use to convert the files...they all appear in PD12 at 16:9. When I play the video with other software or burn the video with other software, there is no change in the AR. Suggestions? PS...I dont want 16:9...I'd like to keep original.
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