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I installed PD13 and the templates transferred fine. Thank you. However, I was only left with PD13. The installation of PD13 did an automatic Uninstall of PD12. I didn't mind that since things got transferred over.
With the updated menu editor, I looked all over to find out how I could tell the editor whether I wanted a 16x9 or 4x3 menu. I searched through the user's guide and there was no mention of wide screen or full screen. I finally discovered today that the aspect ratio setting in the Disk burning section appears to set how the menu template is setup, so if I want to create a wide-screen menu template, I have to be sure to go to the section on burning a 2D disk and set the aspect ratio to wide-screen. So I need to put something in the name of the menu template to indicate whether it is a 16x9 or 4x3 menu. Is this the way it works?
I have PD12 and have created over a dozen custom menus. I can see them in My Documents->Cyberlink->Custom Menus->3.0 as Menu_000 to Menu_012. I now want to install the PD13 upgrade which I purchased as a download. Customer Support told me I should uninstall PD12 and then install PD13. However they did not answer my question about what happens to these custom templates. How do I get them into PD13?
My problems appear to be caused because I am using specially modified menus which have no thumbnails. There is a thread concerning all the problems users are having with these menus. I tried my project with a menu with thumbnails and I do not get a freeze. However, I (like others) need menus which do not have thumbnails but CL has not provided that ability as yet, just like they have not provided the analog to DV camcorder capability.
I did not create mpeg file because I had to use Adobe Premiere to do the capture. I used my DV camcorder as an analog to digital converter for the VHS tape. PD will NOT allow me to capture with this configuration because it insists on controlling the DV and says I need to insert a tape.
I could not select No Menu because PD hangs while getting into the Create Disk screen, so I have no menus. I can "temporarily" circumvent the hang by opening PD without any project, selecting Create Disk, choosing no menu, importing the true project. I can then select my menu. However, if I save this project under a different name, close it, re-open the saved project and select Create Disk, I get the same freeze on checking Menu Settings. The menu I choose is a modified menu but one I have been using for all my projects. I just tried to modify this menu to move the buttons so that I can see them when the menu is squeezed together with a 4:3 aspect ratio. When I do a Save As to save the modifications, it crashes PD!

Any other suggestions?
I have a simple video which I captured from VHS. I trimmed the AVI file, added chapter points and added transition effects. Now when I select Create Disk, Power Director hangs on "checking Menu Settings", "Updating title profile settings". I have all the updates applied. Where do I go from here?

Installing PD 12 on a new PC is the easy part! I have PD 11 on my old PC and have a lot of custom titles, menus and buttons. Now I have a new PC with PD 12 on it. How do I "move" all the custom items from PD 11 under XP to PD 12 under System 7?
I tried exporting a project on the old PC and opening it on the new PC and I got all the videos but had none of the menus I had used for it.
I have been using the menu templates with chapter buttons and no thumbnails and I have two questions you might be able to answer. First, the appearance of the buttons when displayed on the TV are clear when using a BluRay player, but whenever I try to use a standard DVD player, the buttons are very hazy and hard to tell which is highlighted. This happened on 3 different DVD players. Second, every time a menu with the buttons is displayed, the buttons are non-selectable for the first second or two, then the screen blinks and they can be selected. This also happens each time I move my selection. Really slows down the operation.

Thanks Tony.

Your menu templates worked perfectly! I even experimented adding another project stream so that there were two titles along with chapters in each and everything worked like I thought it should. Some day in my spare time I might inquire as to how you created the templates, but for now the important thing is that I have them.

Thanks for the quick response. All the best to you.

I want to create a title/chapter menu with up to 10 buttons but without thumbnails but menu designer does not want to let me. The documentation says it can be done "if the template allows it". The Set Object Properties does not let me set any of the properties.
Basically, I want a root menu with Play and Scenes buttons and then the Scenes button navigate to a chapter menu with up to 10 chapters per menu and no thumbnails (I have never liked thumbnails). Also, is there a way of having a thumbnail which does not play the video (remains static?)
For the last 6 years I have been using Adobe Premier and Encore, but I now have a camera which produces HD mpeg 4 video and my Encore does not handle it, so that is why I purchased PowerDirector 11. I did not realize how limited it's menu creation capabilities are compared to Encore.
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