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QuoteIdeally the video sharpness settings should be set all the way to the left for the highest resolution without any artificial artifact in most cameras. You can try the blur filters to possibly reduce the halos around objects and grains caused by the previous sharpening.
Possibly another contributor may know a different way to fix it.
Some cameras like the Sony AX100 and Pixel 4a have fixed settings. I want to reduce the fixed sharpening
I have some pixel 4a video that was too electronically sharpened in the camera.. Is there a way to reduce sharpness without changing the 4K format. I am only aware of the PD sharpening feature in PD18, I like to increase the high end roll off to reduce overshoot.
QuoteOk I think I understand what you're looking at.
In PD14's Transition Room, the transition animation shows a plain blue A screen transitioning to a yellow B screen, while in PD19 the animation is more detailed with the letters drawn with glossy edges and reflections and sand dunes in the background.
Is this what you're calling "airplane wing shading"?
If so, it's only displayed in the animation and is not part of the actual transition at all when used in a project.
If you look at the comparison video I posted earlier, you can see that there is no difference at all in transitions between PD14 and PD19 when they're applied to clips
Yes it is, and I was under the impression that it would show in the finished transition. Dunes is a perfect description.
QuoteHmm, I don't know what "airplane wing shading" means, and I honestly don't see the slightest difference between the tranistions when produced by PD14 or PD19. Take a look at this comparision video, where I've shaded the PD19 clip so it looks different from the one produced with PD14:
The transitions are perfectly melded and I don't see any difference when comparing the PD14 and PD19 versions. Maybe you could share the two clips you produced so we can see why they look so different.
Thank you optodata for all the trouble you went through!! My wife and I went out for Sunday breakfast with dear neighbors, we have done that for 15 years. Friends make such a difference in life.....
But there is a BIG difference when comparing the two. The second, PD-old transition has a straight edge at the point or edge where the scene change takes place. It is linear so to speak.
In the first, PD-new, it is curved and for some peculiar reason my brain finds that objectionable. (Wish CL had a spell checker)
So the easy way out for me would be an exchange of transition files or having both.
Again Optodata,
PS I looked at it again and have not expressed myself clearly in this post. On PD14 the transition background? has a uniform shade or uniform color level as viewed in the transition room best viewed w/o making a transition.. In PD 19 that is not so, it has shading, looking to me as part of a airplane wing.
I do not know how to ad a video here. I will try to figure that out.
You are correct, I found it but it is not the same clean transition, there is still that " airplane wing" shading. This is not present in PD14.
Usually I make do with about 6 transitions, I use "fade" most often.
Is there a way to import those I like into PD19? Or all of them?
That would be the perfect solution. There is a folder named transitions, but both the PD14 and PD19 content looks the same.
Just to be sure, I compared the two versions again and there is a big difference in appearance. And in your sample as well. Somebody at CL must have had an inspirational urge to leave his fingerprint. WHY!!
I transited from PD14 to PD19 recently and used some transitions and they seemed the same as in PD14.
But yesterday I noticed that there is a "sub pattern" looking like an airplane wing shadow, imposed and I do not like it. Am I seeing things and is there such a thing? This is in most of my transitions.
Also the old goodies like Full Twist and Page Fold and some others are missing in 19.
Is there a way to transfer my PD14 transitions into PD19, hopefully different folder?
Any adivce is much appreciated.
PS Both PD versions are installed side by side w/o apparent problems.
QuoteI finally went to PD19 from PD14. Generation of shadow files has not much improved, unfortunately. Like the VU meter.
At the moment I am trying to adjust timeline audio levels by using the mouse over the audio line, like in 14, but it looks like that has changed. What Am I doing wronG?
Optodata, the magic sound app showed up like magic, wonder how PD found it?
Again thanks for your help.
I figured that one out but an other problem.
I used scene detect and used the result to edit by bringing them up with "view scenes"
I finally went to PD19 from PD14. Generation of shadow files has not much improved, unfortunately. Like the VU meter.
At the moment I am trying to adjust timeline audio levels by using the mouse over the audio line, like in 14, but it looks like that has changed. What Am I doing wronG?
Optodata, the magic sound app showed up like magic, wonder how PD found it?
QuoteI had believed earlier that all nvidia drivers created after Dec 2019 were the dch type. This driver search page implies that the standard ones are still being made. It may be easier to go back or roll back to the previous driver easily by selecting the same type. See the attached screenshot.
Thanks Tomasec for the download instruction. Installed w/o problem but still cannot use the GPU to render 264 or 265 type videos.
Was looking at PD 18 on Amazon, hope that will work and the smartsound audio too.
Only found the rental 365 version on the Cyberlink web site.
QuoteThe link in my first post will take you to the 411.70 driver.
If you insist on sticking with PD14, you will have to continually monitor which nVidia driver is installed as Windows will automatically try to update to a newer version. You should also keep the 411.70 installer in an easy to find location so you can run it when you need it.
Also, you may first have to uninstall the current nVidia driver using the Windows uninstaller, then reboot without being connected to the internet before you can install the older 411.70 version. If you boot with an internet connection, Windows is going to download and install the latest driver again and you'll be behind the 8-ball again.
Great, my Sunday evening project. Appreciate your help!!!
QuoteI answered the "best driver" part of your question, but if you're having other problems we'd need to know some specifics about what you're seeing on your end.
For example, you can produce to AVC H.264 or HEVC H.265, but not what you wrote. The more accuate the description you can provide, the quicker we can try to figure things out.
Optodata, my head is still spinning from your fast response, Thanks!
You are correct, I have to render 264 or 265 with the CPU, used to do that with the video board and 10 times+ faster. I guess that a new GTX 1060 driver screwed it up. Now trying to find one that goes back far enough. uses analytical cookies and other tracking technologies to offer you the best possible user experience. By using our website, you acknowledge and agree to our cookie policy. For more information on cookies or changing your cookies settings, read CyberLink’s Cookie Policy.