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Quote YES!! I have the same problem with PD 15, 2 weeks now and teck support is horrble I've been with this company for years and am getting disgusted... I have had to purchase Adobe to finish this project and have had to redo the enire 3 week project.

and as in your issue nothing is muted

You might want to look at dw2 pic again, the audio is clearly muted as the speaker icon has a line through it. Secondly, dw2 acknowledges the mute state and how to unmute with "Ctrl Backspace".

Maybe that's your issue, maybe not.


Check that your preview status is set to "real time" non real time mutes the audio.

Just a possibility

Just a quick THANKS for reminding me about the non-real time muting the audio. I spent a good 3-4 hours scratching my head trying to figure out why my timeline audio stopped working.... What a relief to read your reply & fix the problem!
Here's a tip that helped me start understanding how PD10 works...when you 1st open PD, instead of opening the full featured editor and trying to figure out everything from scratch, if you have photos on your computer open "Slideshow Creator" and add 15 or 20 photos and see what it does. Better yet if you have some video, open " Easy editor" and add 5 or 6 video clips along with some photos and let it make a production for you. You can then go to the timeline view and see that it added transitions, effects, titles, etc. and you can kind of study the timeline as you view the video see...oh, that's how it did that!...helped me.
Thanks guys! That's exactly the info I was looking for...BTW on the same subject I've tried using the "search" in this forum for things like "media room folders, content folders" etc...I get 0 returns...seems like the search function isn't working!?
I'm now working on my first big project with travel pics and videos. the editing part of it is going great, but I have about 140 thumbnails in the media room so far for about 25 minutes of project and it's getting hard to manage everything in the media room. I thought that when you imported a media folder it would import that folder with it's content but it just opens everything individually in the media room. I've looked to create folders after importing but I don't see that option. I'm still new to this so maybe I'm missing something. I thought the "sort by date" option in managing the media room would help but I've found that when you add motion to an image for instance that it creates a separate .png file which has a later date. Plus I've found that when you create a slideshow of imported images and use that created video file, the original images are not marked with the green "used" check. I just imported 3 more video files and had to hunt them down in the middle of the media room to find them. It would be really nice to put everything you've already used into a folder.

How do ya'll manage your content for large projects?
Thanks...I see now! BTW, your videos and tutorials are really helpfull to people like me just learning the program!
I know you can use slideshow creator but I have a project with some video and now I've interspersed about 10 photos and I like to add a little bit of movement to them, like pan/zoom just to make them more interesting. I've read the manuals and looked at the tutorials and thru some trial and error have gotten some movement but it's not obvious to me what the "go to" way of doing this is....suggestions?

PS ...this program is really fun!
I agree Carl, that's exactly what I'm going to plan to do!
Thanks for your quick responses. I'm going to tell the builder to take the SSD out.

Now I have to decide whether to spend the bucks for a new fast HDD or just use the HDD that I was going to use as the d: storage drive, as the only drive for now.. It's the D drive from my current computer and has my current videos, photos and music on it and about 600 gb's 3 years old but the specs are good: sata 7200rpm WD green 1TB 32mb cache.

Do you have any suggestions/opinions as to whether this will get me going ok with PD 10?

I guess I'm leaning towards taking the $200 I save from the SSD and getting the fastest HDD I can and starting with a completely clean drive....anyone have any specific HDD drive suggestions?


New computer just built by local computer company to be used primarily for burning blu-ray discs of home movies: core i7 2600, 16 gig ddr3 ram, gtx-560i graphics, 1 TB sata III d drive, win7 pro & the builder suggested I use a 120 gig SSD for c: drive. It sounded great to me. I've ordered PD 10 cause it looks great for my needs....then I start reading up in the forums to try to educate myself & OH NO!... I read that SSD drives are not recommended for primary drives because of the large temp files required for transcoding, etc. with blu-ray burning! I think the win7 OS itself takes up about 50 gig. I actually called the builder today and explained what I've learned and suggested he swap the SSD for a Sata 3 or 6 7200rpm drive. He says he's already installed most the software and that he's built other video editing systems similar to this and they work fine but when I read the BD burning requires 100 gig free space, i'm getting real concerned that I don't start with something that's going to be problematic. From what I've read, it's not a good idea to try to install the PD 10 on the D drive, where there is plenty of disc space, because among other things some of the components will still install on the C drive and updates and so forth may not work well.

I haven't picked up the computer yet and I really could use some advice. I'm thinking that I should do away with the SSD drive but if some of you experienced users feel this set up should work ok I could go ahead and try it like the builder says.

I've only got a couple of days to make a decision so any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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