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You cannot play bluray through the analog VGA port anymore. This conforms with the BluRay specs requiring the analog hole to be closed for new players after a certain date.
I completely agree. The bashing of Cyberlink is too much. It's the DRM that is the problem.
Unfortunately you have to unistall all your Cyberlink programs and then reinstall from the beginning to get rid of the message. You may even have to clean the registry after unistalling to eliminate all references to Cyberlink and PowerDVD.
You're right! We shouldn't have to do all these things. The program should just work right in the first place.
Crap Cleaner is a good start after running the unistallers, but there is still keys left after running it. Crap Cleaner helps by saving you a lot of time deleting keys, but I still had to delete 50 keys by hand to get my upgrade to install.
The reason for the artifacts is the BD+ encryption. The one processor running at 100% is another issue. Cyberlink needs to get this addressed because this has been an issue since Avatar. I thought Cyberlink was a member of the BD+ community so they should be able to correct this. By not fixing the issue totally, they are encouraging people to find ways of removing the BD+ encryption with other software or use a competitor's DVD software. It's a shame that us honest people have to deal with these issues. Hollywood is ultimately responsible for this mess, but like I said Cyberlink should have all the info they need from the BD+ community to fix the issues. They should have the decryption keys with every BD+ update. I bet the people with software to remove BD+ update faster than companies that make software to legally decrypt it like Cyberlink.
I had to unistall everything with the unistallers. I then had to go into regedit and delete all keys with cyberlink and powerdvd in the key. Reinstall from your first version and you should be OK. Just make sure to get all the keys or this might not work. I like Cyberlink but sometimes their software drives me nuts. Before deleting all the keys, delete all cyberlink folders in users\appdata section (may be hidden). Delete Cyberlink folder in c:\programdata folder too (hidden). Delete any Cyberlink folder you can think of like the one put in the documents folder. You also will want to make sure the unistaller folders are gone. Microsft's Cleanup utility will tell you if there is Cyberlink unistaller programs still there. I know this sounds like overkill but it does work.
After reconfiguring my computer the installation worked correctly. Thanks for the support.
Philip hit the nail on the head. Take our money elsewhere, if they cannot fix the problem. I'll give them a little time, it was the weekend after all. These companies always beta test their updates on the general public. They cannot know what's wrong though if nobody complains.
My Ultra won't update either. I upgraded from version 9 to 11.1719. When I unistall everything I still get no resolution of this problem because my version 11 file came with the 1719 update already installed. I wish Cyberlink would address this issue for those of us that cannot upgrade from the original 11.0.
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