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2024 goes nuts
jam3 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: EU, PL Joined: Nov 06, 2006 08:15 Messages: 15 Offline
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I downloaded the CyberLink_PowerDVD11_Deluxe_Patch_v2024_DVD110811-02.exe file today. I run it only to see this: Setup cannot install the upgrade. Your system must have the previous version of PowerDVD installed. The installation will abort. Apparently my current PowerDVD 11 Version 11.0.1719.01 (Version type: Deluxe Version) doen't qualify. Sadly, this evening I can't indulge myself with yet another amazing piece of software from Cyberlink. My system is Win 7 x64 and (yes!) the current PowerDVD installation is an upgrade from version 10 that was updated several times since the original incarnation.
Shall I rain dance, call for an exorcist or wait for another offer to pay money and upgrade to some mind-blowing, better than ever HyperPremium version?
Paulochon [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 07, 2011 13:21 Messages: 26 Offline
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You are, maybe, missing a build upgrade ?
It's not easy to follow the different upgrade needed, even on the Cyberlink website.

Look at this webpage -> but i don't see it myself.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Sep 20. 2011 19:41

jam3 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: EU, PL Joined: Nov 06, 2006 08:15 Messages: 15 Offline
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It is very likely that I am missing something. However all the previous updates were applied automatically. How should I know? The info from the Cyberlink page doesn't say a word about any particular steps that should be taken before applying 2024. This is really a bizzare kind of publishing all the patches, updates and assorted craps.
Paulochon [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 07, 2011 13:21 Messages: 26 Offline
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You better contact support and ask for a full file to reinstall powerdvd last build or 2024.
ike0576 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 02, 2011 21:41 Messages: 10 Offline
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I had to unistall everything with the unistallers. I then had to go into regedit and delete all keys with cyberlink and powerdvd in the key. Reinstall from your first version and you should be OK. Just make sure to get all the keys or this might not work. I like Cyberlink but sometimes their software drives me nuts. Before deleting all the keys, delete all cyberlink folders in users\appdata section (may be hidden). Delete Cyberlink folder in c:\programdata folder too (hidden). Delete any Cyberlink folder you can think of like the one put in the documents folder. You also will want to make sure the unistaller folders are gone. Microsft's Cleanup utility will tell you if there is Cyberlink unistaller programs still there. I know this sounds like overkill but it does work.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Sep 20. 2011 21:44

Paulochon [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 07, 2011 13:21 Messages: 26 Offline
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If you want to easily delete the registry keys, use Crap Cleaner "CCleaner", so you won't miss them at all.
ike0576 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 02, 2011 21:41 Messages: 10 Offline
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Crap Cleaner is a good start after running the unistallers, but there is still keys left after running it. Crap Cleaner helps by saving you a lot of time deleting keys, but I still had to delete 50 keys by hand to get my upgrade to install.
jam3 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: EU, PL Joined: Nov 06, 2006 08:15 Messages: 15 Offline
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Guys, hello! Down to Earth, please! Why should I do tricks with cleaners, meddle with registry deleting 50 or 550 keys by hand and waste my time searching for solutions? I simply want to use the product in its best. I paid for it and I expect that the publisher respects this. What do I get for my money? I get constant chain of updates and patches that are often problematic, improve or add some features and spoil other spots. Instead of newer versions with some disputable functions I'd rather have simply the best media player in the world that is stable and TESTED thoroughly before publishing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 21. 2011 12:01

ike0576 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 02, 2011 21:41 Messages: 10 Offline
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You're right! We shouldn't have to do all these things. The program should just work right in the first place.
jam3 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: EU, PL Joined: Nov 06, 2006 08:15 Messages: 15 Offline
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I contacted Cyberlink help guys. The answer was not conclusive. I was asked to check the SR Number and then send it back; in order to assist me better. I did.
In the meantime I repaird the crap in 8 easy steps. It took me an hour or so. Now behold, people! I got my PDVD crap working and updated to the impossibly most modern version. How did I do it? It was easy. Very. I removed the previous installation -> used Cyberlink cleaner -> installed PDVD 8 -> upgraded to PDVD 10 -> upgraded to PDVD 11 -> installed two updates and - at the final step - I applied the patch. Voilà! Now I am another happy user of the "...ultimate universal media player that provides the luxury of choice!" I reckon that the word "ultimate" means something different for Cyberlink people. However it was pure luxury to spend part of my evening with the essence of modern programming. Je suis enchanté :
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Hi there

We heard your voice!

We endeavor to provide a better user experience. Off course this experience should include a smooth, hustle-free installation.

I'll bring your suggestions to our research and development team. Stay tune.

jam3 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: EU, PL Joined: Nov 06, 2006 08:15 Messages: 15 Offline
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Today I was addressed by Bedi from Tech Support and offered the download link for PowerDVD 11 Deluxe upgrade to v2024. Thank you.
I believe that the Cyberlink upgrading path is very strange, indeed. In case of repair installation you have to perform too many steps. Luckily I had PDVD 8 in full version. Otherwise I would need to start from version 5 or 6.
Joseph, it's good that you heard my voice. Dealing with upgrades is very bizarre and far from smooth. I also believe that competing with other products shouldn't compromise stability and maturity. Adding fancy functions can attract Facebook fans only. Serious users look for something different as you can observe here. Don't let them down.
I will stay tuned
Member Joined: Jul 09, 2011 09:58 Messages: 67 Offline
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thanks for that note, joseph.

i am sure all of us would love an easier method of installing and reinstalling upgrades and i am sure once this problem is resolved, the work that support needed to work on will be lessened and there would be more happier users.
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