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the trash bin track is an outstanding idea! The way I was working around it was this; I created a black picture and imported it into the library. When ever I wanted to remove a track, I used the picture to overwrite the file and then set it 100% transparent. I like the trash track idea better though.

Thanks guys for all the help and effort.
the little lock prevents any editing on the locked track. In the editing preferences there is a box to "link all tracks when inserting/removing content in time line". this box is unchecked but the content doesn't unlink. In other words... if I cut a 5 second clip from the middle, everything to the right moves left to fill in the blank spot.
Exactly right Jaime. This program has the most bang for the buck even with the small problems.
Thanks, but I have already done that and it makes no difference at all. I even reinstalled the software and set user pref before opening anything, and it still doesn't work. It's as if the box is non functional.

I just purchased PD9 a week ago and have been pulling my hair out trying to stop the object shift when I delete an object, and now I have a simple work around! THANK YOU Cap!

May many blessings be upon you and your family!
Bottom line on power director (in my opinion for what it's worth) it has it's quirks and problems, but then I have never seen any new software that didn't. Everything gets worked out over time through updates, patches, and fixes. You just have to be patient.

I have used PD7 since it first came out, and was very frustrated with it at first. Downloading the updates helped and my reading and learning also helped.

When it was time to upgrade my software, I went shopping around first. I remembered all the problems I had in the beginning with 7 and didn't want to repeat them again. I downloaded and tried every program out there that was compatable with XP. I'm talking adobe premiere, sony vegas pro, corel, pinacle, and a few others I can't remember. I was perfectly willing to spend$500 or more on good software for my video business. I found only one that I liked better than PD9, but decided not to buy it when it took all night to render a simple project that I was testing! PD9 is much faster than the competetion.

In the meantime, I am visiting this forum to find answers and to offer what I can, and working though the problems.
I have just the oposite problem. I don't want things linked and for some reason I can't change that. The link objects box is unchecked, I have reinstalled the software, cleaned the registry of old files, and nothing will change the link issue. Before I purchased 9, I was using 7, which after about a year started to work good,so before I bought 9 I tried a bunch of different editing programs from cheap to very expensive. After the months of evaluation, I bought 9 in the hopes that the problems I had on the trial version would be corrected. The best way that I have found to combat the lock ups and crashes is to auto save your project every 2 minutes. I wish this worked better.
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