Hi Stephen,
Oh OK. You’re talking about the linking of other
“media” in a track you are working on. Not the linking to other
Yes, you’re right. The Unlink All Tracks in Preferences does not generally have any effect on the track you are working on. And this unwanted shifting is something that has been complained about since the first beta version of PD9 was presented for testing.
Why this issue was never corrected, is one of life’s big mysteries. Especially in light of the fact that this unwanted shifting thing was not an issue in any previous version of PD.
So just as the Cap’n stated in his spot on advice above, it is now necessary (or at least wise), to always have an extra trash bin track open where you deposit any unwanted media, prior to deleting.
I’ve also found that utilizing more of PD9’s 99 available tracks, and relegating individual media bits or segments to their own track, does help avoid the possibility of too much stuff being vulnerable to unwanted shifting.
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