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Cyberlink SUX, wasted my $$ on this crap!
Michelle70 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 20, 2011 09:13 Messages: 5 Offline
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But that's okay, as I've just listed the b.s. on Amazon and will at least get SOME of my hard-earned $$ back on the sale of this so-called 'software'. It's shyte, Cyberlink as a company is shyte, and the customer service is total b.s. Cyberlink stinx! When my movie wraps, I will definitely warn people at the end of the film NOT to buy anything from Cyberlink, same with my website, ALL future projects, and YouTube. So sue me. I plan to start a class-action against this shytty company because, 1) you're a rip-off and, 2) your 'customer service' is non-existent. All I asked for was a damn exchange and never heard one heard from you people, so I'm going to badmouth you & your sorry products from here to eternity!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 05. 2011 10:09

Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Well actually you came to the wrong place. After all your posts you should know by now that no one on here works for Cyberlink and that Cyberlink does not monitor these forums.

Too bad you had problems, if you had come here asking for help instead of whining about it we could have helped you. There are thousands of happy Power Director users. Some have had problems but almost always it is the fault of the user, not the product and we generally figure out what it is. With PD9 is is usually as simple as your computer or video card cannot handle it or just a needed driver update. I am assuming that your computer must not be able to run Power Director.

Some of us have been using Power Director for many years with no issues. Myself included. Our moderators do have a better access to Cyberlink than you or I do, and they do not work for Cyberlink either, but they do help us as well as a lot of the Power Director power users in here.

So if you do not wish to try to understand why you are having problems please do not waste our time in these forums. Oh by the way, if you had come here before buying we may have told you to get the download version not the box version. Whatever the case may be.

Also looking at all your posts where you "jumped in" chiming that you have the same problem, but whenever anyone replied to you requesting more information you did not come back with any answers to their responses with any of them.

No one in here cares if you start class action law suit. Your issue is with customer support not us. We wish you luck in your law suit because you will need it. No one in here cares about your "movie" or your meaningless threats.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Apr 05. 2011 11:20

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

Senior Contributor Location: Port Hood, Nova Scotia, Canada Joined: Feb 07, 2011 06:45 Messages: 852 Offline
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Michelle: Sorry to hear that you are dissatisfied with PD9. As Bubba said, there are thousands and thousands of happy users, me included. There is a 30-day moneyback guarantee, so if you are not happy with the product, request a refund.

I am not able to understand why you think that a post of the nature that you wrote in this forum will accomplish anything positive.

The pros here will help you overcome any issues that you might have with PD9, but quite obviously, they will not be motivated to help if your attitude is strictly to blame the product. Most of the time, the problem is underpowered computers, outdated drivers, missing QuickTime, or some other issue, such as the one that afflicts me most often: the dreaded "Chair-to-Keyboard Interface Error.

I hope that you do find a product that meets your needs. Me, I wouldn't think of switching from PD9. Have a great day.

Dave212321 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Mar 15, 2011 09:16 Messages: 125 Offline
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This program has it quirks at times and I agree. You have to find the work a rounds.

I'm merging projects as on work a round.

I'm sure this post will not last long either.

Be careful of libel though if you plan do as you suggest and you video hits the airwaves where many can view it.
[Post New]
This might be the correct post to share this old piece of animation. It often made me feel better trying to support people, when I could at least laugh!!! Zipped up as it is already compiled.
236 Kbytes
520 time(s)
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Don't know if this thread will be deleted. A good example of what not to do. I did not see the Amazon review anywhere either. And you know how to ask for help....

Fred, I have not seen that in YEARS.... and it is still very funny...

I do have to admit that some of the PD9 reviews on Amazon do look too good to be true.... But not many bad ones. Check them out when you have time.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 05. 2011 14:25

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

GregInSparta [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Sparta, Michigan Joined: Dec 19, 2010 00:18 Messages: 5 Offline
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Quote: But that's okay, as I've just listed the b.s. on Amazon and will at least get SOME of my hard-earned $$ back on the sale of this so-called 'software'. It's shyte, Cyberlink as a company is shyte, and the customer service is total b.s. Cyberlink stinx! When my movie wraps, I will definitely warn people at the end of the film NOT to buy anything from Cyberlink, same with my website, ALL future projects, and YouTube. So sue me. I plan to start a class-action against this shytty company because, 1) you're a rip-off and, 2) your 'customer service' is non-existent. All I asked for was a damn exchange and never heard one heard from you people, so I'm going to badmouth you & your sorry products from here to eternity!

Next time, you might want to try out the trial version first.

Good luck on that class-action law suit. Looking over your post, you would seem to have an excellent case.
i5 6600K, 16GB RAM, 480Gb SSD, 3Tb & 4Tb HDD, Win10 Pro
Stephen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 14, 2011 21:16 Messages: 7 Offline
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Bottom line on power director (in my opinion for what it's worth) it has it's quirks and problems, but then I have never seen any new software that didn't. Everything gets worked out over time through updates, patches, and fixes. You just have to be patient.

I have used PD7 since it first came out, and was very frustrated with it at first. Downloading the updates helped and my reading and learning also helped.

When it was time to upgrade my software, I went shopping around first. I remembered all the problems I had in the beginning with 7 and didn't want to repeat them again. I downloaded and tried every program out there that was compatable with XP. I'm talking adobe premiere, sony vegas pro, corel, pinacle, and a few others I can't remember. I was perfectly willing to spend$500 or more on good software for my video business. I found only one that I liked better than PD9, but decided not to buy it when it took all night to render a simple project that I was testing! PD9 is much faster than the competetion.

In the meantime, I am visiting this forum to find answers and to offer what I can, and working though the problems.
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Even though this is a dead thread...

I just completed my annual High School graduation video tonight using this piece of so called "crap" software. (like years and versions before)

I had no problems burning it to DVD, no problems saving a rendered Divx AVI for backup. Couple hundred pictures, as many transitions, as some pics have TWO transitions (one on each end), and about 150 titles or so... I even used PD9 to burn the master which I normally do not do.

AND I have a 35 minute long single particle running as background in it...

Piece of cake.... all in 32 bit and 3 gig of RAM..... ;

Now all I have to do is burn another 249 copies (using CDBurner XP Pro .. free and fast), print the labels on them, and I will be done.....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 16. 2011 17:44

Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

CyberLink PowerDirector 10 Tutorials
PDtoots PowerDirector Tutorials

When you are asked to provide a DXDIAG you go the following link and do part "B". Your posted specs are NOT what we are looking for as they tell us nothing. The specs on the box of your computer mean nothing. The DXDIAG shows us how your computer is configured as it runs.

James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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Software is only as good as the computer it runs on. I, too, have done hundreds of videos with PowerDirector. There are always bugs in any program, but each version has been better than the last. __________________________________
Stephen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 14, 2011 21:16 Messages: 7 Offline
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Exactly right Jaime. This program has the most bang for the buck even with the small problems.
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