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Deleting an object "removes time" from a track
Senior Contributor Location: New Britain, CT, USA (between New York and Boston) Joined: Feb 10, 2010 21:36 Messages: 1038 Offline
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This is a consequence of not having a master video track, but it isn't implemented correctly (IMNSHO).

If you add something, say an effect, to a video track, then the objects to the right do not move; but if you then delete that same thing, the objects to the right do move (to the left).

If I had my druthers, the two actions would be symmetrical: "adding" would be an insertion of time, "removing" would be a deletion of time.

Actually, I'd like to be able to "freeze time" on a track so that you could add and delete things without having everything else slide around.

Better yet, you should be given the option of "inserting" or "overwriting" when you add, and similar options when you remove an object. Jerry Schwartz
Cap'n Kevin
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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Would you like an easy work a round?

If you want to delete a clip....add another video track to the timeline to use as a place holder(corral for unwanted video clips and effects!! :wink....then drag the clip or effect that you want to remove to this new track. Then you can right click on the offending clip and select remove.

It certainly would be nice to simply remove clips and NOT have things shift to the left!!

But by dragging them to a different track first, the rest of the clips won't shift......hopefully a fix will come from Cyberlink to correct this very obvious design mishap!



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James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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That's exactly what I do. Good tip, Captain. __________________________________
Cap'n Kevin
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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Thanks Jaime!
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Stephen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 14, 2011 21:16 Messages: 7 Offline
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I just purchased PD9 a week ago and have been pulling my hair out trying to stop the object shift when I delete an object, and now I have a simple work around! THANK YOU Cap!

May many blessings be upon you and your family!
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