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Sind sie durch das 3D setup in 3DTV play?

Es sollte eigentlich alles automatisch umstellen wenn Sie sind richtig durch das setup.

Bei mir alles funktioniert, aber wie gesagt, ich benutze jetzt Arcsoft.

Mein erfahrung mit Cyberlink ist das ich muss alle meine probleme selbst lösung. Micheal (er heisst ganze welt so) fragt nur frage und antwortet nichts.

Siehe unten
Ich habe aufgeben mit PowerDVD, Ich benutze Arcsoft. Support ist besser, und funktioniert.

Sie müssen sicherstellen, in Nvidia Systemsteuerung HD 3D Auflösung ist eingestellt.

Siehe Link (Englisch)
Can anyone answer my questions.

1. Why do I get the option of "HDMI 1.4 enable 3D TV (which appears under Win 7 only)" When I am running Vista

2. Why can I not set HD 3D | 1080p, 1920x1080 24Hz resolutuion in the Nvidia control Panel?


Just found this on the Arcsoft site at the following link.

If you see no 3D effect and this error in red across the bottom of the screen when you enter 3D mode:

Current mode 1920x1080@60 is not HDMI 1.4 3D compatible.

Go into NVIDIA control panel and select Display| Change Resolution

Set Resolution to:
HD 3D | 1080p, 1920x1080

Set Refresh rate to:

Set Color Depth to:
Highest (32-bit)

Restart TMT and the error should no longer appear and 3D should be visible using the glasses for the TV.

Why don't I see this option in the Nvidia Control Panel?
Why is it then, that I get this option under Windows Vista, when it says "which appears under Win 7 only"?
Under this link it says the following

"2.check the option in 3D settings: HDMI 1.4 enable 3D TV (which appears under Win 7 only)"

Where does this need to be done, In the Nvdia Control Panel?
Oh well no one there
igor82 or roller11

What OS are you using?
Hello, any Vista / Nvidia owners out there
They haven't banned me yet. I haven't got nothing good to say at the moment.
I Spoke to Nvidia yesterday evening and they said I could watch BD3D with Windows XP, then I asked the question regarding 1.4 HDMI and they said I needed 3DTV Play, even though it says at the below link I do not.

Has anyone on this Forum got 1.4 Enabled 3DTV working under Windows Vista, or Windows 7 for that matter, as a Display Option?

Can anyone explain the reason why 1.4 Enabled 3DTV is not supported under Windows Vista? Is it Nvidia, Is it Cyberlink?

Surely the 3D Advisor should have this as a comment.
Can't see that at this link either.

or here


I am now very confused. Am I using the Nvidia solution ???????????

At this link it only mentions WIN 7 for High Definition audio ( [4] small print at the bottom )

At this link is says Vista is supported.

Here it doesn't mention an OS at all.

This is a joke. I am not using Nvidia 3D Vision (???) as I have a Samsung 1.4 enabled 3DTV with an IR emitter built in and Samsung active shutter glasses. It states at the 3rd link that I do not need Nvidia 3DTV play because again I have a 1.4 enabled 3DTV.

It says here that "*NVIDIA has worked with ArcSoft, Corel, Cyberlink, and Roxio to ensure their latest players offer exceptional Blu-ray 3D playback when paired with GeForce GPUs and 3D Vision technology" ?????

Cyberlink. Is this correct?

or here

It says here that 1.4 enabled 3DTV only appears under Win 7.
Hallo Cyberlink Forum. Ich bin neue hier und habe folgendes Problem.

Cyberlink Automatisch wählt 1.4 enabled 3DTV als Wiedergabegerät aber ich bekomme diese Fehlermeldung.

"Cyberlink PowerDVD Könnte nicht die 3D Wiedergabe nicht aktiveren. Versuchen sie ein andere Wiedergabegerät"

3D Checkerboard funktioniert, aber nicht 1.4 enabled 3DTV

3D Advisor alles in ordung

I habe Windows Vista x64 neue installiert so mein System ist ganz frisch.
I habe auch versucht die Grafikkartentreiber und PowerDVD neue zu Installieren. Immer noch das gleiche.



Benutztes Motherboard MSI G41TM-E43
Benutzte CPU Intel Dual2Quad Q8400
Betriebssystem Version Windows Vista 64Bit SP2
Benutzerkonto Admin

PowerDVD Version: Testversion 10 Version 10.0.2325.51
PowerDVD Build Nummer : 2325
PowerDVD SR-Nummer : DVD101118-01

Upgrade Historie: Wernn Eure Version ein Upgrade ist, welche Versionen waren zuvor Installiert? Kein Upgrade
Update Historie: Welche Updates (kostenlosen PAtches) habt Ihr installiert? Kein Updates
ursprungsversion: Wenn Ihr updates installiert habt, welche Version war vorher installiert? Kein
OEM oder Verkaufsversion: Cyberlink Download
Wenn OEM Version: Welche Hardware wurde mitgeliefert/welcher Hersteller Nicht OEM
Welche Grafikkarte wird genutzt MSI N450GS M2D1GD5 Nvidia
Grafikkarten Treiberversion Nvidia V266.58
Wie viele Bildschirme sind angeschlossen: (Clone oder Erweiterter Modus) 1
Wie ist der Monitor angeschlossen (VGA/HDMI/DVI/SCART/DisplayPort/...) HDMI
Welche Soundkarte und Treiberversion Kein
Ton-Ausgabe über Analag oder über S/PDIF, HDMI? HDMI
Welche Antivirussoftware wird genutzt? Microsoft security Essentials
Welche Codec Packs sind installiert? Keine Ahnung
Welcher Titel bereitet Probleme: Monster House 3D

My experiences using PowerDVD 3D, in case others are pulling there hair out, you are not alone.

I have had problem after problem trying to get my 3DPC connected to my 3DTV .

Firstly I was using Windows XP 32bit SP3 All Nvidia drivers and Powerdvd were installed using an old monitor which probably caused my problems.
On the Samsung TV, at a resolution of 1920x1020, the picture was terrible and cut off at the edges, read a few forums and the user manuals which helped with the overscan but nothing could help with the picture. Colours were rubbish, text was unclear etc…. when I set the resolution in nvidia system settings to 1680x1050 everything beautifully crisp.
Tried changing HDMI ports, Changing the port name, Bought new HDMI 1.4a cables (needed slightly longer ones anyway 1.5M €5.99 cables where slightly too short), different adaptors from my graphics card and many other things stated in various forums. Nothing worked.
PowerDVD didn't have the 1.4 HDMI enabled 3DTV as a display option. Automatically would set to Red/Green.
3D worked when I manually set PDVD to checkerboard (with the following problem)
I couldn't set the resolution to 1920x1080 without losing the checkerboard setting on the Samsung. The channel name was set to PC but checkerboard was only there when set to a resolution of 1680x1050 and then when the 3D playback started the picture would reduce in size to this resolution, ok the 3D in checkerboard mode worked.
I presume that when I installed the nvidia drivers it pick up the settings from my old monitor 1680x1050 and couldn't go anywhere from there. Good, you would think in this day and age things would be a little less complicated. The nvidia system settings showed my Samsung TV and the recommended resolution was correct, but something wasn't quite right.

I decided to reinstall the nvidia drivers and PowerDVD, but first before spending time doing lots of re installing I upgraded (new install) to Vista 64bit. . This I completed yesterday after days of windows updates.
The main reason for this is Totalmedia Theatre 5 doesn't support XP BD3D playback and want to give that a go before parting with my cash. Corel WinDVD pro 2010 no BD support in the trial version and Roxio Cineplayer no Trial at all. They have both lost a potential customer.

Anyway back to PDVD 3D.
WOW after the new install all the above problems regarding colour, text, losing checkerboard, missing display option in PDVD all gone, I thought what a big boy int ya.
PowerDVD automatically detects 1.4 enabled 3DTV
Confidently placing Monster House 3D in the LG BH10LS, powered up PDVD, all 3D options available on the Samsung (also at 1920x1080) started film in 3D and then……..

Error message. This mode can only be used in full screen mode. OK not so bad. Pressed "JA"

Error message. Cyberlink PowerDVD could not enable 3D playback, Try another display output setting.

I thought bloody hell, now almost completely bald, set the output setting manually to 3D checkerboard, Samsung to 3D checkerboard works OK (the 3D was better before in 1680x1050 using XP might I say).
Tried manually setting the output to 1.4 enabled 3DTV that doesn't work.

Cyberlink. This is now my problem I give PowerDVD the chance to automatically select my display option (RECOMMENDED) and then I get the above error message ???????
How can this be [shaking head, held in hands].

I have attached all requested documents

I have tried reinstalling PDVD as stated here



Mainboard: MSI G41TM-E43.
Processor: Intel Core2Quad Q8400
RAM: 2GB Kingston DDR2 800
Graphics Card: MSI N450GTS -M2D1GD5
Driver Version: Nvidia V266.58
OS: Windows Vista
Display: Samsung LE46C750

PowerDVD full Version? No
PowerDVD Trial Verison? Yes Version 10.0.2325.51
PowerDVD SR Number DVD101118-01
PowerDVD TR Number TR101125-051
Operating System (including x86 or x64 Bit Version) Windows Vista X64 Service Pack 2
Do you use administrator or restricted user account? Admin
Is your PowerDVD a Retail product or bundles with HW? Download Trial
Used VGA MSI N450GS M2D1GD5 Nvidia
Used VGA driver version Nvidia V266.58
Used Audio device
Used Audio device driver version
The Audio setting in PowerDVD and in OS (default devices)
Used ODD drive (full model name and Firmware Version) LG BH10LS
Used Display(s) Samsung LE46C750
Which kind of display connection (HDMI/DisplayPort/VGA/DVI) Mini HDMI 1.4 to HDMI 1.4
Are you using single or dual monitor environment Single
Are you using clone or extended mode (if use two display) N/A
(3D only) Please provide detail info about 3D setting in PowerDVD Automatic (recommended)
What kind of Antivirus SW are you using Microsoft Security Essentials
The detailed issue description Above
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