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How are you using it? Do you dump the recorded file to your pc? What is the file type .MPG or .AVI or what

I would try that first. Then doulble click on the file in your pc and it will open with Microsoft Media Viewer.

If that views OK then you should be able to import it into PD.

Simple - Save your project then make a split about 50% through and delete the 2nd half.

produce the DVD with a final text title saying "Continued on 2nd DVD..."

Then after producing your DVD save the project as Part One.

Reload the oriiginal project and delete the first 50% and produce the DVD

Save this project as PartTwo

Good reply Dafydd

Though possibly Cyberlink has just a few too many purchasing options. I have PD6.0 and I love it, having read all the specs and tested it against its competitors before buying, but now I come to the Cyberlink pages I see a bewildering array of Buy choices, so maybe the original poster may have jumped in too soon. Perhaps Cyberlink would trade him an upgrade if he has a genuine proof of purchase.

On a similar note, I post on other techie forums and it seems nobody reads all the info in the posted question, but dives right in with a response like "you should not have formatted your drive" when no such claim was made in my question. Maybe they just drink too much coffee.

BTW I love your own site and all its informative videos Dafydd

Keep it up



I have a request for PD future development, so move this post elsewhere if you wish Moderators.

I use two cameras when I make videos and cut between them (Video/PIP) during post-production.

What would be a real bonus is to have both Video and PIP screens running side by side instead of just the one displey. Maybe with a check box in the drop-doun menues to enable/disable.

This would allow me to step into the exact frame to cut from PIP to Video and back.

It probably is not a big development task either, more a duplication of existing code and it would put PD ahead of its competitors in this price range.

Thanks for reading,


By the way, I just filled in the PowerDirector online survey but I have Vista so I didnt get my LabelPrint - never mind.

Poated this jsust as you replied but nevertheless...

What do you see when you look at the Audio control panel up top..
Click on the Clef Icon to see it.

What are the individual volume settings set to?

Also click on the video clip in the timeline and right-click
On the popup menu do you see visible and clickable a menu option "Restore to Original Audio Volume" If its clickable then do so.

Then run it again

http://www.VideoCentricity.Net Where you see yourself on the web
Re- Grainy

Was the subject well illuminated when recording?

i.e before importing the clip, did it look OK ? I set my camera to Full AGC for low-light work else I do get grainy video - its a DV camcorder problem due to the resolution of the CCD chip.

This is a reply to my own original post.

For anyone considering Green Screen work, here is my solution.

The prime problems are
1. even lighting of the green screen and
2. green halo affect on the subject - especially hairlines

While still not perfect I settled on using three fluorescent strip lights as shown here

By adding a 500 Watt spotlight as a backlight to the subjects head, I think I have solved the halo effect. Since its a backlight, any actual overbrightness does not seem too important.

I chose to make the frontal lighting form a semi-circle with six 100 Watt pearl lamps and I am getting a nice shadow free overall illumination. The only thing I need to beware of is reflections on eyewear when shooting the subject full-on, which can be fixed by shooting off-center.

I made the frontal lighting gantry from wood rather than metal since I dont have a workshop or metalwork skills. Fibre-board and glue did just fine for my low budget. The green screen is a felt cloth like a pool table surface.

Hope this helps anyone who is contemplating green-screen work.
I'm using a green screen backdrop lit as best I am able and then adding the recorded video as a PIP.

When I use the chroma-key eye dropper to pick the background color (green) I get the expected effect and I am able to use the intensity slider to adjust the transparency from zero to a point where even the wanted image is affected.

So far so good...

However due to minute variations in the lighting intensity of the backdrop I get speckles and other errors in the final output. The more imperfect the lighting setup, the worse the speckling, so I know its my lighting at fault, not the software.

My question is - Is there any way to obtain a broader value for the chroma-key (maybe by adjusting a value in the windows registry for the chroma-key function??)

In other words make chroma-key dissolve darker-green and green and lighter-green colors in the video data not just the single color tone chosen by the eye dropper..

I have scanned the internet and see other more expensive packages offer a band of color adjustable around the color picked.

FYI I am using six tungsten pearl floods to light the wall - all purchased in a single pack so I assume they have the same color temperature. My main subject lighting is a halogen flood.

I tried the F3 as you suggest but no noticeable effect. What I notice is this.

MyProject has a text opening title and a text credits and the video clip (the sample Aquarium.mpg which I have modified with fades.)

When e.g. I have changed the text Title and saved it then only the Text is selected with the green outline. To select all it seems I just click in any empty area, not a clip or effect but just any empty position on any track. That highlights all tracks and works fine.

Hindsight is wonderful, but It only just occurred to me. I was clicking on the Lock/Hide icons area thinking that was what was need to select All

Partly 'cos I'm switching between three development programs (MM2 and Deskshare) to see which features work and so I am making my learning curve steeper.

So far Cyberlink has it on a number of features.

Cyberlink ChromaKey and PIP seems better than the others especially the PIP border control and transparency. For the extra $20 I think that about clinches it.

OK I'm a newbie but the selection of video, text and so on seems dreadfully icky and NOT intuitive.

If I have a video track with a number of splits because I have been deleting the unwanted frames, plus titles audio and maybe some transitions then....

What is the correct way to select all tracks for playing in the development
pane ?
I often do a test play and its missing the sound track or text or I get right up to the final video frame and instead of playing the credits, it jumps back to frame 0000.

Then I notice that by guessing the clicks on the Lock icons I get a bright green border around everything which now means that when I play the scene I get all my work to play together.

However the inclusion and method of getting to this point is not obvious.
When exporting the project it all seems OK, but the test, edit, retest phase is driving me crazy.

So, what are the correct steps to selecting all video,audio,text trackas together and why is it seemingly so difficult?
I am evaluating Director and have the same issue.

The klutz solution I made last night is as follows. (This is a dreadful way to do it and there MUST be a simpler way.)

If the mpeg is Split at the first couple of frames and now stretched to say 5 seconds, then drop the text opening title at the beginning frame 0.

The initial split clip can now be faded too.

Stretch the title to also be 5 seconds. Now run the scene and the title should appear on a static image of your initial mpg for five seconds before fading into the action. Klutzy but works.

I cant find anything in the help files to cover this.

Come on Moderators Whats Wrong and why no documentation in the help ?

I am using the evaluation copy of Director along with Deskshare's product and MS MovieMaker 2 and Womble while I get a feel for each set of features and pros/cons.

After about four days of experimenting I am about to purchase Director but I have a number of questions including credits creation.

As far as Credits go it seemed at first that Directors use of multiple fonts was a winner. However after filling the page with the first ten lines of text I find I cant extend the length of the page.

My instinct tells me to make a tall page in Flash and scroll it upwards and then export as an AVI. Then I can import it into Director as a clip.

While I know this will work, am I missing some feature in Director.

How would you experts make a credits similar to a short movie with say 100 lines with mixed fonts and graphics which scrolls upwards?

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