The small grey tab with the arrow at the left margin of the media library window opens up the folder view. Add folders as you wish. This is a very handy function when there are large numbers of videos and pictures.
Thanks so much for your help...I feel like a bit of a fool, I found the function playing with PD and was coming back to let folks know I figured it out...sometimes my brain gets stuck in 1st gear in the am....Thanks again...
Is there a way to create folders in libraries? That would go a long way towards keeping a large library organized.
Was having same issue, decided to do uninstall, re-install, for some reason I got the bright idea to not install the patches and PD burned the DVD with no issues, once I get done with this project I will install patch and see if issue reappears. Will keep you posted.
Is there a method of changing the music duration to longer than 10 seconds?For menu screens, when I add my music, It automatically loops at 10 seconds during preview, would like it to play entire song before looping. Please advise. Thank you