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Forum Name  Topic Answers Author Views Last message
PowerDirector (previous versions) SVRT and Best Matched Format Broken again. 4 Al Vodi 930 Apr 25, 2019 21:14
Al Vodi
PowerDirector (previous versions) Broken Link ? RESOLVED 3 Al Vodi 830 Feb 11, 2019 16:48
PowerDirector (previous versions) Slideshow customization issue. 4 Al Vodi 832 Dec 14, 2018 16:08
PowerDirector (previous versions) PD17 patch update 2314 available. 13 Al Vodi 2,367 Nov 30, 2018 05:13
PowerDirector (previous versions) PD16 to PD17 Upgrade warning 3 Al Vodi 1,034 Nov 28, 2018 03:59
PowerDirector (previous versions) SVRT can affect export video folder selection and hang PD - fixed with last update. 1 Al Vodi 453 Nov 25, 2018 20:38
PowerDirector (previous versions) New video and image formats from Apple. 0 Al Vodi 431 Dec 04, 2017 16:39
Al Vodi
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