Anyone experience the same problem ?
I have had this experience once a few years ago. The fix is to revert to an earlier version of the pds file. If you haven’t been saving the project periodically by using a different filename each time then try to get it from the autosave. After opening an earlier version of the project and you are happy with it then save it under a different filename before adding a menu. After you add a menu then save it under a different filename in case the menu you choose and use crash the project again. You then always have an earlier project without a menu to revert to.
If you create a custom menu that may have caused the problem then you can always use the auto features in menu designer to help override the perceived mistakes until you get better at it.
Temporarily choose one of the supplied cyberlink menu to see if it helps and not crash your pc.
Let us know if this helps.
Thank you for your advice
I have been saving the project often at different stages because of this freezing.
The funny thing is that if I am busy with the project and I create a disc without closing the project, then I can create a dvd disc
If reopening the same project the next day to create a another disc or blueray it freezes when I go to the create a disc menu
If I use the supplied Cyberlink Menus then it is okay, only the DZ templates seem to create this problem
Is there anyway to save that pds without having to go back to previous projects ?