Ah! Cemeteries---Sorry, thought we were talking about PD.
I used PD to turn my wife's Flip videos into a "travelog" through a local cemetery. It was part of a series called "Travels with Mommy" that we send to the kids who don't live near us. We were on a tour of the place.
Now for a feature request:
I used some flame and steam particle effects for the crematorium scenes. I was using PD8, and I had trouble
extending the effects as the camera panned. It's a little hard for me to explain what I mean, so bear with me.
Imagine that there is a long pipe, longer than the frame. The camera starts at one end of the pipe and pans across its length. The effect is as though the pipe were moving into the frame on the right and out the left. At the start of the clip, you see only the left end of the pipe; at the end of the clip, you see only the right end of the pipe; and in the middle of the clip the pipe extends from one side of the frame to the other.
Now, imagine that the pipe is emitting steam. As it enters the frame, you can add a particle effect to add the steam. You can move the particle effect along with the pipe, so that they seem to be moving together. So far, so good.
Now, as the pipe continues to move (actually, the camera is panning but the appearance is the same) you need to somehow extend the steam effect so that it doesn't march across and out of the frame. You can't just hold it still, because then only one spot on the pipe would have the steam. What you need to do currently is add another track and put another copy of the steam effect there, offset a bit so that it is associated with the next bit of pipe.
You have to keep doing that over and over again, and it is a pain to get everything lined up and moving together.
I'm not sure exactly how this would be accomplished, but it would be nice if you could handle this with something like a combination of a motion path and replication. Does that make any sense?
Perhaps I'm just missing some trick that already exists.
Jerry Schwartz