I see that the current version of the forum software already has "snippet" information (instead of just titles).
Hopefully Forum administrators can adjust the snippet length to allow moderately long answers to come across completely. I could certainly see the usefulness of not allowing unlimited forum postings in the RSS feed.
Thanks for your time.
I searched first with no answer and also couldn't see a "good" forum to post this, so since I watch this forum...
Any way to get a full feed for this (PD forum? I can already get the subject feed, which is almost completely useless in a forum (it would be OK in a blog setting, for example). In a forum, there are many messages threaded to a single topic, so subject lines only becomes redundant quite quickly.
I would like to subscribe and get the actual postings with my RSS reader. I travel and also visit places with very poor internet.
When I'm in China, also, (for whatever reason), I can get RSS feeds about 90% of the time and internet about 60% of the time.
There are more reasons to want a full feed, but those are mine.
Any chance you installed over a trial version? We did that, and had all sorts of problems for a couple weeks. Uninstalling everything and reinstalling improved things a lot.
I don't think we've had anything just disappear since then, but I'd have to double check with my partner, who does most of the editing to be sure.
We couldn't even edit it (possible installation problem) at first, so we just moved it off screen, and added our own
Thanks for the freeware link, I will try it out.
Regarding blue-ray, which I really want to start using, are you sending out for production, or only burning one or more copies at a time? Also, have you found a good supplier of blank disks at reasonable prices?
I'm doing everything as a volunteer at an ashram in India, and the cost is a large barrier, but I want to do something to archive materials.
Additionally, PD8 does all the encoding as it's burning to folders - it then copies and burns these folders to disc. I've found this reduces the risk of burning errors because all the PC is doing after encoding and burning to folders is simply copying these folders to disc.
Yes, I quite like that fact, and additionally, it speeds up burning on my quad core Windows 7 system about 3 times faster.
However, there's no functionality (that I've found) to reuse an existing folder when burning again (a later session). <sigh>. There are a lot of rough edges in the user interface all around.
In a different thread, I asked about how to change existing names in a chain of subfolder names without breaking the project.
That raised in my mind a question of how other people name their collection of productions, etc. Especially in settings where the files would be shared or archived for access by many people in coming years (so the names should be somewhat clear).
A second problem we have is that people would copy just the final project folder, thus, in effect, removing all hierarchy of folder names, and hence all information from that hierarchy.
So, what naming practices do you use? Any particular benefits, drawbacks, etc?
We have about 25 DVD projects completed (in the last month using PD , but the original path names are very very long (over 128 characters). Each DVD (keeping original camera files) is from 12-16 gigabytes, including menus, trailers, extra images, sound tracks, etc. BEFORE producing a video folder.
That's background, in case it has relevance.
I would like to shorten the names up in the directory structure, but the one time we tried renaming a part of the path, PD8 could not find many of the resources anymore.
An example (real) path:
There are obvious duplications of information, and I'm not asking here for best naming methods (although that sounds intriguing, and I might start a thread).
For example, I'd like to remove the person's name from the two subfolders under the main name. But, it broke things when we did something similar a month ago, and I don't want to reedit all those projects!
Thanks in advance.
When selecting Burn for a disk, I select Create a Folder which speeds up the actual disk writing quite a lot, if I write multiple disks.
So, I have two related questions:
a) If I already have this folder, with the files (from a previous burn, perhaps), is there any way to tell PD8 to just use them (and get the much faster burn times?
b) (Perhaps the same answer). The user manual says
This folder can then be burned to disc at a later date.
. How can I do this?
I searched back a bit in the forum, but the search function often crashes when searching complex items, so I took the "easy" way out and decided to just ask.
PD8 2220
I was told that it was a limited release version (hence the "c"), and that you could request a copy from support.
I interpret that to mean it is not yet a full and complete patch update. I don't know what additional issues it fixes.
It didn't ask for a new name, only the project location, so I had been expecting it to go in the same folder, but unfortunately, there is no option to tell PD8 to do that.
I found one file, "PDR.dmp" in the <user>/documents folder, but it was zero length.
I will try once more. Each set will be around 16-18gb ( 1+ hour of high def), so I would like to find the file if it was generated!
Thanks for the 2 tips. I should have mentioned that I did search for this before posting, but I searched for "upgrade notice", which didn't return any results.
The "hosts" file change, of course, would mean I couldn't check for updates at all that way.
Your responses leads me to believe that Cyberlink probably knows about the issue.
I hope they actually issue fixes more often than once "every four months or so" as another poster mentioned (as an opinion from past performance). It still crashes quite frequently for us when editing, producing, etc.
Quad-core Windows 7 4gb
I have PowerDirector Ultra 8.0.2220 and every time I run it, I get a small dialog sliding up from bottom right offering to "upgrade" Powerdirector for $15.00 off. This is quite annoying, since I've already purchased and registered it.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled (and reregistered it also.
Running on Windows 7 Ultimate
Does the version number in "About" actually show the small "c"?
My version says Ultra 8.0.2220
PD will create a folder with all your bits in it.
Where does it create the folder? I've run the export, and cannot find the "folder". It's not in the original video files directory.
Would be nice if PowerDirector created a hard link (or even a shortcut would be fine) to the file FROM the source directory.
I would like to save the audio track separately, so that we can distribute either audio or video with audio, etc.
Is there anything already built into PD8 for this?
I know how to separate the audio track into a separate edit line on the editor screen.
I didn't read all previous messages, but did search and read a few pages of possible matches without finding an answer.