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Nvidia has main support, but not high. I really hope Cyberlink comes through with High support also, but they don't even support the max bitrates for ipods so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Quote: I posted a question a week ago looking for clarification of the IPod statement as I believe (hope) it to be an understatement do to the popularity of the device.

ATI Stream is an SDK, as such I'd hope Cyberlink wouldn't do something to limit end user choices.

Unfortunately I haven't seen clarification of the press release.

Knowing if Vista 64 GPU encoding will work with ATI AVIVO support still pending would be nice too.

As for keeping my hopes up... I've alread pulled my 4870 from my machine and installed a 9850 as a stop gap. By mid Febuary I'll either have reinstalled it and be all smiles, or gotten a Nvidia 295 and updated my Adobe CS Premiere to revision 4.

Yeah, I saw on ATI's website that AVIVO x64 is not available in the 8.12 update. Maybe in the 9.1 which is due shortly.

With Premiere CS4 you can't just use any Nvidia card for the RapiHD plug-in for GPU acceleration. You can only get the software bundled with the Quadro CX GPU from NVIDIA which is $1700. This is to get the professional to pony up for an expensive card that's not even more powerful than the $350 GTX280.

I'm hoping that they end the exclusive agreement with the Quadro CX GPU and allow any CUDA enabled card which is what Nvidia lead many people to believe in the first place.
Quote: Per ATI's own site 3850 will be supported

Maybe I should have worded my post differently to say that Cyberlink won't support GPU transcoding on the 3580. According to Cyberlink's press release the GPU transcoding only supports the 4800 & 4600:

"CyberLink PowerDirector 7 leverages ATI Stream technology to maximize transcoding performance when rendering MPEG2 and H.264 video files that users can output and view on the iPod®. PowerDirector 7 supports Stream-enabled ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 and ATI Radeon™ HD 4600 series graphic card solutions."

Also, notice that it only works if you are converting to Ipod format and Powerdirector has a limit of 720kbps on ipod files. So don't get your hope up like I did thinking this would easily beat Nvidia's solution...
Quote: Hi, all and thanks for replies...

It wouldnt hurt Cyberlink to mention about the avaiability, I just had another read and there is definatly no mention of the release in feburary.

I am hoping when it does become available that my Radion HD3850 AGP will be able to make use of the ATI Stream Technology.

Oh yeah the avivo video converter is slower than Virtualdub.

Thanks all...

Hope you plan on updating your card to the 4800 or 4600 serious because ATI's stream only support those cards....


I fully agree and others have posted this on the forum. Please go to the link above and fill in the form etc.


Thanks...Info submitted.

Why on earth is it "The best thing ATI can come up with?". .

Because it was a joint venture and ATI would apparently have some input with the programming language and provided Cyberlink with the tools to implement this feature effectively. ATI & Cyberlink got everybody's hopes up that their GPU encoding would be significantly better than Badaboom so people would by their cards and experience all the benefits of GPU encoding.

We on the forum kept wondering why Cyberlink didn't have any new information GPU encoding after months went pass. I guess we no why now. Well I'm convinced ATI's solution will take a while to catch up to Badaboom. Hopefully Badaboom's next update will support the High profile and more output formats.

GTX260 here I come...
Quote: Unfortunately ATI Stream optimization in PowerDirector DOES NOT live to the great expectations ATI and Cyberlink have been creating for so much time!

First of all, the ATI Stream support update is NOT here yet. It will be made available early February.

But the main and critical reason for one to be disillusioned is that although ATI stream will be used for MPEG2 and H.264 video transcoding, it will be used to create videos using ONLY the iPod profile and none else !!!!

That is ATI stream capabilities will be used to produce ONLY 320x240 videos at best, while the NVIDIA CUDA counterpart will be used for AVCHD, M2T and various portable video profiles !!!!

I am very sad with this development and can only wish that ATI stream support will soon be extended to additional profiles or else I will have to turn to NVIDIA for serious video transcoding and processing very soon.

Should we have waited for so much time since last June and pay just to get what already ATI Converter provides in the GPU arena and free ???

Can ANYBODY tell me the reasoning behind this, unless some more profiles are on the way be supported REALLY SOON ??

You have to be kidding me!!! The best thing that ATI can come up with as far as GPU encoding is a 320/240 Ipod file at 720kbps!!!! I'm sooooo glad I didn't get that 4870. What happened to "transcoding 4 1080p MPEG-2 movies into MPEG-4 at one time." First Avivo over promises and now Cyberlink follows suit. I'm done. Smoke and mirrors...
Quote: guys, for some reason the "use CUDA for encoding" button (3rd dialogue window when producing a Mpeg4 AVC file) is grayed out. I have CUDA enabled drivers and a 8800GT card. Using Vista x64 SP1.

I also tried the new "trial version" 7.0.2416a, same effect.

Is this normal?
CUDA for effects (Edit-Preferences-Encoding) is checked and works ok.

LE: nevermind, i didn;t have the 181.20 drivers
it works now..much faster.

How's the quality of video with the GPU encoding and how fast is it over cpu encoding?
Has anyone tried out the new GPU acceleration yet in the new update? PD7 supports both Nvida Cuda & and ATI's Stream technology for H.264 encoding now. ATI's cards can also do mpeg2 encoding. I'm in the market for a new video card and I'm trying to decide if I'm going with the GTX260 or HD 4870.

Hopefully the end results are good for both cards.
It's getting frustrating for me with the limitations that PD7 is putting on Ipod profiles.

Standard Quality: 320/180 @ 512kbps (Come on!)
Best Quality: 320/180 @ 712kbps (You have to be kidding me!)

How is this "elite" piece of software even considering these profiles as the only ones available for Ipod users? Even the crappy apps at least give you 320/240 @ 1500kbps.

As per Apple's site the Ipod Nano, Classic and Touch support the following:

-H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps

-H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps

-MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps

Some people may be fine with 720kbps for just watching the Ipod, but once you put the Ipods in a TV dock you really see how crappy 720kbps is.

I would be more than happy if Cyberlink could support the max resoultion and bitrates. Also there needs to be different profiles added to PD7 for the Ipod Classic & Touch. Same goes for the Zune also.

Another suggestion, outside the Ipod issue, is to also implement the H.264 (MP4) High Profile, H.264 (MP4) Main Profile for output when we are working with HD files.

Thanks...Just had to get that off my chest. Hopefully at Cyberlink listens.

Quote: Look at the announcement link below - PowerDirector section:
It seems that the update will come out probably after CES 2009.
As far as I have tested so far a Sapphire RADEON 4850 1 GB in my Home Vista Premium, with the exception of mobile low bitrates, everything else works very fast; with the slowest time being 4 mins for more than an hour DVD movie least that is some news. Hopefully it lives up to the expectations. The ATI 4870 is $200 and it will go great with my new system.
Quote: Argh, since the June announcement then nothing at all on ATI accelerated encoding.

Just an official update would be nice, along the lines of when it is expected, what is delaying it (waiting for the just released AMD OpenCL driver perhaps?).

Otherwise with all the nVidia and Intel advertising Cyberlink have done recently one would start to think not only was money given to promote those companies, but to prevent their mutual competitor getting a look in.

I bought Power Director partly on the ATI announcement as I'd just got a 4800 and since then feel let down. Especially when having asked the very lacking customer support about it and they came back saying they knew nothing about it (despite being linked on the news page...).

It's frustrating to say the least. I check Cyberlink's website once a day just to see if there is any new information on it.

I too was excited when I heard about Cyberlink's GPU accleration for ATI cards. But after the reviews of ATI's new GPU assisted AVIVO converter I'm a lot less optimistic. It didn't even use the GPU and the reason why it was fast is because the quality is crap. Have you tried the new AVIVO converter found in the Catalyst 8.12 driver download that was released in DEC? If so how was your experience with that?

I was all ready to buy a ATI 4870 when I learned of it's GPU trancoding abilities, now it looks like I'l be getting a GTX 260 and just use Badaboom if Cyberlink results are anything like ATI's. I hope Cyberlink can get it right, but the lack of information concerning this topic has me skeptical.

I'm building a new Intel i7 rig once I get my tax return in Feb and I have the GTX 260 on my wishlist. If no new information is available by then, I see no reason to change my card. I really want both the ATI and Cyberlink applications to do well, but with Badaboom actually doing what it is advertised to do it looks like I'll be going that route.

Note to Cyberlink: When you do come out with the GPU update can you please increase the bitrate limit for ipod files? 700kbps is way to low when Ipods support a much higher bitrate than that. We want to get maximum quality and 700kbps is really limiting if you want to use the TV/Out function of Ipod. In fact, all profiles need to support the max bitrate for the supported device (Zune's, Ipods, and other portable devices).
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