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OK i have reformatted my laptop.
I have downloaded the update PD7 patch AGAIN!
I have exited all processes i don't need and the only programme i have running is PD7.
I have the movie playback on the lowest resolution.

within 1.5 minutes it has crashed every time - 5 times in a row.

I am so angry as i have learned how to use the software and now it simply won't work as it should.

I'm taking time off work to spend time getting my clips edited and now i've wasted another day - thanks PD7!

What are my options?
Pinnacle aparently crashes often too
i've heard the sony studio often crashes

can i get a refund as i purchased a product that doesn't work?
today i have tried to edit some media 7 times and within a couple of minutes it crashed every single time!

All i'm doing is tring to sync media from 2 cameras so nothing too difficult so why does this make it crash?

I've spent a lot of time learning this software but i now feel i need to go elsewhere and buy somthing workable because this simply isn't acceptable.

I'm trying to edit some online drum lesson content.
I have a main HD overhead camcorder which is in the main timeline, another camcorder recording what the bass drum is doing and an audio track via a mixer all pre-mixed in Sonar4.

I have a logo watermark running through the entire clip (only just over 2 minutes long) in PiP track2 and some title tracks before each of the four exercises.

My problem is upon playback the media just freezes in about 2 seconds and also plays in slowmotion most of the time so even though i do have the two cameras in sync it looks like they are way out - i have to render each time to pinpoint faults which is taking forever - i have about 450 clips to do and the first one has taken me about 6 hours so far.

The other huge problem is the PiP2 bass drum media - when i need to adjust the clip slightly i can't - it moves about a second when i want half a second etc??

I have the playback on low res so i can't think of anything else to do?

Any help would be really appreciated

Hi All,

This is my first post on the CL forum, I purchased PD7 a few weeks ago and only recently started to use it.

I'm hoping to record 150 drum kit lessons over the next month or so, two BPM's per lesson, each lesson has between four and sixteen different exercises.
I want to record one media file (which will open in windows media player along with drum lesson notation in PDF) for each lesson and each will have multiple exercise clips.

I was thinking of having one camcorder, i recently bought a sony dcr-trv270e but after a couple of recordings i decided i needed a HD camera so yesterday i went out and bought a canon HG10 HD hard disc drive camcorder so i can use this for overhead shots and use the sont for a footcam for bass drum pedal clips.

The audio is coming in WAV via sonar4 all pre-mixed in a template so each lesson will have a good drum mix.

Today i have recorded four exercises and have tried to put together in the PD7 software, using canon overhead in main timeline and footcam in PiP 1, but whenever i play back the media freezes for a few seconds and completely misses off some text which i did using the blackboard to say 'exercise one' 'exercise two' etc OR it plays really slow and makes in almost impossible to sync the audio.

I have recorded in SP and HXP and find the same problem.

I plan to start recording on Monday 29th Dec for 2 days until i have all 150 lessons recorded but completely unedited in folders and then start the MAD MONTH of editing with no sleep and plenty of coffee.

I'm looking forward to the challenge but right now i feel like i'm working and getting nowhere as the playback is terrible??

Please please help


Edit: after rendering to MPEG2 it plays fine but when editing it's very difficult to pinpoint exactly where to do things as the media playback while editing is not great.
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