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Do you mean the audio files are in different formats, like mp3, WAV, AIFF etc... ???

Oh no no. It's all together in one file. It says that it's ... Matroska file (mkv) ? And I used VLC media player to switch language while watching.

Dafydd,thank you very much,I'll check those right now
Hi,I've got a little question ^^

I've got a file which has two types of audio (language). I would like to produce it in the second one but I can't find a way to do it.
Is there an option like that in Cyberlink?

I'll be very grateful for any help ^^
Oh,it happens to me quite often. I think it's because of the audio file.
I'm not sure how to call it but I use Windows Movie Maker to "repair" the audio file. I put it into the timeline and produce a new one and then I work with it. It should work,try it
I'm not sure why do you have that kind of a problem but I would like to help.
I think I've had a problem like that once. Maybe my solution is kinda weird but I think you should try it ^^

I use Windows Movie Maker to make music file ... let's say better for work. I import it and put it into the timeline and create a new audio file. Then I use it.

But maybe someone has a better solution for your problem.
Good luck!

(sorry for my bad English ==')
Hmm... I've gotta say that I've never had a problem like that.

Well,then maybe try uploading it by yourself You know,go to YouTube -> Upload If your file is on the computer,it should be uploaded easily
You need to make sure that you're logged in

Have you given description and everything else? Have you waited for it to finish uploading?
I've been trying to find it but I can't. There's no file anywhere
But thank you very much for help.
Next time,I'll be more careful
Hello everybody,I've got a serious problem with Cyberlink Power Director 7.
I'm sorry if it was mentioned by someone before but this forum is full of topics and it's easy to miss one so...

I made a very stupid mistake and I don't know what should I do now. I've been working on one project for a few hours and I haven't saved it.
I'm not used to doing it since Cyberlink Power Director 6 always recovered the file for me when I lost it,even if it wasn't saved by me.
And now,Cyberlink crushed in the end and I can't get my project back
I've been wondering if there's a folder where Cyberlink saves unsaved projects but I couldn't find anything like that
Can somebody help me,please? I'd be very grateful.
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