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Lost Project
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Hello everybody,I've got a serious problem with Cyberlink Power Director 7.
I'm sorry if it was mentioned by someone before but this forum is full of topics and it's easy to miss one so...

I made a very stupid mistake and I don't know what should I do now. I've been working on one project for a few hours and I haven't saved it.
I'm not used to doing it since Cyberlink Power Director 6 always recovered the file for me when I lost it,even if it wasn't saved by me.
And now,Cyberlink crushed in the end and I can't get my project back
I've been wondering if there's a folder where Cyberlink saves unsaved projects but I couldn't find anything like that
Can somebody help me,please? I'd be very grateful.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 11. 2008 06:11

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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OK, I'll save you the lecture about saving your project.... but please research the forum for advice on pds files and saving.

Open PowerDirector
Look at your keyboard
Press Alt + C
Go to Edit > Preferences

Look at File > Export Directory and you'll see the location your files are stored at. Go to it.
Look for XXXX.pds.bak this is the programs own last back up file. Change the extension name (copy it first) to "filename.pds".
Now double click on it to open it in PowerDirector.

See if that helps

[Post New]
I've been trying to find it but I can't. There's no file anywhere
But thank you very much for help.
Next time,I'll be more careful

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 11. 2008 11:06

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