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I posted a question a week ago looking for clarification of the IPod statement as I believe (hope) it to be an understatement do to the popularity of the device.

ATI Stream is an SDK, as such I'd hope Cyberlink wouldn't do something to limit end user choices.

Unfortunately I haven't seen clarification of the press release.

Knowing if Vista 64 GPU encoding will work with ATI AVIVO support still pending would be nice too.

As for keeping my hopes up... I've alread pulled my 4870 from my machine and installed a 9850 as a stop gap. By mid Febuary I'll either have reinstalled it and be all smiles, or gotten a Nvidia 295 and updated my Adobe CS Premiere to revision 4.

Per ATI's own site 3850 will be supported
No doubt! And let's hope it actually works on Vista 64, something AVIVO don't do yet... ARGH "Coming Soon"

I'm not holding my breath wrt a Febuary delivery. Cyberlink has been saying that since September in earlier press releases. So why the big new press release about it with no executable to show for it.

I mean come on, some of us bought PowerDirector because it claimed early support for ATI. Then we get burn with a CUDA release first?

I'd have just updated Adobe if I wanted CUDA!

No doubt, I asked days ago which release has Stream support and still no answer.
Been there done that to no avail. As a interm process I bought a Nvidia 9500, Purevideo HD and ding we have a winner.

Right now the 4870 is serving as a door stop while I decide on my final solution.

I choose PowerDirector for video editting based on their promises to support my 4870. Now that the 4870 has proven to be worthless to me I need to rethink the video editor suite as well...

Just wish companies would quit promising and start delivering...

hopefully someone will tell me where to get the "just release" changes... but that's a different thread.
With 8.12 Catalyst drivers my 4870 works just fine with PowerDVD and that's with Vista 64, so I'm surprised you'd have issues.

The issue I still have is there's no GPU off loading occuring.
WIth HD content it's a lot of load on your CPU and overutilization can cause a lot of audio and video stuttering.
Per the Code is out, I'm wondering a few items:
1) What build?
2) Does hardware accelleration actually work with Vista 64bit?
3) Is the ipod reference a definitive list or simple example of usefullness?
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