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please help me.

I want to put effect ( Blur ) but just for a part from the screen not all

how to ?
hello vn800rider ,

I want when I put a word in the video, it comes arabic word.

now when I write arabic word. It come not the same. the letters . if the word for example: ( Hi ) . It comes ( iH ) in arabic

How can I write Arabic language in the software?

Is there any thing to add in the program to let it write Arabic well ?

Thanks Iselin,
When I wait more time, then I refresh , I found it
It doesn't show that it is uploading.

Just when I put username and pass then it says that It is make to be a file. It make a file in my computer then nothing

thank you Iselin for your post

Please help me. How to upload to youtube ?

I click this Icon and I enter my username and password

but the movie is not in my file in youtube.
Dafydd Bevan - SoftDeko

Thanks. Check the PM please.
Ok thanks. Done. I choose a nick name.

Now please help me with my problem.
Thanks Bif for your reply.
but I want it ( download )
the box will take long time to come

no body answer

Edited by Moderator
Please mention your name to begin with, when writing in this forum.
Hello Babdi,
How to choose a nickname ?
When I put my email and pass. It shows like this.

I want to buy PowerDirector 7 Ultra.

but always show this message :

We are unable to process your order. Please verify your information and try again.

What to do ? Please help.
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