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Thanks for the answers but I am using pictures so the freeze frame option does not come up. I have tried putting the picture in PiP so that when the one in my timeline ends the picture in PiP comes on but I am having trouble getting them to line up. I did see the tuts on PiP but do not know how that could help me line up my pictures. As a side note I want to be able to use the transitions that are avaible in the main timeline or I would just do it all in the PiP track. Thanks Drummer grl
Does this build fix the problem? Also if I change the build in the middle of a project do I need to start the project over again? Also I have read where a newer build (cannot think of what one) has issues with jerkiness with PiP and transitions and people have gone back to the 2227c build to get rid of that issue. Does this build you suggest resolve the jerkiness issue?
Thank you very much! Drummer grl
Hello,I found an old post on this subject but did not see if there was a fix for it. Even after producing something the pictures I am placing in the PiP track are a little blurry. My build is 2227c.
Thanks Drummer grl
Hello Thanks for the help but I still cannot figure it out. I am using pictures and not video in my timeline so I do not get the freeze frame option. When I try to line up a picture in PiP with the time line I cannot get it perfect and there is a slight jump. I am trying to use the transitions so that is why I am using the main time line. I did look at the PiP tut but cannot figure out how that could help me.
Thanks Drummer grl
Hello I want to use the magic motion but at the end freeze the shot for a couple of seconds. So I could zoom out for 3 seconds then have 2 seconds of the zoomed out picture. How can I do this?
Thanks Drummer grl
Hi I am putting a short 7 second clip together repeated so I can create a minute long video clip - like a loop. I plan to use it in PiP in another project as a background. What format should I produce this clip in?
thanks, drummer grl
Cranston Thanks for taking the time to give me your answer. It did help.
I liked you video, cute. I always like watching other poeple's work because that is the best way to learn!!

Drummer grl
Thanks everyone.
Barry, I really liked your cars video. That is what I am trying to go for. Thanks for the helpful idea!
Adrian, Thanks for the tip on making the frame.
I am still a little confused on size. Although I might be worrying over something that is a non issue. It is just when I am creating something in photoshop and I need to set the size of it I am not sure what is best. I did one and set the size for 960 x 540 and opened it in PD with apsect ratio set to 16:9 it just didn't look right. Maybe I need to play with it a little more.
One other question on aspect ratio then. If I use a 4:3 video but want my to put it on a 16:9 back drop (kind of like Barry's car vido) so I can view it on a 16:9 tv do I open PD with ratio set at 16:9 and put the 4:3 video in it knowing the video will not fill the screen? Or does PD need to be set to 4:3 if I am working with a 4:3 video. BTW I did see the tut on how to change aspect ratio but I am not sure that I need to.
Sorry if this is not clear I am a newbie.

Thanks Drummer grl
I am trying to make a template so that I can make my own slide show and have an image showing while the pictures show. Kind of framing the pictures. I am creating this in photoshop and want to know what canvas size I should create that will fit just outside the tv safe zones. One for 16:9 and one for 4:3.
Also when I put the pictures in the pip track is there anyway to have transitions on them. I was putting my background image in the main timeline and the pictures in the pip track.
Also I have read previous threads about the pip images not as clear and I feel that they are not as well. Has this been addressed.
Finally, just a comment, I think it is sad that most of the things posted on the forum is about PD 7 not working properly, is PD 7 really that bad. I have not used it for video yet and I am a little worried about how it will preform.

Drummer grl
Thanks for the answer. Will I need to do any upgrading or patches, I am only asking because of other posts I have seen about graphics card. It may have nothing to do with what I am doing.
Thanks Drummergrl
I do not know that much about graphics cards except that mine should be upgraded. I have seen the posts about the problems and I am not sure what I should or should not get. A friend has suggested a couple a Radeon HD 4830 and a nvidia GeForce 9800GTX + will either of these work? Will I have problems with these and PD7?
I figured it out.
drummer grl
I am trying to creat a nice title where I am using a title template. a picture in PIP and a video of clouds also a PIP, plus a color board at the top. So the effect is moving clouds in the background with a picture and the person's name beside it. I want the whole thing to fade in but I can't get the PIP stuff to fade any thoughts?
Thanks drummer grl
Thank you that did the job!
drummer grl
I just want some clarification. Why is the box you use to view your project while making it not what will be seen on a tv? And that you need to have the safe zone box up to know what your true borders will be but the only way to know the safe zone is to use a pip track. I have been working with 4:3 ratio, does this have anything to do with this?
Sorry this post is not very clear but this is just very confusing.
drumme grl
I saw a link to this site on see my world and I downloaded a free video but cannot open it in PD. It was a zip file, would that have anything to do with it? Sorry I do not have more info about this.
I am just looking for some nice stock video to put titles over.
Thanks Drummer grl
Can I have the option on the dvd's menu to do either, have a continous loop or no loop?
Thanks drummer grl
Can I make a dvd where there is an option in the menu to choose between continous play amd not? And if so can I also still have a menu?
thanks drummer grl
Sophie, You can use a color board to fill in the space, adjust its lenth to what you want then add your movie clip after that.
drummer grl
Is there a way to have my finished dvd play on a continous loop?
Thanks D. G.
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