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I also seem to have many problems when it comes to burning to DVD. One that comes up quite a lot is error a00000a. I suspect that there is more than just one problem causing the crashes - it seems the menu needs to be set just right and crashing seems more common with bigger files.

How can I use a different burning software as you refer to?

In PD7 after Editing, then Producing then going to Create Disk, I select Burn. How can I change the burning software???

Or perhaps should I be doing 'Create a DVD Folder' and then burn the file from that folder??? In which case, should I use the Live Fime System or mastered?

I like PD7 (I'm using Ultra with 2227c) but I sure find the burning bit at the end a headache (and heartache).

OK Ray.

I'd appreciate it though if you would let me know how you get on with PD7 running on your Vista 64. As I said, I'm having some issues with my PC and I'd like confirmation that PD7 is not the cause (I'm confident that it is not).

I use PD7 on Vista 64 bit.

I believe that it is working not too bad although I am having a couple of issues.

1. I've been having problems with PD and chapters. It seems that when I go to the Create Disk stage, if I have more than one page of chapters then the DVD will not run properly when playing back on our DVD/TV. If I stick to only one page of chapters, then it works ok.

2. I'm having Backup BIOS CHKSUM ERROR problems with my PC but most likely this is a separate problem from PD7.

Hello, Having experimented further to try to find why the first chapter doesn't play, it seems to be related to the addition of a title at the start of the movie.

I can burn to DVD my movie (made up of a few camcorder video) and it will play on a DVD machine when there is no title placed at (or near) the start of the movie.

But when I add the title I'm getting a couple of problems - either 1, when burning to DVD, PD7 crashes at around the 37% mark, or 2, it will burn all the way (saying Burning Successful) but it wont load and play on a DVD machine.

I have placed a title at the end of the movie and this seems to be no problem so I'm wondering if you can't place a title close to the start of the movie (seems a bit odd though).

I'll experiment some more but if anyone can help here it would be greatly appreciated.


I'm new to PowerDirector.

I just completed compiling a movie made up of 5 separate video tracks. In PD, each track was given a chapter - i.e. there are 5 chapters. I produced the compilation and I burned to DVD.

When I play the DVD on a TV, it loads good with all 5 chapters showing and selectable. However, when I select Chapter 1, it doesn't play and the DVD player reverts to the TV channel. If I select Chapter 2, the DVD plays correctly. The other chapters 3 to 5 also play correctly.

I hope I've given enough information for someone to help me. Any ideas what I've done wrong???

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