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Hi Dafydd !

Yes, I have applied the last build, 2704.

I'll browse through the rest of the info. you provided (General Guide info: ) and revert.

Thanks Tony !
Kevin and Tony,

I wanted to say that I was no sure it was from the menu, but, in the mean time, I did the following :
- tried to create a disc with NO MENU, and it worked !
- tried again one disc WITH menu, but different than the first one. I didn't manage to do it with any animated menu. Looking in Task Manager, I can see that the application "MotionMenuGeneratior" starts using more and more memory, and when it goes over 1 GB (!) the burning process stucks, with no error message, every time at 45%. I have to kill the task using Task Manager.

However, if I use a static menu, it works !

Hi Tony !

Yes, it was a menu, one of the "original" ones, that came with PD.

Hi !

I hope someone could help me with my problem.

I have about 190 m2ts files imported from my Sony camera. I've created a project with all of them, did some editing and added a menu. The total duration after all of above - about 53 min. I've selected "Create disc", then AVCHD 8.5 GB, and started burning into a folder (estimated size 7971 MB). Everything went fine, the AVCHD perfectly playable in my PS3.

I have Windows 7 Enterprise, 4GB RAM. During burning, used memory (in task manager) dis not jump over 2.5 GB.

Now, the problem : I tried, after that, to add chapters (14). I've started burning again, and after a short time, (not even 10% of disc creation), burning stops and the following message is displayed :
Burning unsuccessful.
Possible causes:
Transcoding engine's front end stream error
Might be due to:
1. Broken or missing source file
2. Out of system memory.

During this burning process, used memory started to grow from 1.5 GB to almost 3 GB. Then, the error.

I've retried at least 4 times, and even restarted Windows.

Could someone, please, help me with that ?


Guys, I'm beggining to seriously question the quality of the Cyberlink technical support. I would like to share with you my last experience.

I have Vista Business 32b on my system with 8GB RAM installed. I know that Vista Business doesn't "see" more than 4 GB RAM. However, I heard that it is possible that Cyberlink applications access directly the RAM (irrespective of the operating system) and thus being able to "see" the whole 8 GB.

I wanted to check this with the technical support.

Here is my question :
"Hi !
I have Windows Vista Business 32bit on my system. This Windows version "sees" only 4GB RAM. However, I have 8 GB installed on my system.
Is it true that Power Director 7 accesses the memory directly, and thus can "see" all the 8 GB RAM ?"

This is their first answer :
"Dear Matei, Thank you for contacting CyberLink Online Support.
We understand your concern related with memory.

With regards to your issue, we recommend at least 15 GB of free space available on hard drive where software is installed to avoid any issue.

As you see, totally off topic !

My first reply
"I was speciffically talking about RAM, NOT hard disk space ! "

"Dear Matei,
Thank you for contacting CyberLink Online Support.
We understand your concern related with memory.

With regards to your issue, please contact your computer vendor to know the status.

We deeply regret for the inconvenience.

My second reply :
"Guys, I'm asking if PD7, YOUR product, knows to access directly the RAM, without using Windows for that. How could the computer vendor know this ? "

Answer :

"Thank you for contacting CyberLink Online Support.
We understand your concern related with memory.

With regards to your issue, please note that while installation it do not take any space from RAM also it takes space from ROM. Also note that whenever you will try to use this software then for buffering it will take some memory.

We deeply regret for the inconvenience.

"the installation takes space from ROM" ????

It's clear that I won't get the answer to my question ... but on which planet are these guys living ?
I did try AVCHD on DVD and it works perfectly on the PS3. Only the BDMV on DVD doesn't work.
Hi !
I,ve just bought PD7 and am verry happy with it.

I've imported two m2ts clips and then created a disc using the option "Bluray (on DVD)".

This DVD is then recognized as "Data disc" in my PS3 !

However, it is played perfectly with Nero Showtime (with Bluray plugin) as a Bluray disc, on my PC (in the BD drive, of course).

Any idea what to do in PD7, to make the disc recognizable in the PS3 ?

Hi !
I'm using PD6 to import M2TS files from my camcorder. After it converts them to MPEG2, I edit them as I wish (transitions, subtitles, effects, etc) then I'm producing an 1920x1080 MPEG2 file.

Now, in order to produce a disc with menus and chapters I have to import this file in PowerProducer 5 because only here I can do this.

Problem is that in PP5 I have much less DVD menu templates than in PD6 (and they cannot be edited, like in PD6)

So, does anyone know when a new version of PowerDirector which would have this feature, will be available ?

(Anyway, if PD6 would do this, then I wouldn't need PP5 anymore...)

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