Yep, as the linked post said, no apply all.
You don't drag, simply click on the next picture, click random again, rinse and repeat over and over.
well, so that means I have no way to do it as I used to.
How even can I drag the random pan&zoon to slides? I just can't drag it, it's applicable only for the one selected slide.
I selected slide, then edit -> image -> tools -> pan / zoom. Do I miss something?
in previous versions, I could select many pictures and add a pan&zoom effect for all of them at once. Now I can do that only for one picture at a time, which adds me a lot of work time. Is there still a way I can do that? Is there any chance they'll change it back / a way to make them do that?
Did you try my suggestion about using New Workspace?
If you still have issues you may want to contact CL tech support from their contact page.
Well, it doesn't help
Even if it would, it's a temporary solution. That's a bug that should be fixed
I'm afraid you've left out all kinds of important details, like the exact version of PD365 you're using, what kind of transition did you choose (Prefix, Postfix, Cross or Overlap), how many transitions have you favorited, and how many clips are on your timeline. There might be a difference between having 5 clips and 100, for example.
I don't see any issues with any combination of types on v21.5.3125.1 with 25 timeline clips. I tried it with 3 and with 9 favorites and all work as expected.
It's possible your project has become corrupted, and one thing to try is to select all your timeline content (click on any object then use Ctrl+A to select it all) then use File | New Workspace and paste everything to the new timeline. Save this project with a different name then see if the issue has gone away
In this project i'm using v21.5.3125.1, about 100 photos and 400 favorited transitions. It used to work even with bigger numbers until a few months ago, and now it doesn't work
I want to use the "apply my favorite transitions randomly to all vidoes" feature but it just doesn't work. It sometimes applies only for the few first objects and sometimes doesn't do anything. error: "Encountered an improper argument". Can anybody help me?
Hello there,
I'm a Hebrew speaker, and I've sometimes found it very frustrating to use Powerdirector because it doesn't support RTL languages. It means that whenever I want to write text in my own language - whether it's subtitles, titles, or any other text - I have to write it backward, line after line, which is really difficult when it comes to long paragraphs. Furthermore - there are many features who doesn't support my language at all - so, for example, I can't use the Comix titles pack at all.
Can Powerdirector developers please consider supporting RTL languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, etc in a future update, so that all those languages speakers can use it without problems?
The question isn't very clear.
Where are you trying to add leading between lines? On the video itself -- or in the Subtitles Room?
I'm not sure why you would want to add line spacing in the Subtitles Room.
I want to add (in the subtitle room) a subtitle with two (or more) lines, but the space between the lines is too big, I want to decrease it. Is there a way I can do that?
Is there a way to change the space between lines in my subtitle?
If not, is it going to be added soon?
When there will be RTL languages (like Hebrew, Arabic) support?