And thank you, I'll do just that.
I have been using PowerDirector and PowerDVD for years. Now I have a strange problem that has occurred lately. I edit and produce a video in PowerDirector 365 and it looks good in preview. Then I open the video in PowerDvd 365 and play it. The colours of the video (.m2ts) have changed from good (PD_Preview.JPG) to bad (PowerDVD.JPG). The same happens if I open the video with Windows Media Player. If I open the same video in VLC media player, the colours are as they should. I have tried everything but nothing that I can think of, helps. Now I am clueless. Can anyone help me, please?
Thank you all for your help.
This morning as I opened my laptop and PD and tried to produce the same range again, it succeeded just fine
It must have been some mistake or the like my laptop or PD made as rendering a range works fine now.
Assuming you've output your movie as a 1920x1080 MP4, what software are you playing your finished video on?
Windows Media Player has a lot of limitations and is probably not your best choice.
Try VLC Media Player. See if it plays your video with sound.
Thank you but unfortunately this did not help. I imported this MP4 file, which I assume , is the rendered file in PD and it seems that it there is no audio information
I was trying (several times, different parts of the video) to render/produce a part of my project for a friend (I have rendered the total project without difficulties yesterday). Everything seemed to work fine but there is no audio ! I have done the partial rendering before in earlier versions with success. What I can do?
I used to have a similar problem where it would play at 2x speed. This was in PD18 but I think they have fixed this problem since I never seem to run into it anymore. When I ran into it, I would just close and reopen PD18. I am not sure if the trial of PD18 is running the patched code that PowerDirector 365 runs. See if you can update it for the latest patches.
I have quite recently got this problem, too. When I am previewing the video, it suddenly start playing too fast. Furthermore the voice I hear and the playhead on the timeline do not sync any more. Then it starts playing normal again and after a while too fast again. In the library, the video clips play normally. Also, the produced video plays ok but it is a bit challenging to edit, when what you see on the time line and on the preview window and what you hear do not sync.
Disabling shadow files did not help. Nor re-opening PowerDirector . I have tried several times.
Thank you. It seems to be still working :
I don't think you can.
It would be a nice feature to have. Maybe you can propose a change, by using the 'Provide suggestions' in the File menu....
Thank you.
I'll do just that.
Is there a way I can add transitions to selected video clips only? Unfortunately I have not found it yet. It would make editing so much faster.
Ok, that 's what I'll do. Thank you both
Thank you so much for your answers BarryTheCrab and tomasc.
Now I am copying the DVD files to a backup hard drive.
I also tried creating iso files with P2Go 12, I succeeded in saving about 3 disc images but then, all of a sudden, for some unknown reason P2Go stopped working or rather, it just crashes and disappears when I press the Save Disc Image button. I reinstalled it once but the result is still the same.
Iso files would have been practical as they can be viewed with PowerDVD on my laptop. But unfortunately they cannot be viewed on tv because PowerDVD’s video streaming does not usually work; if I can see the video on tv, the voice is not with it and mostly, like now, I do not even see the steaming button at all. My Smart tv can only play m2ts files.
I have a large collection of home and holiday (on both DVD and AVCHD records) videos which I have made over the years, lately mostly with PowerDirector 365. Now I notice that the DVD or AVCHD-recordings really do not last “forever”.
Now I have two questions: I am wondering what is the best way to try to save my precious memories. Also I wonder, is there a way to convert my old DVD and AVCHD records to files that I can store on an external drive and show the videos directly from there without the hassle with actual records or quality loss.
I tried capturing (PD, Capture) the videos directly from a (still) working DVD or AVCH record which I thought would be the optimal solution. It works fine except that the quality loss is massive. I cannot change the profile, which is MPEG2 and produces only captures 720*480 even though the original DVD file is an AVCHD. The captured file size seems to be about the same as the original in the AVCHD record but the quality is horrible.
I still have the project files of some on the newest movies but as the PD versions have changed, it always causes somewhat extra hassle when opening earlier work files in new versions of PD. Now I know that the easiest way would be to convert my videos to .m2ts files and burn them both to .ISO files and the actual AVCHD records. But what to do with the older memories?
I am new to Power Director but I have been using other video editing programs and now I am thinking of moving over to PowerPower Director. I am editing with a Lenovo Think Pad , core i7. Unfortunately I run into big problems in the converting phase.
I am trying to create a holiday DVD Movie disc for a friend who prefers to have “real” DVDs. I burn the videos for myself as AVCHD video discs or save them to a memory stick. I edit with Power Director. My footage is AVCHD (*MTS) from a Sony camera + photos, music, some .mt2s clips and some videoclips from the Internet. My AVCHD discs turn out to be fine but I have a huge problem in burning to a decent DVD.
If I try to burn directly after the editing phase (the original footage on time line), the burning goes fine but the result is terrible.
I know burning to a DVD record makes the quality worse but it should not be that bad. Also the DVD stops after a few seconds, the sound may go on or may not. If the first clip is a photo, it stops immediately after that, if it is a video clip, it stops playing after a few seconds.
Then I tried to convert my edited footage to DVD HQ , then the converted footage to the time line, set chapters and try to burn that to a DVD record. Burning goes fine, the picture quality is better, it does not stop by itself but the sound is like coming out of a echoing box.
What am I doing wrong?