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OK, I did so. I installed the PD 16 trial version. It worked for sound as it should. The trial version is only for experimentation and makes some watermarks. So I do not really work with it. Anyway I will test is the power of the machine enough for it. Seems so that PD 13 does not make me cheaper than this 16.

The case has therefore resolved. It is unfortunate that CyberLink will not inform what is missing of the software.

Finaly, I thank you Robert and all the participants! Hopefully we will still be able to discuss some other issues. When you know Finnish, here is my IT site. There is own part, among others, for "picture programs" (photos and videos).

It can also be translated by Google, wich is not good because the Finnish language is difficult.
Robert: Your Finnish is very good, much better than my English.

Complete history. Destroyed registry caused the Win 7 reinstallation. Previously I did not have CL 13 but CL 11 and it was upgraded to CL 12. These I have doing my projects. They never had difficulties with the sound. They were in the same partition wich now have a different letter, including all the video files.

It was impossible to activate old CL softwares. I search repacement from internet and found a free CL 13 porgram, a CyberLink giveway product. Here's a link to it:

My use is good enough for CL 14 (i.e. PL 14). As the demads of these softas still increase, and my Win 7 machine is no longer new, the CL 14 is, for the time being, a good solution for me. I think CL 16 is exellent and some day I will get it. But now next time I will make a new video after summer next fall. Maybe CL 14 can to point out that this audio problem was in free version that is currently coming out of the net.

I will tell you the results.
I am still here. I find the download link for free CyberLink 13 and download it to Win 10 machine. Hi, there is the same problem, no original sounds. It is maybe the software or something when I try to download original klips. Do I use "Import Media Folders" or "Media Files"? Win 10 transfer told something that "Selectred file contain no RichVideo information to display scene information, do you want to generate it now". What it means?

Will you kindly help me again? I will now study all possibilities, what it is and how to correct it. Also study CL 14 trial verson. May take litle time.
Many thanks. I did this and reinstalled CyberLink 13. Bad news. The original soungs will still not be in the program. They do not come in original videoclips and they are not part of old projects. I think there is anything else to do for this.

I was thinking that when get time I can try to download this to my Win 10 machine. However, could no longer find the download link for free of charge CL 13. The insatallation may be done by transferring the downloaded file from the Win 7 machine. See if it is function then.

Tanks you very much for all! But I have to loock to see this thing is there. cry Well hello!
Hello again, here we're on the spot, albeit get a little bit cold. I'm only preparing to make the operation. First is needed to ask a couple questions. After the normal Power Director 13 removal, the following folders is still on the machine:

  • Power Dirfector 13 Content Pack Essential, 4.43 Gb, 33531 files

  • Power Director, 1,0 Gb, 18771 files

I don't know what they are. The latter could be a part of previous installations. Do I also remowe these two? On the machine is Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, wich I'm accustomed to using. Would I use Eusing to remove unusable registry entries?
OK, thank you very much Robert and Mike. I will remove the CL 13 program and its registy entries. And will reinstall it. I'll tell you the results after a few days, because I am couple of days away.

Here's a link to a picture. It is from the original videofiles. There are the original sound included in all m2ts files, as it should. Each of these m2ts files can be run with media players on the machine. You see one beach picture highlighted, whose wawes sound well.

I'll be back.
I tried to remove Hardware Acceleration. No change, no original sounds.

I am very sorry, but I would not start editing original video clips. I have also them in other video editing programs and they work great for the original sounds. As IT journalist I have tested a numbver of them. Likewise, CL 11-12 has never had any audio problems before. The reason for me now is that the CL 13 prograqm i'm running does not work. How should to manage in this case?
Here is videoclips properties in picture. I will after a moment look after Hardware Accleration.


Hardware Accleration is enabled, Open GL is not.
I managed to manually remove all but the background music files fom the project library. Download of new original video clips war also successful. But not the original sound in the clips.

I tried media plyer to hear the original sound. It's OK. Opened a new project and put videolips on it. The same thing, not the original sound.

So CyberLink 13 does not work for original sound, only background musik is to hear. I looked at the sound mixer. There are the sound settings in gray, no adjustments possibilities. Hi, is this a mute software? What do you propose to do now?
Hi, it was only a question: if I reinstall... I've not done yet. I am sure that new clips will play perfectly OK in CyberLink 14 making a new project. But are they working in that old project without rebuilding all from the beginning? Shall I first remove those old silence clpis from the projects media library? I'm trying to findf out. Hope to find something.
There is no original sound on those videoclips in the media library of the project. PowerDirector has sound on because project background musik in perfectly OK. Only original sound is missing from the clips and movie. Would it be helpful if I install original videoclips again to the media library? Should I remove first old ones from there or not?

The Best New Year for All of You!
I have on the Timeline the original soundtrack just below the video clips. More below - not shown in the picture - is a soundtrack for background musik. Background musik is therefore not on the actual soundtrack. I do not think it's question about coodecs. All my media players will play the original sounds from videoclips.

I took the test of this project to add again videoclips from the program's desktop. There comes no soundtrack on the Timeline at all. Not even such a gray bar that appears in the earlier restored project. It seems that the project's return has left the original sounds in something, both of the clips and the movie.

My dog's Tibetian Spaniel Elli greets all dog friends!
Hello all again! I found videoclips. They was not in the PDF fille but in the folder where they have been loaded from the camcorder. When I direct my search to there, they will come to the right places.

So it looks good. However, there is still one problem. The project would otherwise be clarified, but the clips and the movie lack the original sound. Background music that is not on videoclips works well.

Here's a link to picture of the project I've just returned.

How would I still get the original sound there?
Thank you very much for all of you. I have to take time out. Christmas is such a big event here in Finland and its celebration is about to begin. This country is the place where Santa Claus lives. laughing On Christmas holidays I go though all your good advices. And after the saints I will then tell the results. I wish Merry Christmas and Good New Year for all of you.
I'll be back.

The matter starts to become clearer. I tried Browse method. It does not find m2ts files what are maybe just videoclips. I found on the machine many m2ts files placed on C: drive. There was no m2ts files from new CL projects what I am looking after. Maybe I can find those from older C: drive back-up. Also possibly that there is nothing after C: drives crash. I'll be back.

I have previously had CyberLink 11 and 12. These were destroyed as unusable for Windows. When it is no possible to load old ones, I downloaded the new 13 wich I received free of charge. Its version is probably 13.0.3420.0. I think it can not be updaded.

I have not jet had to change to try Browse button method. I'm still a bit doubtful, when there missing only files of still pictures and musik, as I was seeing. Is this a mismatch of different versions? The program works fine otherwise.
Hello Robert,

When trying to open a project there comes information: CL PD can not open this media file because it was mowed or is missing. Check..... e.g. F:\xxxxxx.xxxxxx.mp3

Possibilities there are Browse, Ignore, Ignore All. Picture shows the result when using Ignore All button. I can troly find those missing still pictures and audiofiles locatios. But do this help, were are all videoclips? On timeline there comes empty windowses marking videoclips. Where CL saves project videoclips? I believe that they are on same location as PDS file, but seems so that they are not.

When editing videos all my videoproject material is on HDD drive in computer, not on SD cards etc. Do this help to clarify the problem?
Hello friends. Restoring projects is now underway, but it is more difficult as expected. At best, I have the first attempt with "ignore all" results as shown in picture here. (Hope get it here.) As shown in the picture, no video clips will be included. Where are they?

Here is the direct link:

Rober Panny: Could you please clarify how your proposal will be made. Where to start and what then... - you know.

I have backup of the old C: and F: drives, if needed. Trying activate project on old F:drive give the same result as shown picture, no clips. Also seems so, that changging drives letter do not help, when situation was no better using old F: drive.

Btw. is it impossible to copy and paste text to this forum? Using attachments?
Thank you all very much. It is quite unbelievable that some of software forums really get such good information and fast. It brings a warm Christmas feeling, if you could say so. I am an IT journalist and the Win 7 machine is one of my working and testing machines. When also having videos as a hobby I have written here in Finland in different contexts of CyberLink. Earlier have also been given advice, using an other username. There you have a good team.

Changing drivers letters would be the simpliest way. But, as Longedge says, it can cause problems with other programs and going tests. When I only need one or two old project, then I'm going to try out the methods described at the beginning of the chain. I'll tell you the experienses here after a while.

Best thanks to you, video and photo friends!
I had to reinstall Windows 7. The new installation changed the drive letters. Earlier, the videos, their projects, and photos were in F: Now is F: drive for CD/DVD drive. The newly installed CyberLink 13 can not find old projects from the current D: where they are. How to get the program to find them from the right place? Or how to modify project files so that they find the program?
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