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Well, it certainly appears that the issue is chapter-related.

Dafydd sent me an updated *.dll to try and resolve the problem, and sure enough, it worked!

When I loaded the "corrupt" project in PD6, the chapters which were previously messed-up (IE - displaying start times of "282343:52:24:-11"??) did not load. More importantly, the project was now able to successfully burn.

I'm not sure when this patch will be available to the masses, but I just wanted to post an update in this forum.

I still haven't confirmed about the renaming of chapters since installing the new DLL. If you rename the thumbnail on the Menu, it renames the Chapter if you go back to view the Chapter list. This allows you to enter a name longer than what could be entered on the chapter list. This behaviour is described in more detail earlier in this thread.

Hi Peggy. I'm glad you were able to resolve this error. I too was constantly receiving it, and thanks to Dafydd, was able to resolve it by REMOVING the chapters. I then sent him a sample of a short movie which consistently reproduced the error. Hopefully Cyberlink can resolve this.

Their support wasn't very helpfull at all. I was able to discover far more information on this issue in this forum. I wish they could have simply told me it's a bug in the software, rather than have me spend hours updating drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. etc. I came very close to paying for voice support, before discovering this forum.

As Dafydd suggested, you can also produce the movie directly to MPeg, and skip the need to create chapters in the first place. The new Mpeg can then be brought into any program, or even burned as a data file directly to DVD. The only downside is, of course, the lack of chapters and a menu.

Dafydd, I've done a few tests this evening, and here are my findings...

The first time I created the project (captured video in Mpeg format, some background music, Titles, stills, transitions and 15 chapters ), the burn failed (either to Disc or to the hard drive). I then continued testing, always writing to the hard drive.

I then REMOVED all the chapters, and it worked. Nothing else changed in the project. I then added ONE chapter for a total of 2, and it worked.

The original chapter names all varied in length. It's interesting to note that there is no character maximum when renaming a chapter - its based on the width of the name. For example, I could only enter a maximum of 15 "w" as a chapter name, 20 "o" or 60 "i". Because of the different widths of these characters, there's no actual maximum. The way around this (and likely a bug in the software), is to rename the Title corresponding to the chapter on the DVD Menu screen. When I change the title name to "This is a test of a long name", and then go back to the Chapter list, this full name appears. However, if you try and rename it, you can only enter "This is a test of a long na". Some very odd behaviour indeed.

It's odd that renaming the thumbnail title on the Menu actually renames the Chapter itself. The other odd item I noticed on the original project (the one which kept returning the error), was that Chapter 1 started at 00:00:00:26? This is very odd, as Chapter 1 should ALWAYS start at 00:00:00:00. I couldn't reproduce this behaviour with a new file.

Anyway, I then removed ALL chapters and produced it as an Mpeg (Mpeg2, DVD HQ). I created a NEW project and brought the Mpeg back in, added chapters and the burn worked! I then renamed the chapters (in the chapter room, NOT on the menu), added a background image to the menu and the burn worked!

I then went back to the ORIGINAL project, removed ALL chapters and re-added them back again. Chapter 1 started at 00:00:00:00, as it should. I then renamed the chapters (again, in the chapter room), added a background image to the menu and the burn worked. All the media was still in the libray, I never removed it.

I'm almost convinced that the error has to do with the chapters. When I took a look at on of the projects which was failing, chapter 1 had a start time of "282343:52:24:-11" ? I've found that you can bugger up the chapter list by REMOVING chapter 1. If you right-click the chapter, the option to remove is greyed-out, however, the "Delete Chapter Position" button will actually remove it, and all the chapters slide up. The chapter names then become messed up when you leave the Chapter room and go back to it - in my case, the Title of Chapter one became "Chapter 15"? Again, some very odd behaviour.

So in my particular case, the issue was resolved by removing all Chapters and re-creating. I then renamed them in the Chapter room and NOT on the menu. I haven't been able to reproduce this by creating a new, short movie using the Aquarium.mpg and renaming items on the DVD menu. It always burns successfully.

I hope this information helps, sorry about the length, I was trying to be as descriptive as possible.


Hilda, I just used the button "Remove All" in the Chapter room. I then saved the project with a new name. I now have two *.pds files - one with chapters and one without.

I'll try your suggestions tonight and get back to you.

Some of the chapter lengths were long (ie 25 characters). The software wouldn't allow me to use any more. I can't recall what the maximum is. The project has 16 chapters.

When the burn was successfull with only 2 chapters, the chapter names were simply "Chapter 1" and "Chapter 2".

One other suggestion I'll try - rename ALL 16 Chapters back to "Chapter 1" to "Chapter 16", will that burn?

Will post the results later tonight...

2 chapters worked fine just now!? I previously had 16, and I would receive the error.

Could it have anything to do with inserting chapters in the middle of a long AVI file? Some of the video captured comprises a 20 minute AVI file of a concert. I inserted chapters throughout, at the beginning of each song. I then renamed the chapters, so the menu could be created quicker (no renaming on the menu). The entire movie is only about an hour long, so nothing too huge.

No chapters worked. 2 chapters (chapter 2 inserted near the end of the movie, NOT in the middle of an AVI clip) worked. Neither of these 2 chapters were renamed.

Will keep testing, this is getting tiresome. One would think that CyberLink would have a fix by now, as customers have been getting this error for many months now.

I don't recall ever seeing this with PD5. Only since my upgrade.

I went to one of my projects which was returning this error, and removed ALL Chapters (all that was remaining was chapter 1 which can't be deleted). I then ran a burn, and it worked!

As such, I'm thinking that the error is an issue with the chapters. This of course is just a theory. Having a DVD without any chapters isn't the most usefull.

Now I'll try with, say, 2 chapters and see if it will burn...
I actually never use the "Produce" tab, I go straight from editing to create DVD. As such, I'm not sure this would do anything for me.

I did however remove ALL the chapters from the project and I got a successfull burn. Very odd.
Hi Dafydd.

Yes, I've tried your suggestion, unfortunately it didn't work...

I've been receiving this error code as well, either when attempting to burn to DVD or write to a file. At first I thought it was because the *.psd file was originally created in PD5, and I then upgraded to PD6.

When I looked at the chapter list in PD6, they were all out of whack (ie - the times were "-54:22:33:19", etc. They also all had the same thumbnail on them (slide 1). The only reason I noticed the chapters where buggy was when I went to create a custom menu (same thumbnail). I concluded that this error was therefor caused by these corrupt chapters, so I removed them all.

I then added all new chapters (16 of them), and they looked fine. I still receive this error (39% when burning to DVD - with menu, 45% when burning to a DVD with NO menu and 78% when writing to a file with menu, 90% when writing to a file with no menu). The error always comes up after "Producing Titles..." and then "Complete" is displayed.

Support via email has been very unhelpful. I've found out more by reading this forum than they've ever helped. You would think that they could perhaps read this forum! I wonder if voice support would be any better, I'm happy to pay for it?

I'm now going to remove ALL chapters, and try a burn to file. I'll run it overnight and see if it works.

Thanks, and please let me know if you require any more information.


I also get this error! What exactly does it mean? The email support hasn't been very helpful at all. I upgraded to 6 from version 5. I'm now running build 1731b.

The technician who emailed me said it's resolved in the latest build, and then sent me a URL. When I downloaded the file (427mb), it was the same file I already had!! Very frustrating. I'm unable to create a DVD.

I receive this error at 39% when trying to write to DVD. I received the error at 78% when trying to write to a file. In both cases, the error comes up AFTER "Producing titles..." and then "Complete". The issue is obviously not my DVD burner.

I see that several people have seen this error, but I have yet to find an answer. I'll be purchasing phone support if I don't hear any solution soon.

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