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It is incredible how Mr JCardana, replyed so accurately to this and Cyberlink Tech Support, after asking me for:
- DxDiag file,
- Windows Event log reports;
- asked for a JPEG of error (print screen) that does NOT exist as you can al see in the video;
- 12 or 15 crash reports sent;
- asked for driver updates and program updates even after seing that it IS the latest version...
Still don't know what happens.
Mr. JCardana, kudos to you.
How can I reward you for your help?
It worked FLAWLESSLY after removing that software and rebooting.
Ovation: the thread might be death...but it didn't give the answer yet so... I answered here because all the other posts I found about this subject were a long list of opinions that did not contribute for a solution.
Just like the one optodata gave right now...
I am not talking about the output to 3D... But the input.
As I am writing this I have a 30 minutes footage from two camera rendering on Magix Video Edit Pro X6, which is one of the video editors that accept two sources (left eye plus right eye) ans merges them into a 3d movie, capable of being played on bluray, youtube... Lg P920 smartphone and so many others.
The same movie will allpw the choice f the 3D render we want to apply when playing it:
Side by side, up/down, anaglyph, 2D...
This, optodata, is the output and I am sure PD13 does also a good job here.
But how do you use the footage from camera1 for the left eye (i.e. the left part of the stereo pair) and the footage from camera2 as the sight from the right eye (i.e. the right art of the stereo pair)?
Is it possible?
Because I am navigating trough all the menus and there is nothing here that lets me do that.
Take Magix Video Edit pro X6 for example.
You grab the left eye video and place it on the timeline.
Then you grab the right eye video and place it on the same timeline right after the left eye one.
Then on menu effects, choose 3d and pick left-right pair - left eye first. (you have the chice of full or half width as well)
And "presto!!!"...
The right footage passes to the timeline below the left one and they become a "pair" that you can then sinchronize by udio or images and do a series of other alignments for the correct tuning of the paralax.
This is, technically, not difficult to do from a programming level. I hve 25 years of C and other languages programming so I know exactly what I am talking about. Specially in a time that there are so many plugins available to all programming languages.
This is just a matter of being something worth to have for Cyberlink which looks to me, up to now, it isn't.
I love PD13 and CDirector4 but it is really boring to have to have another editor just to make the first 3D fim and THEN inmport it as a 3D ro powerdirector and work with it.
It took me 6 to 8 hours on a 6Gb/s 350GB SSD on my i7 with 16GB Ram to render 30 minutes of 2K footage...
Just to be able to START working...
Do you know any way to import left and right footages to PD13 or 14 and then outut them merged as Real3D?
Hello Dafydd B and Ovation.
And all of you who are reading this.
I work a lot with 3D and I'm used to render those 3D from stereo videos in other software products.
I'm used to have a right source and a left source and combine them onto a 3D movie.
I think this is what Ovation is talking here. I have seen in other posts from other users (and yes, an old post by Moto....) and I really feel lost.
I have PD13 and ColorD4 and frankly... I don't seem to find out how can I use left+right sources to render a True3D movie.
Am I missing something?
Lets take Magix Video Pro X6 for instance:
You take both footages, place them in the timeline (the same timeline one after the other, lets say left then right), choose "left/right,left side first" hit export and done....
That will be seen as a 3d source, playable at 3D players in all formats available: anaglyph, 3d Stereo, Side by side, interleaved, polarized, etc...
I have read your answer, Daffydd B, about having the software render the 3D effect from a 2D source and believe me that is no way close to the effect you got from a two camera set-up.
Speccially if the footage is stopped.... I mean.. if there is no movement in the images... it's easy to loose the 3D depth.
Those moments of contemplation when looking over the edge of a cliff before jumping from it... you get the 3D easily from a sideto side movement, not so much from a back-front movement but almost none from a steady camera contemplation scene.
The 3D ou get from a 3D set-up with two cameras don't let you down on those cases.
For me, shooting 4k underwater in Real3D with two cameras is really important to have the 3D correctly done.
Even if reduced to 1080p footages, I expect them to be the highest quality possible.
I know PD9 and PD 10 had difficulties here but is PD13 also not letting Real3D beeing produced from let/right sources?
Or am I missing something?
I have an asus n53V with a NVidea GT540M graphics board.
Running windows 10 ultimate on an I7 2740QM with 16Gb RAM and 2 Tb sata III Hard drive and an 350Gb SSD
Turned out it was just a matter of going to asus website and download the latest graphics driver for windows 8.1(NOT WINDOWS 10!!!) for the board.
I bought it and it ALWAYS crashes on my Windows 10 ultimate.
Trying to load files from GoPro Hero 4 at 4k/24fps 4k/25fps 1080p/120fps and 720p/240fps... any of these crash the program with a mention to C:\Windows\system32\
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