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If you can post about 5 seconds of this video here, we could check it out

Here it goes, thanks for the help.

See the image marked parts, possible causes of not having audio in the timeline.
Assuming you have the audio wave and the horizontal line exists, if you do not right click and check if this marked Mute Clip.


Checked and tried all your sugestions, didn't worked, still the same. Thanks anyway.
Quote Is your video's audio stereo or 5.1?


It's stereo.
I have the same problem with those files. Tried the above, but didn't worked. Any other solutions?

Whould be great the the capture function allow audio bitrate above the current maximum of 384.
I had also some problems with PD 14 (I have win 10). I remove it and reinstaled it again. Everything working fine now.
Hi Dafydd B,

Problem solved. Just removed PD14 and K Lite kodec pac and reinstaled again only PD14. Everything working now.

Thank you very much for you help and attention.


Hy Dafydd,

Thanks for your reply.

Regarding your questions:

1- it's not copyright material

2- usual file format that I've been using before (dolby) with no problems

3- local adress for source is standard length

I'm sending the diagnostic file and a printscreen with the project timeline showing the project properties. I'm using PD 14 with the latest patch.

Meanwile, I've tryed with another project (diferent source file) and again same problem.

Hope that you can help me. Thanks again.

Never had this problem before.Happens everytime when is finishing producing, just before starting burning the disc. Using win 10, 64 bits, with latest updates.

Any clues or help?

Thank you all
I've noticed in PD 14 that when creating a blu ray disc and choosing smart fit, the disc size predicted is diferent from the finalyzed disc. I've realized that in reality it ends with the same size as HD 1920 x 1080/50i. In PD 13 that didn't happened, smart fit was always the biggest size.

It's a bug probably.

Has anybody noticed that?
Why not properly check things before post them online?
Is this link correct?

When I install it, I still get the previous patch 2207...!

Got it! I've just did the reset, everything's working!

You're the one that figured out in the first place!

Hi Optodata,

As you sugested, I did both tests as seen in the attachments. One is fine, the other show some errors.

By the way, I've uninstalled PD 13 and installed again and so far I think that is working fine!! Mystery!

But again, thanks for your help & patience!! You're the best!

Saw all your posts, follow all your sugestions, still the same, still crashing and closing. Again thanks for all your help, but this needs a major solution.

Contacted support again, explaining the problem, it's something that they have to resolve with a patch/update. It's not acceptable that they garantee that a program (PD13) works with a new OS (Win10) and in reality it doesn't!!

I'm a costumer that payed for a good/service (twice actually, PD12 and upgrade to PD13!!), so it has to deliver what's being advertised! No less than that.
For quicktime I get a message that prevent me from install it. It says something like: you cannot install quicktime, this version (7.7.8.) is only for windows vista and windows 7.

Thanks for your helpfull tips!

What's your post about SFC command?

Windows dosen't let me install quicktime 7.7.8, it says that's only for winvista and win7/8!!
Just an update, support sent me a new download link and this time worked and I was able to instal PD 13. But now a new problem, I can open my projects, but the minute that I click on them on Timeline view, powerdirector crashs and shuts down!
Hi optodata,

Thanks for your time reading my problem. The thing is that power director is suposed to work on win 10, right? That's why I've upgraded from power director 12 not long ago. Revert my OS to win 7 is not an option, my win 10 is working fine. My problem is, why it takes so much time to get a solution for a client? Aren't any other options?
To cut short, had windows 7 and powerdirector 13, everything worked fine. Updated to windows 10 (clean install). Tryed to install powerdirector 13 (previous saved instalation filles). Couldn't install, says "some installation files are corrupt". Contacted suport, they sent a download link with new files. Some problem and message again. Contacted again, asked me to send some pc details. It's now more than 1 week with no suport contact with a solution!!
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