To cut short, had windows 7 and powerdirector 13, everything worked fine. Updated to windows 10 (clean install). Tryed to install powerdirector 13 (previous saved instalation filles). Couldn't install, says "some installation files are corrupt". Contacted suport, they sent a download link with new files. Some problem and message again. Contacted again, asked me to send some pc details. It's now more than 1 week with no suport contact with a solution!!
I don't know much about DVD & BD, but your third image is in 4.3. You say you are working 16.9?????
Yes, that's the project's preview, it's allways that size with 4:3 or 16:9
Hi Stevek
Thanks for taking your time trying to help me.
I've attached 3 pics.
- Pic 1 is the image on timeline, everything correct regarding size
- Pic 2 is the same clip on my pc screen, tryed also on TV/blu ray player with same results. As you can see, the image has been cut on top and bottom at least.
- Pic 3 is the image of beggining of clip on time line with that TV safe zone on.
My laptop is a sony vaio with a 1920x1080 screen.
Any ideas?
Thanks again
Been working on a mp4.4k file (8gb, PAL, 25fps), workspace PAL, some basic editing, cut some scenes, increase volume. On preview window everything normal regarding size/aspect ratio identical as original file. When burning, choosed BD 25 gb with best quality (HD 1920 x 1080/50i, default only 16:9). The image on burned BD is zoomed in. Know for a fact because the original file as some subtitles that on burned BD are cut or not showing all and scennes cut on top of screen.
Can anyone help me to avoid this?
Thank you all
Ah... right... got it!
Anyway, I was working with home/private made vob files.
Yes, I've learned this lesson with your inputs. Thanks again.
But why not powerdirector handle VOB files as other vídeo formats? Would great for the newbies like me... lool
Not enough words to thank you! I've followed your instructions and it worked!!!!!! THANK YOU
But I still consider this as a serious bug or fault on powerdirector that cyberlink should resolve as soon as possible!
Hope that someone from cyberlink kept an eye on this post.
Thanks again Jimb223 & all other members who tried to help me.
And how do I do what you sugest? Excuse my ignorance, I'm sort of a newbie on Powerdirector.
Thank you
Hi ynotfish,
Yes, it's a serious difference!! It ruins the project!!
When the file returns to powerdirector it keeps the lenght of audiodirector, that's why it goes out of sync!
It's an enigma for me this issue
P.S. My nick? just a abreviation of my real name Joaquim
Hi Carl,
It's only when I edit audio on audiodirector from a vídeo that came from powerdirector.
I hope that someone at Cyberlink adress this issue, otherwise I'll stop using Powerdirector for most tasks wich I would regret.
BillyR, thanks for your help.
Just in case, I've tried on my other computer (see file) and same problema again.
Here goes the problem that I'm having. File 1 (file on powerdirector) you see the length of 33:21:11, on file 2 (same file on audiodirector) you see the length of 33:30:720!! That means a 00:09 diference!
Here it goes:
Powerdirector Ultimate 12.0.2509.0
... when you edit the sound of a video on powerdirector and you transfer it to audiodirector, should have an option of asking if you want to keep the original format of the sound file.
I think that would be a way of avoiding problems with files size and sinc problems.
I've just realized what happens: no mather the file type that you have on your video file, when you edit the clip’s sound on audiodirector from powerdirector, audiodirector automatically converts the file to a wave file. And don’t no why (bug?), but the size of the wave file is diferent from the original file (on my case was a pcm file).
I think this is a question that cyberlink should adress on future updates.
Tried your sugestion and burned the DVD, no luck, still out of sync...!
Hi BillyR,
Tryed your sugestion, but still out of sync.
But anyway, thanks for your help.
More clues?
Hi borgus1,
At first was a VOB's audio track, after wavedirector editing, became a WAV file.
Thanks for your interest, hope you can help.
Hi Neil,
Yes I have.
Thank you
Any help would be apreciated.
After editing sound (boost+equaliser) on AudioDirector (updated version 4) on a video file from a home made DVD, when the file returns to PowerDirector (updated version 12) it's allways out of sync vídeo/áudio.
Seems to me that still is a non solved problema within powerdirector. Very disapointing.
Any help or clues to solve this problem?
Thanks to all