Hello, I am brand new to PowerDirector and am looking for some help. I tend to be pretty good at figuring things out on my own using tutorials and stuff on YouTube. However, I was thinking it might be worth looking into a tutoring session or two via Zoom. First, let me explain what my goals are with PowerDirector
I service and repair bank equipment. ATMs, security cameras, security systems, drive thru units, vaults, safes, and so on. I am wanting to start making how-to videos to be used internally by the company. Videos on how to change different parts on ATMs, how to troubleshoot an alarm panel, stuff like that.
I would like to talk with someone with experience to help guide me on how best to go about learning PowerDirector. What effects and transitions would be best to focus on, stuff like that.
I'm willing to pay by the hour. Looking for someone as experienced as possible. Please reply here or send me a PM and let know your hourly rate. Thanks!
*** Moderation Note: user email address removed for privacy concerns ***
Why not keep your money in your wallet and just check out the various YouTube offerings. Some like to showcase special effects which most users would seldom or never use while other showcase the very basics of editing, titles, transitions, and audio.
I believe any of the downloaded PIP, Particle, Transistion, and Title templates as well as the Magic Movie/Style templates are easily un-installed from the program if the user just doesn't like them for any reason. This is normally done by right clicking on the downloaded template icon in the Library window and selecting "Delete from Disk" (wish Cyberlink would change that wording because it does not actually delete the downloaded file from the disk but just the unpacked files that were made available to the program in the proper folder location).
However, I've noticed that any downloaded Express Project templates that were installed cannot be "deleted from the disk" because, well...., that option just does not appear. The only thing visible when right clicking on these templates is "Open File Location" which takes you to the "C:\Users\Public\CyberLink\Downloaded EP\ExpressProjectNNN" folder.
I assume therefore that the only way to remove an installed Express Project template is by navigating to its installed folder and deleting that folder in its entirety. Unless I'm missing a more obvious method. Can anybody confirm that is the one and only method of removal?
Which also brings up another related question. Assume for example that one were to delete the folder named "EpressProject010". Does the program function well with a missing sequential folder (the numbering sequence in my example would then jump from 009 to 011). Just wondering if that would cause any confusion to the electrons inside my CPU.
PDR v20.0.2607.0 Ultimate
Win 11
I'm confused about the availability of AI Sky Replacement as a plug-in depending upon which plan one decides to go with.
This thread (https://forum.cyberlink.com/forum/posts/list/84803.page#350684) in March 2021 seems to indicate that it is not available in the licensed versions but only in 365.
However, this thread (https://forum.cyberlink.com/forum/posts/list/85915.page#355674) in Oct 2021 is showing a demonstation of the feature in Version 20 Ultimate.
And there seems to be no definitive answer if AI Sky Replacement is available on the V20 Ultra. The "Plans and Pricing" web page at https://www.cyberlink.com/store/powerdirector-video-editing-software/buy_en_US.html show that "Advanced features (e.g. AI-powered tools, selection mask (vertex), shape designer etc)" are not in the Ultra version. But to me, that is not clear if AI Sky Replacement is to be considered an "advanced feature" or not. If it is, then what other things are considered an "advanced feature" that would be missing from the Ultra version? Why does Cyberlink not make this clear?
A little clarification would be helpful.
This is one reason the moderator has posted a list of FAQs.
While the FAQs address one issue of adverts during Production from within the PDR process, I believe the OP was referencing something else: "..in Director Zone, I am barraged by pop up ads and offers...".
This is a web site / HTML issue. Interestingly even AdBlock doesn't stop the ads while in DirectorZone. Its all just a minor inconvenience for obtaining what are "free" templates. Maybe somebody else has a workaround.
Hi Baldy95307 -
I've been scratching around all the .xml files in that folder trying to find a reference to "AR Bonnie", which is the font used in that template. No luck thus far.
You're right about the spacing. For that font, particularly, it's a bit "generous" unless you have very short chapter names. It looks likes the spacing is set at ~5 (see attached screenshot).
Up to a point, I've been able to make a replica of the Cinematic template... so that it's modifiable. Haven't quite nailed it yet.
You may be able to overcome it by changing the font/size to a more tightly spaced one.
Cheers - Tony
I previously mentioned about making my own "Test" templates, one with a wide text spacing and the other with zero text spacing. Otherwise, the templates were identical. I then compared each and every .xml file in the template folder to see where there would be a difference. Much to my surprise, they each had identical .xml files. Conclusion.....the text spacing attribute must not be held within the template itself. There must be some sort of other unknown file holding this value.
Along those same lines, I changed one of the fonts to one weird named one found on my computer. Surprisingly, that weird name does not appear in any of the templates .xml files.
What is going on here? A template's data must be spread elsewhere. Oh wait a minute. Don't tell me they create a registry entry also. I probably need to look there.
I'm trying to use the "CINEMATIC" template which normally has the modify option grayed out presumably because of one or more motion videos that are part of the opening sequence. The CHAPTERS page for this template displays the text with an exorbitantly large value for test spacing. The only allowed modifications during the CREATE DISK process is to change fontface and font size but not the text spacing which is reachable only from the MENU DESIGNER process. But with a grayed out MODIFY option, that is impossible.
I've been looking at the values found in the C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\templates\PowerDirector Content Pack Essential\Menus\Cinematic\fontstyle folder. I realize these folders are someplace one shouldn't normally be directly changing anything unless they know exactly what they are doing.
Within the file "std_fstyle.xml", there are several lines similar to this:
<STYLE FONT="-12,0,0,0,400,0,0,0,0,3,2,1,34,0,0,1,100,255,255,255,Arial" ID="2"/>
Perhaps one of these numeric values controls the text spacing, but which one. If I knew for sure, I could modify the "std_fstyle.xml" file for a more acceptable value on the text spacing.
How do I find this out? Someone at Cyberlink must know or perhaps there is some sort of SDK available to peruse.