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Hi Dafydd,
They are scheduling a assist somewhere in the coming days. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the swift and effective intervention.

I'll let you know what the results (and reasons) are and were.
Hi Dafydd,

Here is the dxdiag of my system

this is about delivery by unauthorized suppliers. However Cyberlink supplied me with a new program and key and the problem remains
Being in the software industry for over 25 years, I have never heard of such a rediculous policy. Paying users that CANNOT use the product due to all sorts of mechanisms CL implement to prevent piracy. This is the world upside down.



I truely hope that Cyberlink will suffer from its own customer unfriendly approach... arrogance is mostly punish... lest hope this will happen soon


Almost 2 months ago I purchase PD9 with Henry street (site). I installed it on a Vista machine, connected to the internet.

After entering the activation key I started using the program.

Right with the first import of a FLV-file, a message came up requesting me to activate the FLV import function (or use a trail as alternative). I did this (clicked activate), but this resulted in a total program freeze.
I then stopped the program (program manager). Since then the FLV import was not possible anymore (freezing the system all the time).
When importing MPEG2 or H264 however, I got the same message to activate these functions, which I did (click activate). The import went OK, but instead of freezing the system, everytime I imported another H264 or MPEG2 file the same question kept on coming back (with the difference that the remaining trail days went down).
After 30 days I couldn't use MPEG2 or H264 files anymore because clicking activate resulted in the message that activation was not possible due to "I was either not connceted to the internet of had an illegal key".

In parallel I adressed the issue with support and they kept on asking me the same questions over and over again. So I have been sending proof of purchase, regitrationnrs, errormessage etc etc more than 3 times.
Finally, after escalation to Michael Cyberlink (who suggested to send him the support ticket nrs), I got a response.

I got a new download and a new key.

I installed all that (first running the program CL Cleaner2-Powerdirector) and entered the accompanied activationkey.
The result was that importing a FLV file did not totally freeze the program anymore. IT NOW BECAME THE SAME PROBLEM WITH NOT BEING ABLE TO USE THE IMPORT OF H264 and MPEG2 AND SO ALSO FLV.

I reported this again to Support and no reaction was given.

I tried to resolve it by totally reinstalling Vista (fresh installation) and install the program as the first application: NO EFFECT. SAME ERROR
I tried installing it on a XP machine: SAME ERROR, SO NO EFFECT.
I tried running it from a different network location (I have 2 subnets): NO EFFECT, SAME ERROR

The messages I get are (free translation from dutch):

When importing:
"To use this function, you must first activate. Make connection
to the internet and try again. Activation is free and easy.

H.264 - Component-activation

Remaining: xx days" (xx changing of course, until it is 0)

TWO BUTTONS: Activate and Try

When hitting activate, the follwing message appears:

"Codec-activation not succesfull. This can happen because no internet connection is available of
disconnected or the activation key of the program is illegal or the activationperiod is succeeded".

When still in the trail period, hitting trail results in the file import. But after the trailperiod, this is no longer possible.

And support is not coming back on the ticket(s).
These are the tickets:
2011/08/31 Open PowerDirector CANNOT ACTIVATE FLV, H264 or MPEG2 in PD9 (see also CS001043709) CS001053120
2011/08/23 Open PowerDirector Powerdirector locks up when importing FLV CS001043709
2011/07/11 Closed PowerDirector Have to keep on registering CS001037815 2011/07/11
2011/07/11 Closed PowerDirector Powerdirector locks when importing a flv file CS001037813 2011/07/11
2011/07/06 Closed Customer Service Powerdirector CS001036270 2011/07/08

Does anyone having any idea how to resolve this???

It seems that the acitivationkey policy of Cyberlink is so strickt that is prevents paying uses from using the product.
(which is a shame, because I do like it)

Thnx in advance.
I agree. I have purchased the product. installed it and are stuck with an activation problem AND HAVE SEND PROOF OF PURCHASE 3 times now... but no solution is given to use the program fully, it looks like I am stuck with some sort of a trail version
I would by it if it would work after 30 days. Dispite the fact that I have send proof of purchase now 3 times, activated all sorts of formats a thousand times, I am now stuck with a paid program that only can import some formats and the others are exclude (no activation possible) and a service organisation that keeps on asking the same questions over and over (what is your proof of purchase, send it 3 times, what is your serial nr, send it 3 times, what is the message, send it 3 times etc.) AND NO SOLUTION IS GIVEN
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